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Posts posted by slavetothegroove

  1. Well the lineup almost made me cream myself. And I've never been to Florida, or down south at all before. I got a stellar crew who are pretty much for sure in. Now all I need is to stop splurging in the next few months, save some dough and I'll be rockin those palm trees like a monkey on speed.

    Freak out.


  2. Thanks AD. It's nice that someone gives credit to the bands that are around in the scene but dont get talked about much. Being farely new to the city, and largely into the scene, any opinions or suggestions on bands to check out is much welcomed and appreciated. That's one thing about Ottawa, there are lots of great little niches, you just have to kind of search for them.


  3. Oh I should have mentioned, although we sell most outdoor equip, snowboarding is not one of them. We've got everything else you need like boarding Jackets, pants, gloves, and all the other little essentials. It's more of a private owned store, and we deal more with clothing, shoes, (snowshoes), backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, etc. etc.

  4. I sell outdoor adventure wear, equip., and such things at the Expedition Shoppe in Westboro here in Ottawa. It will suffice for now, although retail is only amusing for so long. I make the most of it. Kick ass pro-deals if anyone wants a hook up, drop me a line, come visit...it gets a little boring in there some days.



  5. Well, I have to say, the night began as a blast, Inglewood Jack were jamming hard, and were loads of fun. Everyone was bedazzled and dressed so funky. The bartenders were really nice, and yes, cheap drinks are an A++.

    On the other hand, the night progressed and after Inglewood Jack, me and my friends presumed to go out for a cigarette. No one, bouncers, door people, anyone seemed to inform us we were not aloud to re-enter if we left. All of us were paid, stamped, and had almost full beers inside. Upon trying to get back in the bouncers were not letting a single person back in. Including us who had paid.

    Okay so I was informed the fire marshalls came, counted heads and were presumably going to maybe write up a ticket or something? Well in any case, this is not my problem. We paid to get in, there was no informing of no re-entry as we left. If there was, we would not have left. We were technically in there for an hour as Inglewood played, and had no intenentions to leave and miss Souljazz. My friend Jessica was celebrating her 19th birthday, and needless to say, this did not keel over as a pleasant scene. She was so estatic to see Souljazz too after I praised them so much to her over the past few months she's been in Ottawa.

    Anyways, point of this rant is, I'm P.O'd, and going to do everything in my power to get some complaints out to these guys, and other important officials around here and let the guys of Bytown know they need to learn how to run they're establishment a little better.

    Apologies for sounding bitchy, this is unusal for me. Thanks for listening. Ciao


  6. Hello, part of the Ottawa posse here. You were talking to my boyfriend Matt (mattm). He told me he ran in to someone from Canada too, must be you. We were there with my bro and two of our friends Dave and Ryan. We were situated front row for the entire show, due to the fact we were there right on time, and yes, the crowd was quite miniscule. Didn't matter the size though, the boys still ripped it up hard. I was directly in front of Herring the entire time, and let me tell you, watching that guy solo makes me get off! I'm really impressed on how well these guys just work together and get so deep into it. Seeps right into my soul. Highlights for me were hearing Little Lily second song! Ride Me High, and Tortured Artist. To top it all off, at the end of the show one of the stage crew comes over and hands me a copy of the setlist. I was one lucky chick this trip.

    Anywho, too bad I didn't get to meet up with you after. We did end up going to see Ten Mile Tide, who were really wicked. Did an awesome long version of the Allman Bros, Jessica. All in all, this was an incredible trip, Burlington is a great town, will be heading back there for two nights of Umphrye's next weekend. Can't wait, Higher Ground here I come.

    Panic rocks my soul, hope to see more of them soon.

    Much love and respect


  7. Hmm i'm feeling soulful and groovy, I may just have to go shake it off. $5 isn't bad, and unfortunately I work every friday night when they play their free shows so I've only ever had the pleasure of catching them once at Babylon. I think that's a decision made. Hope to see you there Jake, and everyone else. If not...moe.down baby!



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