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Posts posted by Vermontdave

  1. This is the passing of a man who helped create what this skanctuary is all about. I'm too much of a dumbass to know how to link to things, but there's many comments coming in from the people who took part in the 60's phsychedelic era.

    Mickey Hart said something like 'Chet was a hippie, he hated charging people for shows'

    Barry Melton said something along the lines of 'Without Chet there would have been no Dead or Airplane'

    I toast his legacy tonight with beer.


  2. Hey StoneMt, I wasn't at that show but I do remember other shows where the security were gittin a little over zealous. The Meadowlands the year before still ranks, for me, as the begining of the end. I don't think that dude who was killed there that night ever got justice. Adam Katz?


  3. I remember rolling into Ann Arbor drunk, and getting a chance to walk into the football stadium next door. M Go Blue! There were also tons of tickets for sale because the place was Huge.

    That was also Brents finest hour. Blow Away was just coming out, I think.

  4. I'm coming in late to this one, but since Prince is gone and Brad feels that Clapton should have immunity, I'm forced to cast my vote for Coltrane.

    Bowie, Nelson, Zappa? All great. Coltranes gonna win this contest hands down.

    Kudos Lowroller, it's your most maddening one yet.


  5. Tucker Carlson is a sycophantic fool. PBS has sold out to the right-wing. And his bowtie just angers me.

    To paraphrase: How come you guys never made money? I saw you fifty times, but never bought your albums. Money's important. Also, you guys never endorsed politicians, which is cool because it lets the few right-wingers like me and Anne Coulter the opportunity to have some fun outside of our actual jobs of helping destroy the very principles upon which you and your following seem to strive. I'll just sum everything up by frequently using the term 'Libertarian'.

    On the lighter side, I'll give the bastard credit for conducting a decent interview. Maybe he should stick to entertainment instead of politics.


    Right-wing Deadheads freek me out.


  6. This horse race ain't over yet people! From out of nowhere, Daveyboy has taken the lead!

    10 votes for (yes/up)

    4 votes nay (no/down)

    I think that Esaus story threw it in our heros direction.

    Booche creates a new option (Yaaaaaaay!). So I guess that's now a valid voting choice.

    Lowroller seems to have gone off on a tangent, or, as they say in the U.K, a tangent.


  7. Okay. After one day, Daveyboy is still in contention for some sort of prize or affirmation or maybe just legit due process.

    The tally now stands at:

    Yes/Up 5*

    No/Down/Nay 8**

    Uncommitted at this time? 1***

    *Quigsy gets two votes for using two thumbs and Catphish gets a vote in each column for being, ahem, diplomatic.

    **Jamoie gets two votes for two thumbs as does Canned Beats. Catphish is included in this column also(as explained above)

    ***That's bradm for avoiding the question


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