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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I am so glad he rebounded because I thought he looked a little shakey in the first.
  2. That's why I live in the suburbs.
  3. AD wouldnt have to blame the ref if the Sens scored more goals.
  4. The reality about sports is that you create your own breaks. It sucks but it is true. I gotta go to bed. I am drunkasfuck and have to work in the morning.
  5. So, where did everyone go after the game?
  6. Interesting. I thought a ton of pucks were bouncy but blamed it on each team having no confidence.
  7. Highlights of the shootout: Great shot by Spezza in the shootout. At full speed. Markov with a killer backhand 5-hole. Rutuu got robbed by Price!!! Carey checked out Youtube. Tanguay dummies Auld with a held backhand in the 5-hole. That was sick. Edit to add: Didnt Koivu and Kovy go backhand as well on Auld? Blammo.
  8. ::claps for the OT penalty kill by MTL:: edit to add: I cant believe this made it to a shootout. Actually, I can. Two teams playing not to lose.
  9. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!! Not again. Stupid penalty near the end of regulation. None the less, Les Brahs have a second life because of the earlier non-goal.
  10. That was a great 'late' save from Auld off Tanguay.
  11. Markov on the second chance. Two's Edit to add: I had just hit Precious as a rally-cap 30 seconds before that goal.
  12. O'Byrne, you dumbfuck. Edit to add: See what happens when you take a stupid penalty on Donovan as you try and break out? 2 - 1 Sens
  13. Controversy. I totally agree. Wrong call. No possession of the puck on the impending penalty but Garry Galley is wrong if he thinks a Hab didnt touch it. The puck directed off Bouillon's stick. That should have been a goal for the Sens. Edit to add: Dinghy just called me to explain it to him because everyone around is confused as fack. No doubt.
  14. What.A.Save.From.Price. Cody Bass - Steve Begin! AWESOME!
  15. But that is! Oh-fucking-lay. 1-1
  16. That's no goal you idiots, unless you have an angle we cant see.
  17. Shit goal. Price better rebound from that one because more often than not lately it brings him down.
  18. Select this. ::points at crotch:: Definitely based on the first beer I just finished in 7 minutes.
  19. Youfucking said it bud no matter how poorly I mispelled. Choose to ignore your own misgivings all you want. And nooooooo, we dont drive back after games you dumb clunts.
  20. I made a similar bet Jakis. My 20 against their 80, something like that.
  21. Coming from the guy who didnt renew his flex pack because one of the reasons was:
  22. Yes, it is unfortunate that I dont live in the city of my favorite hockey team but then again, neither do you.
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