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Posts posted by Douglas

  1. Dear work,

    Thanks for ruining my shoes. jackass.

    Dear work,

    Thanks for being cool enough for me to not hate waking up at 6am

    Dear work,

    Thanks for sending me interesting people to work with.

    Dear work,

    Thanks for keeping me thirsty.

  2. My cat and I once lived in a "no-pets" apartment. In fact, most windows showcased cats. I provided my landlord with proof of annual vaccinations, and all was fine.

    An early "welcome to Ottawa!" to you. And as Booche said, bring your dog for a workout...erm...play date!

  3. I was in Kingston, working at McPoopie's. We hopped from store to store, transferring food. That sucked.

    My apartment had power back within 2-3 days....at which point my living room was filled with people...some I knew, some I didn't.

    As horrible as it was for many people, the view sure was pretty...everything sparkled and it was so quiet (aside from the snapping trees).

  4. I just got the worst haircut ever. I would go back and have her do it again, but seriously I only have 1 chance to get it fixed.

    Looking for somewhere in Ottawa to go that can give a nice short haircut. Either that, or I'm shaving it all off.

    Pictures will be posted once it is fixed.

    Oh, and it has to be today since I am leaving tomorrow for Winnipeg.


  5. Booche and I shoveled the driveway this morning and then took the bus to work. And then Booche shoveled again when he got home...what a guy!

    I LOVE the snow...but hate driving in it and all the traffic that comes with it. I don't mind shoveling, but dang...this is crazy. I don't think that we can keep the driveway wide enough.

  6. I need rehab now...

    slept for 12 hours last night, and now I am wired. I sure was glad to not get that phone call today telling me that I had to drive to Montreal for the week....don't think I could have done it!

    Sorry YT...my week was packed solid with plans, and we didn't even get to do everything we planned. And the bold reference had absolutely nothing to do with you. bold font was all it was. Thanks for the invite for the weekend. Hope you had fun.

    So here I am, after 4 loads of laundry and 4 beers, trying to tire myself out to get to sleep. After all, it's only 7pm in my head. 6am is gonna suck tomorrow.

  7. when in Vancouver....post drunk

    I'm here for work, but basically I'm going to the office for a few hours, killing time until I can ge lt loadaed again.

    fSunday was innocent enough....lots of sight seeing. But then we got drunk on that night. well marcus and robbie whent to bed after buying all the beer and mario and I drank the rest. (I just nosomewhow got the bold thing goin on and I can't backspace cuz that's the rule so tjhe rest will be bold

    sooo....sunday, nice stuff and tdrunk. work on mondya blah blah blha

    i can't even begin to attempt to post ipictgures (as you can probably tell) so use your imaginations.

    we saw some sights, we ate out once, when gorcery shppoing and cooked for the riest of the week. dddgot drunk some more. but we comntineued to go to work and get "evaluated" by Anal-Michael".

    ok, this mistypes aren't all my falult. marcus is leaning on the tablel , laughing, shaking the laptopl....not my fault

    still bold, eh?

    our firday plan is to get some knoid of maritni that joiey suiggested , go tot the rude restaurant and the bounce in the swank room on the rubber floor with ms. beave.

    we played poiker with qtips

    how are your coke and hookers, andre? :" :tongue:

    keep that bed warm, baby


    i'm gringin whoopes....b I'm grin...damn...I'm bring..

    try again

    I'm bringing home some warm fuzz y beast

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