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Everything posted by Booche

  1. That third goal to end the first was EASILY the hardest I have yelled the eff word at the tv this season. Oh well. The thing I have learned these past 10 months is that the Habs have the ability to come back. :Edit to add the other posts I had made: 8:11 PM Boston is screaming after every puck in this second period. They totally want this game. 4-nil 8:59 PM Should be 5-1 on that Savard miss, not even counting the post before it. 9:01 PM And there you have it. 5-1 on the following draw which was a position Price should have if you ask me. Pull him. Dont blame him, make a statement to everyone. 9:15 Carbo didnt pull him and a shifty 6th goal went in after Komi fought Lucic? Yup. Dont pull him now. 9:27 Hat's off to the Boston fans for Ole'ing and Na Na Na'ing the Habs tonight. I get it. 9:28 My soul feels like it got punched-the-fuckout. Brilliantly done. Only in Boston.
  2. Kev just made me shudder at the thought of Ray Bourque and the old Boston Gardens.
  3. Poor deflection. Speaking of which, the Sens should work on that drill in practices if they are going to keep firing so many pucks from the blueline with no one blocking the goalies view.
  4. Roll Call: Wondering why Jaimoe is searching Sasson commercials on YouTube? I'll tell you why. He owned a pair in the mid-80's. I am pretty sure they were hand-me-downs from DaveyBoys older brother.
  5. Accident? PR-bullshit. Anyone who has ever played the game knows what is going on with that situation. He'll get his.
  6. When you are throwing your elbow at a guys head like that you know the potential consequences. That's why Habs fans rejoiced when Kovy took a run at Tucker in the manner he did a couple of years ago. Tucker tried to cheap shot him and Kovy retaliated. And Rutuu got 2 games. Deserved.
  7. The difference is that Rutuu seemed to want to bust his face/hand and or brain. That in itself is cowardly. 2 game suspension for Rutuu.
  8. Umm, that unwarranted elbow for starters? Or the couple of times (that I noticed) him leaving his feet to hit players? And that was just in this one game alone. He is Darcy Tucker in a Sens uniform. He'll get his. I aint worried.
  9. Dont let your opinions fly in here MrBigTime else Ollie/FBN will call you a troll. Rutuu is a coward. There. I said it.
  10. That Sens powerplay produced a fantastic shift for Les Brahs. You saw a second goal coming.
  11. The only thing you ever need to apologize for is that your mouth aint wrapped around my pee-pee.
  12. On the positive side of things for Mats, he could have gone to Les Brahs last year and got knocked out in the second round by The Toe Touchers. And Kosto got the proper suspension.
  13. What's the problem here? It costs a helluva lot more than $50 to have someone piss on you in Washington.
  14. Kosto will be getting his me thinks but they have waaaay more to worry about than that. I dont care what anyone says, their record does not dictate how they have been playing. And lately, its been total shit.
  15. I didnt get to see the hit live but I agree with Hal. Kosto could have let up but he fuckin creamed him.
  16. Les Brahs were dummied last night. They looked really off. THANK YOU! I was dying to know why the boys were giving it to him. The best theory we could come up with was thinking he facked someone's wife whilst in MTL.
  17. I figure you would be rejoicing because you have him in the hockey pool.
  18. I didnt like it at all.
  19. I dont even think those bandwagon fairies read the Go Sens Go thread.
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