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Posts posted by Esau.

  1. A friend who returned for a wedding last week or so says the western media is a real shit show, more misinformation than facts and a few outright lies. Basically, some similar comments as your sister, tension, but not hysteria/fear etc.

    She's heading back this weekend.

    [edit to add]

    FWIW, she's Korean, and grew up there until 12 or 13 (I think) and then returned in her late 30s with her husband.

  2. The fashion industry is known for embracing controversy. But several brands have recently found themselves in a situation too controversial for comfort. True Religion and Smashbox have both pulled out as sponsors of a "Guantanamo"-themed party, to be hosted by Le Baron and Flaunt magazine at Coachella.

    The party is called New Guantanamo and is being billed as a "unique and painfully pleasurable pop up experience," Refinery29 reports. The invite, featuring a photo of party-goers with machine guns, promises "pleasurable torture courtesy of Smashbox Studios" and states that both Smashbox and True Religion are sponsors.

    Complete article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/09/guantanamo-fashion-party

  3. vt192-217box.jpg

    Bob Dylan

    Jewels & Binoculars

    Disc 21/26

    ABC Theatre

    Edinburgh, Scotland

    May 20

    Part One

    Audience recording

    She Belongs To Me (3:38)

    4th Time Around (5:34)

    Visions Of Johanna (11:10)

    It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (6:54)

    Desolation Row (11:41)

    Just Like A Woman (6:46)

    Mr. Tambourine Man (9:55)

  4. I don't have a problem with shows that do this. I don't have a credit card though (don't want one) and from my understanding the disposable CCs (which I use on occasion) aren't accepted since your name isn't on them.

    But I'd still rather see this happening for a chunk of seats then see ticketmaster claim a show is sold out, and then see a secondary sale site owned by them sitting on a gross of seats for 2-4x as much, or more. That is where the bulk of seats end up in my opinion. Scalpers are definitely an issue too, but it's TMs shady practices that offend me more. At least with this system a small percentage of seats are sold at reasonable prices to actual fans.

    As for insurance, not worth it in my opinion when shows sell out months in advance. Unless you find out the week you purchase it's a no go for you.

    From TMs terms and conditions.

    Within 10 days of purchasing the Event Ticket Protector, Allianz Global Assistance (Administrator) will process a full refund of premium to you, as long as you have not already attended your event or filed a claim. No refunds shall be paid to you after 10 days of purchasing the product, or after the published date of the ticketed event.
  5. Equating marijuana to alcohol is an easy way of removing the medicinal advantages of marijuana in the publics eye and a doctor's responsibility to provide patients with non-phrama alternative solution if they so wish, making it simply a recreational product.

    They really need to work out the medicinal marijuana program, currently it's a disaster. None of the three parties seem to be interested in doing anything about it.

    Doctors are not educated properly on the program, and many are afraid to participate due to lack of clarity from the gov't on their security or responsibilities. Not too mention the numerous police raids on doctors over the last year across Canada for those who did take the initiative and issue permits, hasn't helped matters.

    Unfortunately the reasons for not taking part in the program are weak a lot of the time - my family doctor used this argument with me when I sought my permit.

    Doctor: How will I know if the person isn't just trying to get high or sell it?

    Me: The same way you know a person getting vicodin, oxy, percs or even t3s isn't trying to just get high or sell it?

    He wasn't impressed.

    “We recommend legal marijuana be sold to the public through specialty private stores and/or anywhere regulated liquor sales take place,†the report states.

    The bolded part, in my opinion, needs better clarification. For example, in Quebec and anywhere else where liquor and booze is sold in corner stores, bars (off-sales) or off-sales outlets. Many semi-rural Ontario towns have for over a decade sold beer and liquor in select corner stores and the pilot project of selling it grocery stores has (or will) start this year apparently. I have no doubt the anti-marijuana lobby will jump all over that and it'll carry weight.

    I'm in support of this mind you, but I have no faith the liberal party will actually do anything with it aside from gathering votes now and putting the topic aside afterwards.

  6. Wow this almost seems too easy. Do you think they are using this "promotion" to get rid of the surplus of seats that just aren't selling/ they predict will be hard to move? You would think that half price Stones tickets would have sold out right away, but now its starting to feel like its a moving target. I bet the promoters would love to announce that all shows sold out in one day to boost interest in future dates and this is a sure fire way to do it.

    Or should I take off my tin foil hat?

    I don't know if it's surplus or a simple case of less tickets being funnelled by ticketmaster directly to secondary 're-sale' markets due to the promotion. Instead of re-sale outlets, it's the actual consumers getting tickets.

    Either way, good to see.

  7. Rays apologize for mascot posing with Steve Irwin sign

    Former TV personality, wildlife expert died in 2006 after being attacked by stingray

    The Tampa Bay Rays apologized for what the team described as a lapse in judgment by a club mascot photographed holding an "inappropriate sign" making reference to Steve Irwin, a popular television personality and wildlife expert who died in 2006 after being attacked by a stingray.

    The furry mascot known as Raymond was handed a "Rays To Do List" by a fan during Wednesday night's game against Baltimore. The sign had "1. Steve Irwin" crossed off" and listed the World Series second.

    The team issued an apology after a photo of the mascot holding the sign wound up on the internet. A statement said fans are welcome to carry signs that are not offensive into the ballpark but that the club regretted "this particular sign" was displayed.


  8. I think I misread, misunderstood or am flat out wrong about that actually. For some reason though, I swear I read something like that, or along those lines (probably via twitter) from a conservative minister or MP last year, when the robocall story first broke. Anyway..

    Further checking found that, it was accessible to the riding associations that coughed up $2000 and has $500 a year fee to retain access.


    Each riding association that wanted access to the database paid an entry fee of $2000 into the pot, and currently pays an additional $500 per year fee.

    Apparently, from this article yesterday only five people in Guelph had access to CIMS. Sona claims he didn't.

    Five workers on the campaign did have access: Andrew Prescott, John White, Ken Morgan, Trente Blanchette and Chris Crawford.

    Read more: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/Public+robocalls+documents+tell+full+story+case+against+Sona+expert/8191187/story.html#ixzz2PYW5OLhf

    I figure there were five people with accounts for CIMS, but more people had actual access through those accounts. Although the fact that Prescott and Morgan both refuse to talk to EC is rather suspect, in my opinion.

  9. Supposedly, according to the conservative party at least, there are only certain people (MP or higher I believe) who have access to the CPC voter data base. That's where the non-conservative voters list comes from. Sona, as a campaign staffer wouldn't be one of those people.

    Not surprisingly, the CPC still claim they ran a clean and ethical campaign.


    Former Conservative campaign worker Michael Sona is facing a charge under the Canada Elections Act following an investigation into mysterious robocalls that some voters in the Ontario riding of Guelph say sent them to the wrong polling station.

    Sona's first appearance is set for Guelph court on May 3. He is expected to issue a statement shortly and appears to be the only person facing a charge.

    The charge is listed under section 491(3)d of the elections act, which prohibits preventing or trying to prevent a voter from casting a ballot. The maximum penalty is a $5,000 fine and five years in prison.

    The court appearance will fall two years and one day after Canadians cast their ballots in the 2011 election, which has become known for eliciting complaints of misleading or harassing live and automated robocalls in 247 ridings across the country.

    Sona was in charge of media relations for Conservative candidate Marty Burke in 2011 and was working for Conservative MP Eve Adams when his name was leaked to the media as news broke last winter of the Elections Canada investigation into the calls.

    Sona says he had nothing to do with the misleading calls, which are illegal under Canadian election law.

    A statement by Elections Canada confirmed the charge.

    "The strong public reaction to the fraudulent telephone calls made to electors in Guelph during the May 2011 general election shows how deeply disturbed Canadians were by what happened," said Yves Côté, the commissioner of Canada Elections.

    "I hope that the charge we filed today will send a strong message that such abuses under the Canada Elections Act will not be tolerated."

    'An interest in seeing me take the fall'

    Sona was mostly silent after his name surfaced, although he has started trying to rehabilitate his image. And while another former Guelph campaign worker named repeatedly in court documents moved from southern Ontario to Alberta, Sona has kept working in Ottawa.

    Sona first fought back in a sit-down interview last fall with Evan Solomon, host of CBC News Network's Power & Politics.

    Sona told Solomon that he's not going to take the fall for something he didn't do.

    "All the anonymous sources in the world can point the finger at me, but I'm not going to take responsibility for something that I'm not responsible for," Sona said.

    "I think that there's some people that maybe had an interest in seeing me take the fall for it."

    He also said he didn't have access to the lists of voters that Elections Canada believes were used to place the calls. The agency's investigator says in court documents that it appears the party's list of non-Conservative supporters matches the list of numbers auto-dialled with the misleading message.

    "You've got to take a look at the options and just say, 'You know what, what is the more realistic option here? That some then-22-year-old guy managed to co-ordinate this entire massive scheme when he didn't even have access to the data to be able to do this, or the alternative — that this was much more co-ordinated or possibly that there were people that knew how to do this, that it was being done?'"

    Sona has sometimes surfaced at social events around Ottawa. He attended a party at Hy's Steakhouse following the tabling of the federal budget on March 21, an event attended every year by cabinet ministers, political staffers and reporters. A photo posted on Facebook last fall following a Halloween party featured him with a former NDP staffer.

    Sona's lawyer calls for public inquiry.

    A statement from Sona's lawyer, Norm Boxall, says neither of them will make a public statement beyond the one distributed by email. Boxall called the charge disappointing but said it provides an opportunity for Sona to address the allegations in court instead of in the media.

    "I cannot help but comment that if the government was interested in the public being fully informed and the issue of robocalls being properly addressed, a full public inquiry would be called, rather than a charge laid against a single individual who held a junior position on a single campaign and who clearly lacked the resources and access to the data required to make the robocalls. I am confident the public agrees."

    Boxall is a well-known lawyer who has served as counsel in public inquiries like the Maher Arar commission and the Air India inquiry. He is head of the Criminal Lawyers Association and past-president of the Defence Counsel Association of Ottawa.

    The case in Guelph has also become known by the name Pierre Poutine, the alias used by whoever arranged for the automated calls. Elections Canada traced the calls to a burner cellphone registered to a Pierre Poutine on Separatist Street in a Quebec town.

    A statement by Conservative Party spokesman Fred DeLorey said the party is pleased the investigation "has progressed to this point."

    "The Conservative Party of Canada ran a clean and ethical campaign and does not tolerate such activity. The party was not involved with these calls and those that were will not play a role in any future campaign."

    Party lists used for calls.

    Documents filed in court last year revealed the Conservative Party's lawyer, Arthur Hamilton, said the list of Guelph residents targeted by the calls matches a list of Conservative non-supporters identified by the party on April 27, just days before the election.

    A CBC analysis of fraudulent calls reported across the country identified a pattern of voter identification calls and follow-up fraudulent calls made to those who said they didn't support the Conservatives.

    The lists were downloaded by Andrew Prescott, who handled IT for the campaign.

    Mathews also said in court documents that it appeared Prescott and the fictional Pierre Poutine had logged into the same IP address within minutes of each other. An IP address is a unique locator assigned to a computer or network accessing the internet.

    Prescott tweeted Tuesday evening that he was leaving for a vacation and would be out of cellphone range. He has said repeatedly on the social media site that he had nothing to do with the misleading calls.

    Mathews also reported in the court documents that a staffer for former intergovernmental affairs minister Peter Penashue fingered Sona for the calls.

    Penashue stepped down last month after a CBC News investigation revealed his 2011 election campaign accepted corporate donations, which are illegal in Canada.

    Mathews said he interviewed Chris Crawford in March, 2012, accompanied by Hamilton. According to Mathews' court filing, Crawford told him that Sona — Crawford's former roommate — talked about "calling electors to tell them their poll location had changed" and "pretending to be Liberals" when calling non-supporters late at night.

    Crawford was the Guelph campaign worker in charge of CIMS, the party's voter database, Mathews says in the court documents.

    Crawford said Ken Morgan, the campaign manager for the Guelph Conservative candidate, was involved in that conversation with Sona. Morgan has since left the country, sources tell CBC News.

  10. http://www.cannabiscup.com/


    The first-ever HIGH TIMES US Cannabis Cup is coming to Denver! The two-day cannabis expo will feature cultivation seminars and activism sessions with HIGH TIMES editors, leaders of the marijuana movement, and major cannabis celebrities.

    Plus, a night concert featuring Cypress Hill and Slightly Stoopid at Red Rocks! (VIP Concert is now SOLD OUT)


    April 20-21, 2013


    EXDO Event Center, 1399 35th Street, Denver, CO 80205


    You must be at least 18 years of age to attend and 21 to drink and smoke recreationally. All attendees and vendors will need identification as it will be checked at the door.

  11. If you have concerns, opposition or support regarding any of the following, and have expressed them via social media, you're more than likely on a watch list. As we've learned from the US, UK and more recently our own gov't.

    For example:

    • climate change
    • environmental protections
    • science
    • fisheries
    • tar sands
    • endangered species
    • elections
    • gov't transparency & accountability
    • prisons for profit
    • student tutitions
    • firearms or gun control
    • corporate lobby & influence within politics
    • bank bail outs
    • anti-war
    • union member
    • First Nations
    • social justice

    Now, shut up and toe-the-line, or be presumed a radical and an enemy in the eyes of Harper's Canada.

  12. l-64f.jpg

    Boston Garden

    Boston, MA

    Jan 14, 1974

    Disc one

    Rainy Day Women #12 & 35

    Lay Lady Lay

    Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues

    It Ain't Me Babe

    I Don't Believe You

    Ballad Of A Thin Man

    Stage Fright

    The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down

    King Harvest

    This Wheel's On Fire

    Disc two

    I Shall Be Released

    Up On Cripple Creek

    All Along The Watchtower

    Ballad Of Hollis Brown

    Knockin' On Heaven's Door

    The Times

    Don't Think Twice

    Gates Of Eden

    Just Like A Woman

    It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)

  13. I may have over-stated my affection for maple syrup, rather, I enjoy it on occasion. Like when having fly encrusted chicken pancakes. ;)

    I can't believe no one here likes liver. You're all a bunch of weirdos.

    I have no issues with eating liver (with onions of course),and enjoying it. However, I can't say it's really something that comes to mind when thinking about what I want for dinner. I usually have it while at someone else place, usually family.

  14. http://www.jambands.com/news/2013/03/25/the-black-crowes-return

    The Black Crowes kicked off their reunion tour last night at Manchester, England’s Manchester Academy. It was the group’s first live performance since the summer of 2011. The show introduced the Crowes’ new lineup, which includes frontman Chris Robinson, guitarist Rich Robinson, drummer Steve Gorman, bassist Sven Pipien, keyboardist Adam MacDougall and new guitarist Jackie Greene.

    Last night’s show featured a mix of originals recorded throughout the band’s 20-plus year career as well as a range of covers. However, the band focused a little more heavily on their early period than during their final pre-hiatus shows. In addition, the Black Crowers introduced new covers of Traffic’s “Medicated Goo†and Joe South’s “Hush†(the latter song is bets known for Deep Purple’s cover of the tune). Greene also showed off his musical prowess by switching to mandolin at several points during the show and providing backup vocals. The show came to a close with a choice cover of Little Feat’s “Willin’.â€

    The Black Crowes will perform at Birmingham, England’s 02 Academy this evening.

    Here’s a look at last night’s setlist via The Black Crowes’ Facebook page

    Sunday, March 24, Manchester Academy, Manchester, England

    Jealous Again

    Thick N Thin

    Hotel Illness

    Medicated Goo*

    Sister Luck

    Wiser Time

    She Talks to Angels

    The Last Place That Love Lives

    Whoa Mule

    My Morning Song

    High Head Blues

    By Your Side

    Thorn In My Pride


    Goodbye Daughters of the Revolution

    Soul Singing



    Hard To Handle



    *first time played

    For those interested. :chug:

    Black Crowes

    Academy, Manchester, England


    Taper: Andy L

    Location: approx. 15 ft from stage, slightly left of centre

    Source: SP-CMC-4 (3 wire mod) > CA-9100 > Sony PCM-M10 (44.1 khz, 24 bit) > MicroSD card

    Transfer: WAV > USB > Hard drive > Har-Bal (EQ) > Cool Edit Pro 2.1 (edits, normalize, fade out) > Sound Forge 10 (compression, dither) > CDWave > FLAC 1.2.1

    [color:red]*16 bit*


    Black Crowes

    Academy, Manchester, England


    Taper: Andy L

    Location: approx. 15 ft from stage, slightly left of centre

    Source: SP-CMC-4 (3 wire mod) > CA-9100 > Sony PCM-M10 (44.1 khz, 24 bit) > MicroSD card

    Transfer: WAV > USB > Hard drive > Har-Bal (EQ) > Cool Edit Pro 2.1 (edits, normalize, fade out) > Sound Forge 10 (compression) > CDWave > FLAC 1.2.1

    [color:red]*24 bit*


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