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Posts posted by CatPhish

  1. The Shovels are freakin' awesome ::

    my new favourite country band fo sho

    thanks moose for picking me up their rockin cd ::yer swell!

    I'm glad you enjoyed them I love them too...but I'm obvioulsy bias.

    Julie's voice is amazing on the Cd...especially on "don't hit the Bottle"

    They're working a their next album which I'm told will be out early in the new year...Ok enough of my shameful advertising.

    http://www.theshovels.ca/index.htm ;)

  2. has become my favorite music magazine. For $12 you get the magazine which is packed full of great articles and you get a free Cd. It seems that the Cd's are usually either covers of the featured musician or his/hers picks.

    I just got the Nov. issue, Johnny Cash was featured. The musicians doing the covers are great and it's something I would'nt have if I did'nt buy the magazine.

  3. now I'm drinking beer and watching IT-Julious to be exact...I love songs where the tempo changes. You think you have the steps all down and then it switches all up and you have to shake your butt the other way...that's clever!!!

    Clever I tell ya!

  4. After a night of drinking tequila in a hot tub I am defiantly suffering. Just wondering what some of your best known remedies are.

    Here are mine

    Sunflower seeds( apparently it's the Magnesium)


    Liptons Chicken nooddle soup

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