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Posts posted by mattm

  1. I hope the outside treats helped your stumoch

    they sure did which allowed me to (almost) resume my true role as dancing maniac for Franke. That guy sure can play guitar and I loved the drummer (just looking at his face and seeing how into it he was), same with all of them. I really like that in a band.

    Normally I have a very hard time standing still when there's any music going on, let alone good music.

    I don't think I'd ever label myself as too cool for anything but I am shy so sometimes I think I might come off as snotty instead of stupidly frightened of new contact.

  2. Actually, the Mark II unit will be much better: it'll be based around the electric frying pan, and will have a USB link to your computer, which will have software that'll let you import an image (GIF, JPEG, whatever), assign a colour/brightness-to-height mapping (along with a user-specifiable bit of randomness, to make the image appear less than perfect), and have the image appear in the pan. Heat up the pan, oil up whatever you want fried, and drop in. Of course, this will be purely for entertainment purposes only.



    When you get it done, let me know. I'm in for one. I can just see the doh piling up from ebay sales with this one. I'm not just talking religious icons either, the possibilities are endless. Movie stars, rock stars, all immortalized in grilled cheese.

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, grilled cheeeeeeese

  3. Brad, that is sheer genious but you shouldn't say something like that in such a public place or too many people will pick up on it.

    In all seriousness, after seeing the $28000 grilled cheese, that idea could probably actually land you some money.

  4. mattm and birdy, weren't you the two telling cowboy to cross the picket line? what side of the fence are you on here, or does it depend on the thread you're in?

    Yup, if you need money you need money. I detest unions but I like teachers and hate what's going on with the education system in the province. I hate the amount of money that students could potentially lose because teachers might want more. I hate that some students might even drop out because of something like this. If it's happening, it's happening though so I'd rather the teachers won. Maybe that way they'll care more about the students.

    In the other thread, cowboy isn't even really part of the union that is striking.

    My teachers have said they'd really rather not strike but the union officials want to so they have to. I look at that and say, hmmmmmm, what's going on here. Same thing at the place I work right now (City of Ottawa). The union officials wanted a strike but 90% of the employees I talked to really didn't want to miss work and lose pay and were just fine with how things were.

    Edit to add:

    School is out for more than 150,000 Ontario college students on Tuesday morning after talks broke off between college officials and the Ontario Public Service Employees Union.

    if the semester ends without some decision being made then that's 150 000 x $1500 (or so) then there has been a loss of $225 000 000 in tuition from the students. That's alot of money to take from the brokest part of society. Add to that the rent, bus passes, etc and we're talking lots and lots of dough here. I know the education system needs reformation but I don't think a strike is the way to go.

    Also, on a completely unrelated topic, Dr Evil Mouse (I love the evil mouse idea), if you play guitar and you're there in the summer, I bring one almost everyday to sit outside between classes and am looking for folks to join me...

  5. Fuck the strikers, cross the picket line. If you need to get paid, you need to get paid.

    Edit to add: I'm heavily biased against unions due to rules like seniority (giving jobs to those that are there the longest rather the those that are most qualified is just plain stupid) and the inability to fire the absolutely terrible workers (I've worked with folks whose negligence caused injury and still it took 3 verbal warnings then 2 written warnings then some court dates to get rid of them) so my opinion is also heavily biased. Perhaps some unions are good but I have yet to experience it.

  6. If I was tripping with someone and they just up and left I'd probably be quite pissed. If they told me it was 'cause they pooped their pants and had to go, I'd probably laugh (sorry but it is kinda funny) and also completely forgive the person. hey, shit happens (sometimes when you really don't want it too).

    I'm not a woman, though, so I have no idea about this. I have learned one thing in my life, though, and that's to call women. You have to decide what to say but if you don't call, she'll be royally pissed, and from what I hear probably confused and hurt too so if you tell her you had to leave (for whatever reason, tripping out too much can do that to a person) then she doesn't have to feel like it's her fault. I have no idea if any of that made sense.

  7. I hope it's over soon. I'm an algonquin student but I can't afford it. I'm on COOP now so it's not bad but it would kill me to lose that tuition. Sometimes I'm so poor I can't even eat every day so things like strikes really piss me off, especially when most of my teachers are saying that they'd really rather not have a strike. I don't think it will go long enough to ruin the semester but if it does there's a good chance a lot of students won't come back and that REALLY sucks as we need as many educated folks as possible in the country. And all you university people don't snicker when I say educated. Some people can't afford university or don't have the time for it. I can't count the amount of times I end up in a group of university folks to find that they start talking down to me when I mention I'm in college, grrrrrr.

    That's my two cents. I'm not a teacher so I can't see that point of view. I hope the teachers win though as I love it when people stick it to the man.

    I have noticed what seems like way more students walking the halls than there used to be. It's not a bad thing because 95% of them seem to be female now (I guess the guys just aren't making it past high school). Actually, I think someone might have mentioned an article on here about that (male/female education and youths). I haven't noticed any less teachers but that might just be my department.

  8. If you really explore venice and go down a bunch of back alleys you'll be quite surprised to see a rather crude but really big canadian flag on a door. I don't have a clue where it is but my buddy and I found it while exploring. It's the entire top half of a rather wide, old door so if you do pass it, you can't miss it. Also, make sure to get up fairly early in the morning. If you're lucky the water will be above street level and you get to walk on the sidewalk scafolding (well, kids usually get a pretty big kick out of it). The giant hand (can't miss it) is a great spot to stop and play guitar. Something really funny you can do is go to Piazza San Marco (the main square) and get some pigeon food (there are kabillions of pigeons in the square at the right times). Now put the food in someone with a hoody's hood and watch how many pigeons will land on him/her. I had one sit on my shoulder for over 30 minutes one time as we walked around venice. While there make sure to check out the Basilica San Marco (look at the floor, it's a wicked mosaic). There's also a jail there that teenagers might get a kick out of. It's completely closed in except for one bridge. Once in a blue moon the prisoners would be allowed onto the bridge and it was the only time they saw sunlight. One of the best ways to see the city is to just hop on the bus (boat bus) and take it all the way around. It's way cheaper than a tour. Then again, if you're not pinched for money you might as well just take a tour.

    In Rome, make sure to climb to the top of St. Peters for the wicked view of the city. There's also the sistine Chapel which is free if you're there on a sunday (it's part of the whole tour of St Peters and is actually really small). Just outside St. Peter's (straight out the main entrance and past all the pillars), there is a REALLY good gelato store on the right. Another thing about St Peters is that if you stand on the dots (just look around out front and you'll see dots on the ground like a foot or so across) and look at the pillars, it looks like just one pillar but if you step off the dot you can see that there are several pillars behind it. That might sound vague, just step on the dots and you'll see. You can also check out the coliseum. It's really old but one thing I found the coolest is that you can buy beer at the sovenir vending guys/hot dog stands while waiting to get in (yeah, mixed priorities here).

    In florence there's the gallery of Academia (with the statue of David) which is pretty cool.

    I could go on and on. Italy is one of my favorite places in the world. The wine is cheaper than water in some spots and the selection of cheese and bread from the markets is amazing.

    If you can, get over to Verona. It's a beautiful little city where Romeo and Juliet took place. On one side is a really big hill at the top of which you can see some sort of basilica looking thing. If you're curious and make your way up there you'll find (if the smog isn't too bad) that you have one of the most breathtaking views you'll ever see (not to mention the basilica thing, which could be a moestary, is very peaceful). There's also a statue of Juliet amongst a bunch of love grafiti which is pretty cool:

    After a minute of studying the Juliet statue, I couldn't help but notice that her right arm and breast were much shinier than the rest of her. I didn't have to ponder this mystery for long. An English Rube Tour came through and the guide explained that Juliet's right arm was shiny because that's what kids hung onto when they climbed up to pose with her for pictures. Upon hearing this, I immediately knew what was coming next. The guide confirmed my suspicions as he went on to describe how it's considered good luck to make a romantic wish while rubbing Juliet's right breast and then he demonstrated the ritual to the squeals of his geriatric Rube Tour group, who followed suit, taking turns feeling up Juliet. Isn't it funny how in Italy fondling a 14 year old girl's boobs brings good luck and doing the same in the States brings jail time? I love those wacky cultural differences!

    Edit: Writing all that shit sitting here at work in Ottawa is really depressing. I'm starting to get the travel bug again (have been for a while) and know there's not a damn thing I can do about it. Have fun and remember: Try your best to make Canadians look good. Recetly when I've traveled I've found a very steadily rising dislike for Canadians that wasn't there when I traveled in the 90's. I've gotten lots of comments like "wimpy americans" which hurts as we were once very well liked all over the place so try to say Gracié not Grasius as I've seen way to many americans do (in other words, they speak Italian not spanish). Little things like that count for a lot.

  9. Biggest way to save yourself from viruses is to know what you're downloading and from who. With all the peer-to-peer sharing there's absolutely no guarantee that you're going to get clean files.

    My $0.02 ;)

    Exactly. There are some sites out there that can put little viruses on computers although it's mostly spyware but the main viruses are almost always executed by the user on their own machine. Just really watch email attachments and things like that (scan the attachment before opening it type thing and be weary of p2p) and you shouldn't have a problem. I've never had a virus on my computer and have been using them since the age of 3 (good old commodore 64) although try as I might I do sometimes end up with spy shit.

    For the record I just switched to AVG because I agree about Norton and its overhead. I've always used symantec (not norton home) because I work for giant places that use it so I figure it must work or they wouldn't spend their money on it. I have to say, though, that I've been sick of the amount of programs (that I can't end the process of!!!!) norton seems to need to run.

    Mostly just be careful of the sites visited/shit downloaded. I work for ITS while at school and people constantly come to us with spyware or little viruses and after a bit of prodding it almost always comes down to porn or p2p (when someone complains of something like that we tell them to stop surfing the porn sites as a joke but very often get people saying something like "really, that's what's causing it" or turning so red you know that's what's up).

  10. Anybody ever seen the CNN crossfire with Zappa from the 80's where they argue (almost to the point of physical violence) about censorship in music? It's hilarious, the main song they bring up is "Hot for Teacher". It's worth the watch if you can find it anywhere.

    This one??


    This one??

    PS: The first link is the heated discussion. I haven't seen either one and, due to restrictions here at work, I can't watch them but will later.

  11. I find this all rather didturbing as we don't really know what health consequences might exsist with all these rays bouncing around our heads......I mean isn't anyone a little concerned that we might be nuking ourselves or something?

    Yup but I'm more worried about all those that drive around in automobiles pumping tonnes and tonnes of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere and destroying the earth. The thing with all this wifi stuff is that it's already being pumped through our heads via cell phones, satelite tv, already established wifi networks (just turn on your laptop anywhere in any city and you'll probably have several wifi networks show up).


  12. I don't know if I like this whole getting the americans into this. They are completely crazy as far as prohibition goes and way to religious for that to change anytime soon.

    It's also really scary that we now have an american government up here (I refuse to believe that Stephen Harper's governement is Canadian so please don't try to convince me). Notice the RCMP guy saying they should have paid more attention before and we wouldn't have such a big problem now? I still don't see the problem here. You CANNOT justify legal alcohol and say weed is bad, you just can't.

    "I think that we, law enforcement, have been too tolerant of the marijuana industry and perhaps should have acted sooner," Rintoul said.

    "When the marijuana thing sort of hit in the '80s and the grows continued, we were a bit naive and perhaps didn't do our job right then to educate the public, educate the courts, educate ourselves to the hazards."

    [color:purple]Alright, lets have a bunch of drunk folks driving around fighting each other and commiting nice acts like rape but man we should really educate the population on weed, it's absolutely terrible (I've seen Reefer Madness man, I've seen what Pot can do to people).

    my two cents. If I don't stop now it'll be my several hundred dollars as I really hate prohibition and get really worked up anytime an issue like this comes around (even an article simply talking about Emery hitting 60 minutes)

  13. There's not all that much evidence for it, but there are theories (and I'll buy them) that Neanderthals, in spite of their bigger brains, were wiped out by our lot some time between 50-100,000 years ago (probably out of spite).

    Carl Sagan pretty much says the same thing, that there were most likely several different kinds of primitive humans and things that evolved from apes but we were the fittest (most violent and non peace loving) so we won.

    And if Carl Sagan says it, I believe it.

    Man do I ever wish we humans could learn a thing or two from these guys (it'd be beneficial and I'd probably get laid a little more often). The sad thing is that though there is enough money and resources in the world to save these poor guys, something tells me not too many folks are going to fork it over (I would but I have to save some money for a beer or two this weekend).

  14. Its funny this person thinks that everything should make sense. In the cartoon Bart is 4 ft...lisa is shorter, but even still, if she was a 4 ft tall 8 year old she would be barely bigger then a baritone sax.

    In the cartoon they also have less fingers.

    I thought that little intro was wicked. Unless you're incredibly picky it was pretty much perfect (I mean it's pretty hard to go from cartoon to real life, a lot more restrictions).

    I would hate it if they came out with a live version though. Then again, one episode would probably be pretty funny (homer did hit real life at the end of an episode a long time ago, one of the halloween ones I think and I also remember the family making an appearance at an award show).

  15. Monty Python. I think of the spam skit everytime I see the recipes. I actually used it in a little presentation on SPAM at school (computer spam but I had to throw in the spam song).

    I think the recipes themselves are genuine but I've always made fun of spam as a source of food (type stuff) so when I see recipes for it I assume they're a joke.

    Here's a question: Have any of you ever had spam? How does it taste? Is it good? Is it funny?

  16. I think the last day to submit demo's to hillside was quite recent (like someday last week) so perhaps there will be more news a bit later.

    I have no real idea though. I'm basing this on being in Guelph last weekend and hearing friends talk about what was needed for the hillside submission. They hadn't yet submitted their demo but said it was the last minute.

  17. The Quantum Cafe where the normal rules of physics don't apply. I agree with you on the dumbed down and repetetiveness. I think they tried to gear it as much to the masses as possible. I still loved it though.

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