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Everything posted by Booche

  1. You know what really grinds my gears? All these Best Of Lists we see generated at this time of year on this stupid board. Guess what? There is almost a month and a half to go before the year is over morons. And besides that, how the fuck do some of you forget to put certain items on the list. Obviously it ain’t all that Best Of if you chose not to include said item in the first place. So what makes album of the year – gorgeous piece of work you rarely listen to or the light, fun record you listen to everyday? Or is it because you read it because someone fucking told you because its on someone else’s list? Ding ding ding. Bastards. And where do you get all this money to buy all these albums? Selling drugs? Either that or you steal them, which is where I am hedging my bet. You people degrade my society and that is what really grinds my gears.
  2. Third Man In Links only please.
  3. Dont keep it clean. I cant believe I am about to say this: Go Leafs Go. ::pukes blood::
  4. This is the greatest thread in the history of message boards started by the greatest guy to ever live. I heart you.
  5. Happy bday you uppitybitch.
  6. She can butterfly style on top of me while I employ the Torpedo system.
  7. The best AD could do would be the third man in.
  8. Booche


    There's your answer Ollie. Mr Opposite finds The Hoagie House disgusting. I will be the first to admit that ever so often you will order a hoagie and the person making it totally ruins it. Dont ask me how or why but it does happen. Personally, I like rolling the dice because when they hit it right, it cant be beat.....for Kingston. We aint talking Philly here.
  9. Unlike Sens fans, there are two important factors to keep in mind with the MTL faithful regarding McGuire's comments and one important fact regarding Ollie's continued idioctic posts: 1 - At least they dont sit on their hands doing nothing. 2 - They were still at the game. 3. - A poll of NHL players by Sports Illustrated has determined that the Canadiens have the best fans in the league - in a landslide. More than a third of players, 35 per cent, said Montreal has the best fans in the league. The closest rival is the Minnesota Wild at only 13 per cent.
  10. Dont expect fans outside of MTL to understand that concept. Just look at last week's game against the Sens. Their fanbase believed they lost the game because a ref whistled off a goal.
  11. Booche


    Hahahahahaha, moron. Confirmed.
  12. Cox isnt any worse than 75% of the sports journalists covering the Habs in MTL. It's what they do. No one says you have to read his work.
  13. Hal, thats a pretty decent working theory at the moment let alone their penchant for 'yes' men.
  14. Hahahhahaa. I think 4 of us can venture a fairly accurate guess.
  15. I was fading in and out of sleep so I missed O'Byrne scoring into his own net. Ugh. In fact, I dont really have much to say about that game because I was unable to maintain any level of attention or retention. I should have got drunk.
  16. We are taking off in 30 minutes for tonights game. She's going to be a tough one, Boston looks good anytime I have watched them. PATRICK ROY!!!! I love all you Rich Stadium Hab fans. The rest? Suckmydick.
  17. There is not enough 'gold' in the emblem. None the less, if that third jersey AD posted is their actual third jersey..........fuuuuuuuuuck. Brutal.
  18. Jakis, that 10000 Lakes poster is wicked. Carstairs White Stripes is also cool as shit. Jordan and Lisa own this one. Lynn went to pick one up at the same time and the very last one was sold right before she asked for it. 20$ at the show and 250$ at Lonestar Posters now. I love this one: I think I have an original of this one but it aint in the best of shape now. I bought it for 10$ in 1990 when I was young and dumb. I have seen it for 2 grand at the Wolfgang site:
  19. I fuckin' love the Sadies. We just saw them in MTL. Showed up late because we were at the hockey game and as we walked in some dame told us there were only 3 songs left. Luckily we got in for free. Sure enough, there were only 3 songs left but when they came out for their encore they said "We are going to do 10 more songs" Wicked. 10 songs later and they leave the stage only to be pulled back out for a second encore by their adoring fans. 3 more songs brought the total to 16, sending us back to our hotel ecstactic. Then we staggered to Dunns and ordered way too much food. These guys might be my favorite touring Canadian band right now.
  20. Well that just gave me varicosities of the veins in my rectum.
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