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Posts posted by slavetothegroove

  1. I want to share with you all the birthday of my wonderful spouse, lover, life parter, and best friend, and also an amazing father to Trey. We've had a roller coaster of a week leading up to today with a number of unfortunate events happening, with the exception of getting some show tickets. So here's to you my love. I hope your day is better than the rest this week. You'll get your present of seeing Phish is a few months.

    Happy Birthday Matt!

  2. You could check out Raw Sugar cafe at 692 Somerset St W. It just opened up late last year and has a really cool layout and vibe. If you like David Bowie their having a few artists doing a cover night tomorrow (Sunday), Lisa Poushinsky, Brian Simms and friends, w/Liam Kearney opening, and it's a pay what you can, starts at 8:00. The last night they did was Tom Waits and the place was packed, so may want to go earlier if you do decide to go. Or you could just check the place out anytime for coffee or whatever...

  3. My little guy is very picky too. He barely eats meat, so I get him to eat chicken by putting it in pizza, he'll eat anything if its on pizza..lol. And he helps make it too which is fun. Pasta as well. They're both pretty fun meals kids usually always like and you can easily hide things like veggies and meat if the sauce is yummy and they like it.

    And I think getting the kids involved, letting them give input and get them excited and wanting to help out.

    Hope it works out, and I definitely feel for ya, I get really frustrated when my son will only eat a few specific things some days.

  4. I worked at a restaurant for years that was dine-in and take out. Some people tipped in take out, some didn't. I guess it's your choice, if you think the service was good and your feeling generous go ahead. Sometimes we'd have one person on take out the whole night if it was busy and the waiters/waitresses would give a tip pool at the end of the night to the take out person. So if they made extra tips from customers, certainly not a bad thing, but I don't think you'd look bad if you didn't, definitely not required.

  5. Yup.

    I never heard the outcome after it went to binding arbitration. I'm assuming you guys got what you wanted and get to keep the scheduling?

    I had a real zeitgeist moment the other day. Not sure if anyone else saw them but some bus shelters along Scott street had pieces of paper stuck to their sides, "BOO" in large font followed by about a paragraph of OC Transpo worker slagging (they appeared maybe a couple of weeks into the strike i think). I only skimmed it quickly but noticed that the last thing it mentioned was something along the lines of "If you disagree with this viewpoint, post your message here"

    So what's happening there? Anonymous public rant with the 'ranter' calling for a response from the rantee...in paper form on the side of a bus shelter!?!?!

    I saw these too a while ago. I think I read the BOO stands for "Bus drivers Offend Ottawa" or something like that. The same shelter I saw was on Scott st and I noticed it got egged a few weeks later.

  6. Wow, thanks for sharing that Mark. As new parent, that's really inspiring and nice to hear, especially with tough times happening here in the capital. I wish more people could just point out and cherish those moments more often.

    I can't wait for my little guy to start talking!! Although the hugs and kisses he gives so often show me he loves me, even if he can't say it..hehe :)

    Have a wonderful, warm hearted new year :)

  7. Thanks but we've got a car seat, and Trey is past the point of being able to use a small infant seat. Our car seat is quite huge, fits ups to 50 pounds, and is a really great one, just quite big and awkward to carry. So yes we could take it in the cab, but having to carry it around with us while we're out, until we take a cab home, would be a bit of a nuisance.

  8. For the record, our son didn't get frostbite, he was bundled well enough, the wind was just hard on his little cheeks that's all. It just sucks our resort to getting anywhere is having to walk when it's -20 outside, but such is life. They had to do it in the days before cars, I'm sure we can too. It's just hard to adjust when your used to the luxuries of being able to ride a bus and live in a city where everything is so spread apart.

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