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Posts posted by slavetothegroove

  1. When I first started listening to AOD and Strangefolk I wasn't hooked right away by their recordings. As soon as I saw them live I was blown away. Reid's lyrical talents are so striving and the band has such good chemistry. They're sound flows out of them so naturally and really gives you this warm feeling inside when you listen to them.

    Can't wait to see them at Langerado too brother!!



  2. I went to the place of a guy I work with once and his roommate had a pit bull whom he treated horribly! Locked it in the basement all day long, would just yell at it and kick it and hardly ever let it out. I guess the dog was very vicious before, I can only imagine how it is now. It's tried knocking over shit in there to try and get to the window, which isn't open anyways. I couldn't say anything really to these people as I was the only girl and they were all very intimidating tough guy's. My friend I work with has told me he's said shit to him but they guy still treat's his dog badly.

    Pretty sad scene....Some people just don't deserve pets. Let your anger out on something that's not living and breathing please.

  3. Languorous plume of rising smoke...compelling.

    I listened to a 2 hour biography of her life yesterday afternoon on CBC radio. So many incredible stories were told. She is such an inspiration to women folk songwriters. Her voice raises hairs on my spine with some of the notes she hits. Ahhh god love her.


  4. Too much fun last night. Thanks Buds, you guy's were rockin! Such a great bar, and lots of good people. Probably won't make it out tonight due to kind of over spending last night, the beers a little over priced but they have an awesome selection on tap and well it makes up for not having to pay cover, so it's all good. Have fun everyone! Peace


  5. Queen of Soul! Anyone heard of her? My friend lent me one of her discs tonight and I'm absolutely in love with it. She was telling me what a fantastic show they put on live, and I have yet too see them, but will get my chance soon at Langerado.

    I guess this girls story is that when she was young she always wanted to sing, and almost made it but MTV or something said she was too short and her voice was just going to be used as a dub-over. She ended up being a prison guard for ten years, then finally got fed up and went to pursue her musical career. Amazing soulful girl I must say.

    I've been looking for some recordings but can't find any. If anyone can help me out, I'd love to hear some live stuff.

    Thanks all





  6. Hey Deb, I'm pretty sure bringing your wee ones will be okay. I've been to this place a few times, and it's always been respectable, and the owner is a super nice guy, he's usually always there.

    As for food, never ate there, only looked over the menu. By the looks of it it's a bit more upscale than pub food, but pretty much along the same lines.

    Hope you can make it!

    I can't wait, going to be a groovin weekend. :)



  7. I haven't felt that much energy in a bar in a long, long time. The jams were great, and EVERYONE was getting down. I really hope that we get to see Nero rock out once again.

    Big time agree! The energy was so surreal, everyone had good vibes radiating from them, and the music just engulfed the whole room.

    This definitely can't be the end, I'm sure those boys haven't felt so ecstatic on stage in a while. Thank you boys, memorable moment in history.

    Here's one of mattm's price shots.




  8. Hi folks. I live in Ottawa and I'm looking for local musicians who want to get together jam, or maybe inspire me a little.

    I've been playing guitar and bass off and on for quite a few years now, but have noticed the past year a lacking of picking up the damn thing. I think part of it is my living quarters and well, not many people to jam with. I work well off inspiration and maybe someone I can come to when I have a question or want to learn something new, and have them show me.

    Anywho, I currently own just an acoustic guitar, so if anyone has any spare time and would like to get together for a jam/lesson, I'd definately appreciate it. A good way to not be a hermit this winter and get out of the house aswell.

    Thanks all


  9. I don't know about hotels, but we were just there for NYE and stayed at the Big Apple Hostel right in Time Square. Definitely the nicest hostel I've ever stayed in. Cool back patio to chill on, kitchen, tv, computers in the rec room, Bedrooms and bathrooms are decent. I don't know what the price is regularly, we had to pay extra because it was new years.

    Just a suggestion.




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