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Posts posted by Vermontdave

  1. Aloha Brad,

    Yeah, that's the one, at the Essex Fairgrounds. The camping at my place is still the cheapest game in town. I'd love to get up for a weekend, but I'm extremely busy right now (meaning saturdays). Take a bus to the border, and I'll pick you up.


    You're an all-star? hehehe


  2. Hey skanks! My dear brothers and sisters to the north. How are ya?

    My winter was way more politics than music, what, with the facist regime down here and whatnot.

    That being said, anyone coming down for the all-star jam in august?


  3. This nomination is nothing but throwing red meat to the starving hyenas. W seems to have had an epiphany when he realized that those from his 'base' rejected his appointment of Meirs. His numbers are way down, his chief captains are under increasing scrutiny (if not indictment), and the reliable right-wing Christo-facsists were screaming bloody murder. Might as well toss'em a bone.

    -Mounting casualties in Iraq with no end in sight? Big deal.

    -Increasing erosion of the middle class? Who cares?

    -Creating a culture of fear and persecution? Now we're getting warm.

    -Making sure the various homo, flag burning, America hating, lefty bomb-throwing, abortion loving, enemies of Gods' chosen land (possibly with the exception of Israel) will finally be put in their place? That's the ticket.


  4. Hey Benny, this is just my opinion, but I think the new Higher Ground corrected the few flaws the old HG had.

    1. The back of the room is raised up, so as to see better if you're someone like me, who likes to stay on the perifery.

    2. There's two bars.

    3. The dance floor is much bigger.

    Anyhoo, I hope your stay in Vermont was good.


  5. Okay, this is really me (not me dictating to booche while laying in a stoned out drunken stupor).

    This was the third time I've seen these guys and each time I see them, they get me hooked even more. They feed off each other more than the most disreputable cannibal.

    Once again, it was a blast hanging with all the skanks and non-skanks who made it down.

    I gots to git up north.


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