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Pablo Sanchez

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Posts posted by Pablo Sanchez

  1. don't get a dl-4. I've had two for years and they were nothing but problems. Especially if your use is strickly for looping, get something dedicated to that.

    Also the a/d converter sounds like ass constantly. I found it especially horrifying with an acoustic guitar. artifact city.

  2. If you absolutely don't want to spend $400 or more, the only answer is the RC-2.

    The only thing is that once you get into this you will begin to think of the features you would like to have.

    The RC preamps and a/d converters sound like shit. This rings true from the rc-2 to the rc-50. The rc-50 blows. If you're going to drop that kind of cash there are a lot better options out there.

    I assume that you want to use this for live performace mainly. The ability to catalogue your loops is nice, but you'll probably never use them when you're performing because its kinda "backing track" like.

    I still feel like the Gibson echoplex is the ultimate performance looper. The loop IV software is extraordinarily deep. You can probably pick up a used one for around $600.00

    The other recommendation I have is the Electro Harmonix 2880. It has 4 tracks that you can layer on each of them. You can mixdown those 4 tracks to a stereo mix and then add another 4 tracks. Its kindof like an on the fly 4 track. The a/d converter sounds very pleasant and the routing options are pretty crazy because you've got left and right outputs. I really feel like this one can push your creativity unlike other loopers because of the multiple tracks. You can move "sideways" more easily by dropping the fadrers on certain parts of your loop and then building something new from another track. The go for about $600 with the footcontroller. I'm sure there may be some used ones out there already for much less.

  3. The casino is probably my favourite epiphone. Its great that its not a knock off but a epiphone original. Totally hollow, no centre block. The pickups could probably use replacing. I'm not sure if these would drop in because they don't make dog ear replacements but Suhr make the best P90s I've ever heard Suhr Guitars/pickups

    I'd also be a little cautious about the epi "bigsby". Give it a good work out and make sure its not more trouble than its worth.

    Other than that I think it would be a good trade.

  4. I once lent Art Garfunkel my Rhoades electric piano. It was a last minute thing and led to me going to the show.

    So I was bringing the piano back stage and then I saw Art getting his bow tie done by his assistant. He seemed to be quite flustered.

    Anyways, I guess she didn't do it to his satisfaction because took one look in the mirror and turned around screaming at this girl calling her a f'ing useless c*** and so on and so forth. It was a pretty extreme reaction and set the stage for what was a really really bad show. TO make matters worse there wasn't a pile of booze to go to town on back stage.

  5. Don't believe a word Velvet or Dave says. They know nothing about nero. They're also both drunks with bad memories.

    i'll drink to that' date=' now where's that bottle of Glen Breton i've got tucked away...[/quote']

    I was referring to myself and not you Dave.

    The Days of You show was definitely not our first time there. I think we had played TO 2 or 3 times before that. A couple at the Comfort Zone and once at the Reverb.

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