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Posts posted by slavetothegroove

  1. From what I saw about these, it's all natural. There aren't any artificial flavours used. I'm interested in trying one of these babies.

    I'm pretty sure the package said.. "With natural and artificial flavors".

  2. Taylor Swift just won album of the year. Not familiar with her stuff but listening to the clip they played, it sounds like THE STAPLE of generic girl pop today. Done a million times over.

    My shame for the grammy's continues.

    And yeah that Eminem performance was surprisingly really good.

  3. Our little guy is two and our routine for a while has been books, lots of cuddles, and the lullaby Beatles (he asks for it). Definitely try and have wind down time before bed to get him sleepy.

    Try and have as much patience as possible, because they will feed off that, and same with the opposite, they'll feed off your frustration and then every thing just gets harder.

    Good luck, and remember, he's only one and going through so many changes and learning SO much everyday. Don't expect to much from him, and know his intentions aren't to make you pull your hair out ;)

  4. Just tuned in, didn't realize they were even on. A few highlights were the DMB performance, and they are also nominated for Album of the Year.

    Also Jeff Beck and a woman (not sure who it was) performed How High the Moon to honor Les Paul.

    Everything else is well....today's mainstream music.

  5. I donated to Doctors Without Borders, they had an option to choose where you want the money directed. They are on the list of Canadian organizations the government will match.

  6. Anyone got any extra tickets for this? I won't pay more than face (plus any service charges or delivery or whatever else was on the ticket) but would really like to go.

    Edit: mattm posted this under steph's account, oops :)

  7. This was by far the best C.R. performance I've seen, but also the first time I've seen him completely solo so that may be why. I was completely absorbed by him, there were a few moments where I felt the rest of the room was black and he was just illuminated on stage, preaching these soulful tales of history. I LOVE the fourth stage.

    Also got to hang out with him a bit after the show, we went to the Avant Garde where a poetry slam was happening and he took over the mic for some beat boxy stuff. Good night all around.

  8. That hurts. What a set, I wanted to go so bad....Glad you had a good show. Warren is touring like a mad man right now. I'll be seeing an Allman/WSP show in a few weeks. It'll have to do for missing the Mule.

    Thanks for posting the setlist.

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