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Posts posted by slavetothegroove

  1. Mule definitely delivered last night! Shakedown street tease was nice, and Gordie coming out really made the band rock even harder. Can't beat the Cortez encore too. Couldn't stop smiling or grooving all night either, crowd wasn't too tight so there was a generous amount of room to dance. Security wouldn't allow pictures though unfortunately, but what can ya do.



  2. 11.30.06 Albany, NY - The Palace Theater

    Set 1

    Mr. High & Mighty

    Brand New Angel

    Bad Little Doggie

    Lola Leave Your Light On

    Livin' Lovin' Maid

    She Said, She Said->

    Tomorrow Never Knows

    I'll Be The One For What It's Worth Tease

    No Need To Suffer

    Slackjaw Jezebel

    Set 2

    A Million Miles From Yesterday

    Time To Confess

    Patchwork Quilt

    Rocking Horse->


    De Minorjam-> Matt and Danny only

    D'Amour De Minorjam->

    Brighter Days

    Like Flies

    32/20 Blues


    So Weak, So Strong

    SO what's it gonna be tommorow?

  3. I can't imagine growing up in a place like miramichi or bathurst even. I'm from Moncton and I find that small enough. A little more bullshit in the metropolis I think, but you can always find someone's place to put your feet up in, even if you don't know the person that well. From my experience living here in Ottawa, people are way more reserved, and kind of take time getting to know before they really welcome you. Even the people in the west are more welcoming. It's definitely a coastal thing.

  4. People there are generally pleasant because they're all on drugs!!

    Okay that statement is only partially true, But as a born and raised NB-er, I know that a lot of people hit up the rock instead of dwelling on their low income lives. People are generally pretty welcoming there though, which is good to have. I think the people that are there and are happy are the ones who haven't really left and explored the world. They fall into routine and standard and live they're "what's expected lives" Some are happy, some think their happy, some are miserable. Me personally couldn't stand the routine and got my ass out of there early on. Best decision I have made I think. Even visitng there, its just like I never left. Everyone is doing the saaaaame thing.

    There are some really beautiful places though, and nothing will beat the atlantic beaches.

    Anywho, just my two cents.



  5. Never been dissapointed with a moe. show. They're not shy of the jams, and always look like they're having tons of fun. I guess In my opinion, the past several years since the Wormwood release have been most solid.

    Realllllly looking forward to seeing them on New Years in NYC. One month from tommorow...hell yeah.

    Anyone else hittin this up?



  6. I have friends who have Sirius, and XM and with hearing feedback from the both of them, Sirius was the winner. I listen to JamOn online constantly, and know that it rocks the boat. I'm not sure if XM's jam station is near as good.



  7. Folks, I'm going a little crazy by myself here at work and need some amusement. Anybody wanna help me out.

    Funny jokes?


    Embarrasing stories?

    Even just starting up an interesting discussion would be cool.

    Thanks all.... I'm ready to look like that tickle me elmo in a sec so someone please deliver.



  8. That's really nice Brad. I'm encouraging myself to start knitting more. I've been telling myself for months now that I'm going to get back into it, but I guess I am sort of a master of procrastination. Well enough of that. I have way more time on my hands now, and am feeling more and more inspired each day to do so. Mittens, scarfs, and hats for the needy here I come!

    Anyone have any extra yarn, needles or patterns they don't want? I'm open for donations.


  9. Wow, I can't believe what a great community of people we've got here. It's really nice how everyone is so welcoming, helpful, and genuine to one another. Whenever I'm out at shows I can always count on pleasant kind folk to create a cheerful solid vibe for everyone around.

    And I know this is going to sound sappy but....

    mattm has a heart of gold. I've never met someone so positive, caring, helpful, trusting, and soul warming in my life. I am THE luckiest girl in the world to be able to share my time and love with him. I hope you all get the opportunity to be embraced by his presence, cause his smile and good vibes always radiate like sun beams on the hottest day of the year.

    I have yet to meet sunshine or sarahbelle, I think. I may have and just not known it, but I really hope we can share some time somewhere in the near future. You guys are beautiful kind souls and thanks for all the light you shine here and everywhere. Thanks for being you.

    God I love you guys. Thanks for this post. My day is so brightened, and I am going to spread extra love to all today.



  10. Free Hugs are happening right now in Ottawa at Bank/Laurier. I'm watching from my window...not going to get very much work done today. And, of course, I went over to get one for myself!

    I can't believe the amount of love and good vibes circulating in the air today. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside, and heightens my faith in humanity. People are great! I love you guys! I'm going to go join in the free hugs.


  11. Good words. I've seen Myth a number of times and am good friends with them too. They manage to get the entire crowd groovin each and every show, and have got a really great supportive fan base. Good genuine guys, who definitely deserve as much support as possible tonight. Only $5, I'm sure some of you can spare. I hope to see them out and about the jam scene a lot more in this town so that more of you can discover their solid sound.


  12. It is a gorgeous day nattyMatty, thanks for posting about it. It kind of reminds me of spring turning into summer, with less leaves on the trees of course. I hope you find a way to enjoy your day, and if I could, I'd accompany you in your secluded area, and appreciate the beauties of nature. Unfortunately I'm woking, and a little under the weather, but am still keeping positive, and enjoying the breeze comming in from the door being open, and the sun reflecting off the windows. Ahhh what a beautiful day.


  13. My boyfriend did the same thing, bought a homeless person a 12" sub, and all the guy did was take it and throw it on the ground and said "I want money"! or something along those lines.

    I understand a large percentage of these people are substance abusers, and are mostly looking for their next hit from the bottle. And I'm not pointing at ALL homeless people. Walking down Elgin I get tons of smiles, or "Have a great day mam", or the oh so often, "I like your dreads". It's not always nasty looks, or "Spare change". Sometimes these people just have no where to go so they sit on a street and look for a smile.

    I may be overexaggerating a little bit, but this is something I've noticed, and would love to believe.

    Smile next time you see someone sitting alone on the side of the street. Or if you have time, try and have a conversation. Seeing that someone cares enough to stop and say hello probably means a lot to someone, who for the most part, has no one to talk to.

    I've talked to homeless kids, and often times, the shelters are dangerous, and they get harrassed by other people staying there. It can be a helpfull place to go, or a scary place to go.

    Good job Sunshine, I think your idea is great, and I'd be more than happy to donate some warm items too.

    Much love and respect


  14. I'm already starting a mass e-mail to most everyone I know, and I'm at work right now, so everyone here is about to hear about this. Even if the reaction doesn't result in stopping the violence and hatred completely worldwide, the mass majority who will be affected, will make a difference, and the positive light that's shining will get a little bit brighter. What a good feeling that brings me.


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