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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I'm so sorry. I will try and do better.
  2. Varying success at best. How do you know Larry Mavety wasnt the one to make the call in Kingston to have him fired?
  3. Schwa walks into a store and purchases the following: 1 issue of Felchers First 1 box of razor blades 2 balls of twine Season 2 of Entourage on dvd 1 set of plastic gloves 1 stick of butter 12 grapes on a single vine 1 Hungry Man BaconGravy Coated Chicken meal 6 Zima’s 1 live turtle 1 tube of Preparation H 1 peach pie Cashier: Oh, you must be single Schwa: You can tell that by what I bought???? Cashier: No, you're fucking ugly!
  4. Jim Hulton is an assistant coach in Florida now? I had no idea. I stand by the points I have made.
  5. Booche

    the slip

    Your first opinion doesnt make any sense Bouche. How would there be a new SMMD record if they couldnt get Nathan over the border to their studio?
  6. Badams, I never got to see one second of the Dolphins-Raiders game. Not even a highlight! Did you watch it? I know the Phins got a late field goal but that is it.
  7. First off Roller, dont forget that Kirk Muller had exactly ONE YEAR as head coach of the Queens Golden Gaels before landing a job with the Habs. And Jaimoe I ask you this. Who are these good coaches this notoriously meddling owner has fired? Since 1997 there have been 5 coaches. Obviously you must not be referring to Larry Mavety as one of them because he has always been around, so look at the ones we are dealing with. Greg Bignell Jim Hulton Bruce Cassidy
  8. I wish I could say I watched it but I completely spaced on the game thanks to the amount of pain killers I pumped into my system. I have some kind of upper body injury suffered while I delivered an epic beatdown on MrBigTime after Saturdays game. Poor little fella. He ended up passing out and missing Chez Parez. Then again, so did we even though that club was a mere 40 steps away from our hotel. We ended up going to The Sadies instead.
  9. I have never loved you more Dinghy.
  10. Stuffin' the box. In other news, Barry Melrose = fired. I dont think any of us could have predicted it was going to be that quick!
  11. So you make this big prediction and then admit to not knowing anything about said prediction? Cool.
  12. Rumour has it that The Office enjoyed a substantial increase in viewership from the Ottawa area last night.
  13. Kev, you just made my morning. The 'pissing in the living room' story is becoming clearer by the day.
  14. It's pretty obvious the Sens are tanking on purpose so they can get Tavares. Bandwagon'd.
  15. I smoked* and drank alot of shit tonight. I'm ready for Saturday TissueMan. *key
  16. Based on the setlists in this thread I hope the Kingston crowd gets either or both of my favorite Dylan songs. Simple Twist Of Fate/Masters Of War. If Idiot Wind somehow comes out I might hate you all.
  17. bagochips has made this sound deliciously delicious but I unfortuanately have to be on the road work-early the following morning for an epic drunken adventure (yes I am old), else I would seriously try to be there. Edit to add: if bagochips is going to be there, so should you.
  18. Tales of the great rum runners? Thanks. I really enjoyed reading that Mike. This will be a fantastic gig.
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