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Posts posted by CatPhish

  1. This most certainly deserves a mention

    Before I picture a girl naked, I always picture her going into a beer or liquor store for me first. If she comes out with booze, then I know its all good.

    thanks for the laugh and insight Alabama Man

  2. I guess the most famous person I know is Andre Williams... aka the Black Grandfather. He wrote "Shake a Tail Feather", produced albums with Ike and Tina Turner as well as with Stevie Wonder. He was actually living on the streets when he found out that the Blues Brothers used 'Shake a Tail Feather' in their movie. He got his shit together and started touring with canadain bands.

    I'm not sure I could even come close to explaining who he is or how he preforms-you'd have to know him. I think he has been described, at 65 years old, as the 'dirtiest man in rock and roll"...that still does'nt even explain it.

    Anyways, he crashed on my couch a few times when he was touring with my brother's band The Strap, previous to that he did a tour or two with The Sadies.

  3. well obviously the programs are not far reaching enough to solve the problem of homelessness or there would'nt be one.

    Homelessness stems from a number of combined risk factors. Substance abuse/mental illness/lack of education/marginalization etc etc.

    There are a number of very dedicated people and service providers working hard but without proper funding they cannot implement programs that can effectivly reach everyone.

  4. Like all things in our life these days wake up time is determined by 10 month old Holly

    for the past couple of weeks wake up time has been between 5:00 and 5:30. this has ment Zombie-like, grumpy mornings for all.

    With a little routine change and nap adjustment I hope, ( finger's crossed, knock on wood, good vibes plese) that we have started a new sleeping in trend.

    For the past two mornings Holly has been sleeping till 7:30 and waking up playing happily in her crib. This means I can make a tea, brush my teeth and hair and actually open my eyes before my day begins. Lets hope this continues.

  5. Being allergic to cats I always tried to explain to Sammy why I could'nt give him cuddles, he'd just keep rubbing up against my legs tempting my heart and tickling my sinuses. To compensate for my lack of affection I would slip him a few crumbs of chips and all was well.

    Sammy was so lucky be part of one hell of a family.

  6. I found Hemmingway books and stories always gave me a powerful thirst

    as for TV? yeah pretty much everything i guess, but Colbert and Daily show are that much funnier with booze, chronic, vicodin and a dash of red bull

    i might go watch some colbert reports in a minute

    (PS this ain't Catphish)

  7. Holly had strained green beans for lunch , her first vegetable...priceless! Her face went into a little spasm, her whole body shivered and she jumped back 6 inches. She was willing to have a few more bites which is more than you can say for me when I tried a bit.

  8. To peel or not to peel, when making oven sweet potato fries? My inclination is to leave the skins on for the vit. factor and perhaps the crispiness, but not sure if they'll just get tough. The recipes I find vary.

  9. "The Pisser"

    My worse experience at a Phil show in Darrein Lake. I felt something wet hitting the back of my legs, thinking someone had spilled their drink I turned to give them an empathetic "that sucks" kinda look, only to catch a guy shaking off and zipping up. I was so shocked I could'nt even speak before he ran off.

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