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Everything posted by NewRider

  1. Truckers won't hit the stage until 10:30 - 11:00pm and it will probably be a full 2 hours of ROCK. Just got back from an all beer luncheon with Alabama Esau and I'm ready to rock! This will be one spectacular evening. As for tickets. I have no "in's" nor make no promises but I believe there will be tickets at the doors for those who show up early. I've got family showing without tickets so I have faith. GET DOWN TO THE ROCK SHOW!
  2. Apparently tickets are selling really fast right now and there may not be any at the door tonight.
  3. I've got an anthropology class until 11am that I plan on napping through and then I'm gonna start forming my gang of outlaw roughnecks that I'm going with.
  4. TONIGHT.... time to get ready!! LET THERE BE ROCK!!!
  5. Dirty = okay Animal hair = a dead NewRider in the A.M.
  6. I may need a place to crash after the show in either Toronto or Hamilton. Anyone got floor space (preferably someone who doesn't have cats, large dogs or komodo dragons)?
  7. Come see Drive-By Truckers tomorrow night and drown your sorrow in over priced drinks with us!
  8. A lot more rockin' than I had anticipated. I'm really enjoying it so far.
  9. I will continue to do my part in saving money by smoking as much as possible.
  10. I can't wait. The setlists for the second leg of the tour have been amazing so far. This is gonna be one crazy night! Who else is in?
  11. For some reason I didn't think this album was coming out until the summer. Awesome news!
  12. How about the alley behind Jilly's?
  13. He just would've forgotten five minutes after you told him! There has always been shady characters that work at those venues but I can assure you they weren't selling drugs at the shows MuleMamma and I booked there 1999-2001.
  14. Dude, fighting in the Civil War and smoking are so TOTALLY two different things! Also, last time I checked, people died from a lot of other stuff too. It's nice to know that people have concern for others well being and I would NEVER encourage someone young to start smoking but really, lay off! It's a personal choice that I choose to make. I don't smoke indoors where a child breathes it in and can't smoke within 20 fucking feet of any public building anymore. Who the hell am I hurting other than myself? I don't go around informing people that smoking marijuana isn't exactly candy for your lungs. It's none of my business how much someone drinks or uses drugs providing it doesn't affect my life, so why should I tell them to stop? It's their choice. If someone wants to skydive, bungee jump, eat at Arby's or any other kind of extreme, crazy thing it's none of my business.
  15. These bands suck but I'll probably come anyways.
  16. This is all hearsay and I don't believe a word of it!
  17. PHIL IS 68 YEARS OLD?!?!?!?! HOLY FUCK! Suddenly I don't feel so old!
  18. Do people eat off the road or something? I have to see chemicals dripping from peoples vehicles but I can't throw a cigarette butt in the street? Why do I have to deal with the pollution and ramifications of peoples automobiles but people can't deal with my cigarette butts? P.S. Smoking is cool, just ask these dudes.. Sorry, just sticking up for us smokers out there. *cough cough*
  19. I've wanted to take off the full beard and just go with a (My Name is Earl style) moustache for some time now but the old lady doesn't like the idea.
  20. "I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I acknowledge Missouri!"
  21. Let's all have drinks at Jilly's!!!
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