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Posts posted by mattm

  1. Can't watch movie... Obsessed with stupid greasemonkey...

    I made a little script that allows me to customize the colors of the jambands pages. It's really neat what you can do with it.

  2. Check if they have a test you can write. My buddy got caught around there somewhere and he just had to pay the fine, write a VERY easy test and no points came off (ticket gets thrown away and you only get it once in one year). You do still have to pay the whole fine though. I'm not sure which cities do this but I know several do.

  3. Ahhhh, I Mother Earth. I used to see these guys all the time before they got popular (and after really).

    The best was seeing them at a bar in barrie ontario (I forget the name and it's closed now) whenever they came through as well as at molson park many times. I watched tea party at that forementioned bar several times as well before they got popular (and a bunch of other good bands from the 90's).

  4. careful:

    Like other domestic rabbits, dwarf rabbits consume grasses, grains, and other succulent greens. Their digestive system is somewhat less hardy than their larger cousins, and many leafy vegetables such as lettuce and cabbage can give them health problems.

    from here

    hmmmmmmm, maybe this?

  5. I had some neighbors that had a bunny when I lived in London. They had a leash and would take it for walks.

    Later, said bunny moved to an apartment right in the heart of downtown and could no longer go for walks. The thing is, it also constantly got out of its cage and was the bane of anything (predominantly wires) that was at its mouth height.

    Really fun to play with though.

    I know nothing more about bunny's except I heard they like carrots and say "what's up doc?"

  6. ANYWAYS....why hasn't my wicked smokers hack gone away, is it due to the fact that I have cheated 4 times? karma? or should I just start smoking again...no one loves a quitter you know.

    I've quit several times, once for 4 months, but the hack doesn't leave. For the first little bit it seems to get worse for me then goes back to regular, then I quit quitting.

    Good luck dude, it's fucking tough, I still haven't had the willpower. Don't worry, you'll make it.

  7. I work for the city of ottawa so I'm not allowed to have an opinion...

    (My opinion is that posters make the poles look nicer and that any fine over $50 for anything that targets mostly non-profit, culture oriented, events is criminal... shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone I said that)

  8. ,8,1

    my god. if you still have a 64, try:

    LOAD "$",8,1

    I remember the old green only screens. Orange only too. I love the site.

    Haven't had a chance to grab any of the samples though (must be done from home).

  9. I never went to that cafe, but have gone to a few different in Ontario and BC. I always looked at them as a way off callenging the current laws.

    I would never want to open one but I am glad that there are people out there that would.

    I agree with that as well. It still baffles me that I can buy cigarettes but not weed when cigarettes will just kill me and I get nothing from them. I liked the idea in amsterdam 'cause I could get together and smoke with like minded strangers that wouldn't normally just drop by the house (though I have had a random stranger drop by a house I lived in who happened to have some and became a friend of the house)

  10. ouch. I have to say it again, ouch. I love the thing at the end with "The best 60% of your income". My dad pays over 50% of his income which I think is a crock of shit since public services seem to be dwindling.

    Funny video.

  11. Feel better Velvet. I encourage you to do some reading on kidney stones. They are often caused by diet, so when this one passes you can modify some things to ensure you don't get a reoccurance.

    The only time I have ever seen my Daddy cry is when he had kidney stones. It broke my heart.

    The key is water, that's what the pee doctor told me (I had to see a urinasomethingorother dr). he said make sure to drink tonnes of water and not to consume too much alcohol and I shouldn't get another one. I think for me it's that I always smoked too much greens which dehydrates me but I never got my proper intake of daily water (8 frickin litres I read somewhere, and that doesn't count fruit juices, coffee, or other water mixes).

    and also, I feel for you, full out empathy here. I didn't say that earlier but I meant to.

  12. I just checked my prescription and it's for percocet. What can you folks tell me about percocet?

    Well, the bottle I had said that alcohol will augment the effects but didn't say not to drink. They work REALLY well for getting rid of extreme hangovers. They don't make you tired but you get a great daze out of them. Take one and smoke a little of the green styled tobacco and then just watch tv, it's really relaxing.

    PS: They can make you constipated so don't take too many too often unless you actually are in pain.

  13. that happened to me to. I had a slight pain before bed one night a couple years ago. When I woke up it was excrutiating. I called 911 on myself 'cause I thought I was going to die. I was convulsing it hurt so bad and they shot me up with penicilin three times that day at the hospital and told me to stop convulsing 'cause I was scaring the other patients (like it was my fault).

    My mom had one and she also said it hurts more than giving birth.

    I think it's kinda different though. The pain is not from the stone coming out but from it travelling from the kidney to the bladder (at least mine was). Once it hits the bladder it's not too bad. After that you just pee it out. If it's too big, they do an ultrasound type thing but with really powerful music to break the stone into pieces that can be passed. Mine just barely passed the passable size.

    One good thing about it was that I got tonnes of percocets (Edit: I think I spelled it right this time) and was in a daze for about two weeks. They also came in handy for a long plane trip right after.

    If your pain is already gone then you shouldn't have much more problems and might not even notice it come out. Depends on the size and how sharp/smooth it is. Mine was really sharp and big, hence the pain. I was also in pain for almost two weeks. It stopped about 3 days before the little stone came out.

    This might sound gross but if you do notice it passing, try to rescue it from the toilet. A doctor can tell quite a bit from it (why you got it, will it happen again, etc).

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