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Pablo Sanchez

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Posts posted by Pablo Sanchez

  1. Steve - Damo is doing a show in Ottawa on that tour but I have no idea who is in the band for that one.

    I am really looking forward to this one. I have never played with any of the musicians in the band and we are not rehearsing at all. So the first time I meet these people we'll be going up on stage and purely improvising. I love the concept. It could totally blow but its totally pure.

    Low Roller gave me a CAN cd a couple of years ago. I could not believe that band was from the 60s. The music is so advanced for that time. way way ahead. Its no wonder they were not a mainstream success.

    Zero- I hear what you're saying for sure but I don't think musicians or music fans care about that shit they just care about what they are hearing in the moment. Of course the music press is a different story. I'll bring my butter knife.

  2. I guess I haven't really cared what Trey has been up to since phish split the first time. I have no hate on for him, I just couldn't care less. I'll be seeing him at 10k. I haven't listened to anything he's done lately except for that god awful video.... I'd really love to hear some inspired music from him. After all he will always remain one of my top musical heroes.

  3. I've crossed the border hundreds of times as well. I've never been refused entry, but I've had many hassles. I've got to disagree with Dima. Even though I'm never doing anything illegal at the border I am always afraid and it seems to me that the border guards prefer it that way.

    Every single time I cross with Lara, we get sent inside because her passport is South African. We have jumped through all the appropriate hoops and paid them all off with costs of visas, crossing fees, and their other bs and we still have a hard time every single time.

    All that being said, the worst boarder guards I've every had were Canadian.

  4. There are six kittens in total.

    One is on hold for Gateaux/Sunshine, so that leaves five available kittens.

    Anyone interested can PM me. They are of course free to a good home.

    They are only one day old, so they won't be ready for homes for about another 6-8 weeks.

  5. Alright. I'll get some pictures soon. Beans and your new Kitty would be some distant relation... lets see Bean's Mom Puss (who sadly disappeared at the farm) was half sister to Fatty Boom Boom Tiger Lilly Wild Child's mom.

  6. Hey everyone,

    As some of you know we were living on a farm for the last couple of years and along with barns come barncats. Well we moved into the city a couple of weeks ago with one cat named Fatty Boom Boom Tiger Lilly Wild Child.

    Well, Fatty Boom Boom Tiger Lilly Wild Child was pregnant and had her Kittens last night.

    Some of you have got kittens from us in the past and now here's everyone's chance to get yerself a heady kitty this summer.

    It appears that most of them are tabby cats. Right now, very small and very cute. I always want to keep them all at this point but that would turn out to be a huge disater I'm sure. I guess they'll be ready to go in about 6 to 8 weeks and we're looking for homes for all of them.

    So pass the word around, its a Kitten party.

    I'll be posting some pics as soon as I can.

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