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Posts posted by Douglas

  1. He's really just a broken little boy inside, desperately missing the stability of a good woman in his life. Paging Douglas. Douglas, please rescue this man.

    I'm not sure I'd even piss on him if he were on fire...

    My love for Gn'R has very little to do with hAxl...he's just the only one with so little musical talent that I can actually mimic.

  2. I would give up my breaks for puppydawgs in the office! Better yet, I would looovvvve to spend my breaks playing with puppydawgs!

    fyi - all doggies are puppydawgs to me...not just puppies.

    I say hello to every puppydawg I see. And when he/she looks like a super-special puppydawg, I tell him/her he/she is a gooooood puppydawg! The owners of said puppydawgs sometimes laugh, but mostly look very very afraid..


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