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Posts posted by mattm

  1. My cubicle is a four person one so it's not too bad. We have privacy (for viewing videos such as bradm's latest find the glasses commercial) and we each have a place to hang shit with a cabinet, etc (the cubicle has a desk in each corner with it's own shit). My cubemates aren't picky and laugh at the same stuff I do so it's not too bad. One thing I found really nice here is that they provide you with earphones so that you can listen to music all day and no one complains. Another nice thing is that the walls are just short enough that I can see and talk over them.

    I've finally resigned myself to acceptance of a cubicled life :(

  2. I had sex with a gay penguin in first year University. Doesn't make me gay though, nor a penguin, I was just experimenting, the way kids do.

    hehehehe, it sure does make you gay and a penguin. Man, you really have to be homophobic to be scared of gay penguins. Also, these penguins are from a zoo, has anyone actually asked them if they're gay? They might just be good friends. Remember the movie Three Men and a Baby? Oh shit, better ban that one too. There were THREE men in that one taking care of a little one.

    Seriously though, the gay penguin movement seems to be getting stronger and stronger and something really should be done about it. If this is happening out in the wild then who knows who might stumble across it in their travels and be influenced. Maybe there should be open hunting season on penguins?

    Look, nobody enjoys shooting penguins. But if you have to shoot penguins, well, you might as well enjoy it.
  3. I didn't see any elephants on koh samui but a horse was taking a stroll down the road one day and stopped at the place I was staying. It was pretty neat because the horse had no handlers and wasn't bolting around terrified, just strolling down the street looking around at things.

    A guy did bring up an elephant we could feed while waiting for the bus in ban phe and it had a blinking red light on it's ass so cars wouldn't hit it. You'd have to be pretty blind to run into the thing but I guess it must have happened.

    I do know they grow lots of them over there using buffalo shit which is pretty good.

  4. My favorite spot in the world. Make sure that you hit Koh Samet in Thailand. It's an island (Koh) but it's a park. Head to the beach from the ferry. When you hit the beach, turn left and walk along the beach until the end. Here is a little tiny bamboo hut resort thingy but, and here's the kicker, you can get weed and shit from the guys that run it. Also, there are no cops on this island. There should be a guy there by the name of Thai (a Thai named Thai, it's probably not how you spell it but it's funnier that way). He has a canadian flag tatooed to his chest. Talk to him (he twirls fire at night).

    Also try out the full moon party on ko phangan, it's really fun. There's a little bar when you get to the beach where the rave is, turn right. You'll pass three or four bars that are quite open but there's a little tiny one that isn't. Head inside and ask for a mushroom shake. it tastes great and kicks in in about 5 minutes flat (and holy shit they're potent over there).

    I'll stop now to avoid too much typing but have fun and bring bribe money. Sorry about the shitty directions but my memory doesn't allow me to remember things like names very easily, just pictures.

  5. I like it. See, the major difference here is that it uses real computer hardware. Like the UMPC will have an intel centrino in it rather than the really slow palm, etc, processors. Same with ram and (without having read much so this is an assumption), the hard drive. You get to run a full fledged windows xp instead of the CE version (much more capabilites and things can be programmed for it much easier). It's like a palm pilot on steroids.

    It's also a tablet pc which means it's touch screen and if you were're rich, you could put these all over your walls to control your house (mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, fully controlled smart house).

    They need to get slightly smaller but when they do there won't be a need for palms and blackberry's.

    Also, the blackberry and other little computers on those lines have very limited memory and power so when programming for them you have to be very careful to make the program as small and non-memory intensive as possible. I made a little rpg game for the blackberry where a stickman can run around a town. About 4 colors and a pretty damn small town plus I optimized the shit out of it and still there were memory problems. These little guys don't have to worry about that so much which is great for programmers looking to get into the industry. Add to this the API's (code you can use to write the programs for the little devices) for the blakberry, palm etc, are usually quite limited which means the programs also have to be limited. With this little guy someone could probably run a slightly scaled down matlab (used to mathematically model pretty much everything in the world that you see, use, etc, like planes and cars) anywhere to make field calculations that would normally have to be done with a laptop or desktop. It's a lot easier to hike around with a little guy like this than a laptop.

    my two cents

  6. How loud is it outside? Get the band to play or put some tunes on at the same volume level and walk around outside to see how loud it is and where the noise is coming from (badly sealed window, something on those lines). There's a good chance that a little bit of creative styrofoaming could plug up the problem.

    I had a neighbor when I lived in London (ON) that called the cops at least 3 times a week on us for noise but it was never once loud enough. After a while (about a year) the cops got so mad they gave a ticket to the neighbors that kept complaining because it was wasting their time. If you're respectful and stop at decent times then there shouldn't be a problem, you might just have the same asshole type neighbor that I had.

  7. Wow, I really don't like this thing. Plagiarism isn't exactly good but man, the chance of 8 consecutive words showing up out of 4.5 billion papers has to be incredibly high, plagiarised or not.

    That is the american way though, fear and threats to control your population, wether it be your country or just your class (not saying you Good Dr Evil Mouse).

    If I submit a paper and someone else submits a similar one in a college on the other side of the country (we've never met and the paper obviously has never been published), how could it possibly be construed as plagiarism?

    What about copyright? Something tells me that when an assignment is submitted it becomes copyright to the school and not the student but should schools not be slightly pissed at the fact that these companies are using their material to make money (add to that they are paying the companie to make money off them)?

    I submitted an assignment two semesters ago. It was a 3d game demo I had made but far far exceeded the requirements of my course so I insisted that I keep the copyright. I already had over 100% in the class so I didn't care about handing in the assignment or not but they wanted it for a demo to get new students to join. What I'm getting at is that they agreed that I could keep the copyright so if they checked it against that database and that database used it for further comparisons, should I not be compensated? I'm sure there are other scenarios which are the same.

    This argument is actually quite sound -- given enough time and enough monkeys, one could eventually produce "Hamlet" by accident.

    from here

    What about the monkey's? I bet they wouldn't have a clue they'd plagiarised Shakespeare but they'd get booted from school?

    I'm going to stop now and think about WTTS and MSS this weekend and other happy thoughts. Good topic Doc.

  8. I like PJ lots, grew up with them. If Phish get's back together I might pay those prices but no way in hell would I pay them for almost any other band (not for a one night show anyway).

    Edit: Then again, that is price/pair so you get two tickets. To hurt that, though, something tells me it's $US (the little note with **)

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