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Everything posted by slavetothegroove

  1. Loooks like a funked up night of music. I'm going to try and make it out to the Moses Mayes show here in Ottawa. Kinda blows Krafty Kuts isn't comming, he's sure knows how to lay down the breaks. Bassnectar is spinning there soon too. I gotta move to Toronto. Steph.
  2. I'm looking quite forward to this. Thanks for coming to O-town Mike. Steph
  3. Oh I should have mentioned, although we sell most outdoor equip, snowboarding is not one of them. We've got everything else you need like boarding Jackets, pants, gloves, and all the other little essentials. It's more of a private owned store, and we deal more with clothing, shoes, (snowshoes), backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, etc. etc.
  4. Good stuff guys! I've always hoped to look in that section and see some familiar bands from Canada. I think Grand Theft Bus have been featured there too. Cheers Steph
  5. I sell outdoor adventure wear, equip., and such things at the Expedition Shoppe in Westboro here in Ottawa. It will suffice for now, although retail is only amusing for so long. I make the most of it. Kick ass pro-deals if anyone wants a hook up, drop me a line, come visit...it gets a little boring in there some days. Cheers Steph
  6. View it here. http://www.myspace.com/govtmule It was directed by Peter Shapiro. I think it was pretty well done, some crisp shots of the band, kind of up close and personal. Tell me what ya'll think. Who's coming to the Toronto show? Cheers Steph
  7. I'll be there, gotta get one last night of funk in. Those guys are just too good. Hope more people can make it out, would be nice for them to have a somewhat packed house on they're last night. Got my dancing shoes on. Ciao Steph
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