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Posts posted by PhishyK

  1. by the way K, I like this philosophy and may just be on the road to forgiveness concerning your kd lang comments ;)

    Try accepting your desires and choosing your choices and you may find that you'll end up making the right choice in the end.

    Hehe... gee, thanks. If only you had any chance of molding me in to the refined and well-mannered young man that you'd like to!

  2. lol...

    stopping sex out of guilt is a lot like trying to stop smoking chron out of guilt. The little kid inside you will yell "fu©k off, i wanna screw/smoke!!" as loud as it can until you relent, and then you'll feel even more guilty.

    Try accepting your desires and choosing your choices and you may find that you'll end up making the right choice in the end.

    I am going thru a lot of stuff in this regard these days myself.

  3. A Particular Wave - Fern

    I have some old Particular Wave tapes kickin around somewhere...

    Yeah!!!! Best band ever to come out of Victoria... I used to freakin' LOVE these guys. They were so great. I wish they'd make a comeback but it's sure not gonna happen. >_<

  4. KD has gained a lot of weight, has feet like Fred Flintstone and was dressed like a goth hippo, but that dude can sing!

    ...only in Canada


    Did you see the outfit she wore? *barf*

    Perhaps it sounded like I was attacking lesbians in general. If so, I apologize and offer some 'big ups' to the queer community, ever wonderful as they are.

    However, KD Lang is effing disgusting and I wouldn't touch her with a 10-foot pole.

    Ever heard gay men joke about lesbians? Same basic thing. Chill out.

    • Basement Apt - Sarah Harmer
    • 38 Years Old - The Tragically Hip
    • Angel - Sarah Mclachlan
    • One Hot Summer - Veda Hille
    • Northern Lights - MaryJayne
    • Fly by Night / Freewill / Closer to the Heart - Rush
    • Freak Out - Avril Lavigne
    • Everything / You Learn / You Oughtta Know - Alanis Morrissette

  5. isn't Steve formerly of the Wassabi Collective in that group? Will Al Cameron be filling in on drumz?

    Yeah, he sure is! Stephen is one of my best and oldest friends, and he's back on electric guitar and vox for the return of Chameleon.

    We're taking things real slow because we want to a.) have fun and b.) make sure that things are hella sweet before we play live.

    I'll definitely keep you all posted. Thanks for your questions!

  6. hey - CannedBeats, how about Canteloupe Island? We do that one, and it's real fun to play.

    We did play one show with Al Cameron on drums, but he's moved up island now and I havent' heard from him in months. At this point we're still auditioning drummers but we have one in our sites...

    I'm excited!! :)

  7. I mean, the weather's really not that great today or anything... but I read this morning in the Toronto Star that y'all are expecting a big winter storm over the weekend. lol!

    Here it's about 12 degrees, sunny with big white fluffy clouds. The grass is green and wet, and the cherry blossoms are falling now.

    Soon we'll be drumming at the beach... *sigh*

    So what are you planning on doing in Cowichan Bay anyways, Bokonon? Why are you moving out here?

    Sorry for rubbing salt in the winter wounds, Easterners. With no hockey to trash talk over, gotta move to weather. hehe.

  8. You know that big last note of a concert?

    One evening, it was a huge show and we were rocking out big time. When that huge last chord came, I raised my bass triumphantly in the air and came down with the headstock HARD on our conga player's head. It really hurt him and everybody saw it!!

    That was like 4 years ago and I'm still getting ribbed about it... >_<

  9. Very interesting article there, for sure. Doesn't give a whole lot of hope to a dope addict who'd like to scale his smoking back, though. Chronics should feel extra depressed when they stop smoking? Oh, great >_<


    now where's my Rizlas...

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