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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. a shot glass of rye dropped into a mug of beer. you are great at getting me plastered. thankyou forever.
  2. Yeah, Stu - why the hell did you move back? I'm going to be looking for a new place in the next year unless i can snag the room adjascent to mine in my place as well. move back stu.
  3. I apologise AM. I have this window open while doing other work and i drank a carabao (energy drink) not too long ago. I know I'm ok. you on the other hand have reason to be pissed. i am so glad i didn't forget to give you anything.
  4. guigsy got mine ages ago. have you dawdled with yours stonedP?
  5. so...does this not mean that somebody should get into it? Bouche??
  6. why not just make your own? glass of milk. 1 egg. sugar. pinch of salt. vanilla. beat the fuck out of your egg then mix in the rest. pour into glass. drink. great dairy breakfast. tastes nothing like catron nog. still great.
  7. Is this happening? Am I out of the loop/blind?? i need time to get my present there on time.
  8. "i like how 'fuÇking' gets filtered, but 'unfucking' doesn't. good work." just like a murder charge gets filtered by lawyers and a jury and rather than unmurdering his ex-wife she remains dead. quality legal representation.
  9. it's going to be awesome. especially if you like freeflow. not my thing but every time i see them i'm absolutely impressed. what a fucking great band. (a bit too slick for me. makes me think maroon 5 meets sublime, but a waaaay great band.)
  10. I work for the world's leading online wholesaler of building supplies. If you can order at least one pallet you can work with us to lower your costs. I contact our sample buyers to help organize and motivate them. Same Quality. Costs Less. End of story. is the company motto (tagline...whatever you call it) I deal with Americans most of my day and collect no commission. If I keep spending so much time on here i might not be at this job much longer. I just got out of a meeting where we discussed my future at the company, as my contract is nearing its end date. I think I will have a much more defined focus in the next 2 weeks. Glad to finally HAVE a job. Extra glad to really like the company i work for. Amazing that i don't loathe working.
  11. i hope you WOULDN'T write about shows the way I do. You seem to appreciate them much differently and definitely from a different point of view. I rarely buy or download music and although I go intoshows and hearsongs Iknow I couldn't tell you their names or have nearly as much trivial knowledge aboutthe artists and their scenes as I would have in highschool. I like to write reviews about shows but inthe past have felt hey went on too much like some crazy sermon. I like to add a lot and rarely like to write anyhting unless I can explain things from my side...and explanations take a long time to read. kinda like this thankyou post. I will. I hope to have something juicy for the weekend.
  12. Dub is a Weapon featuring Lee 'Scratch' Perry with Special Guest 'Third Eye Tribe' November 12 Richards on Richard's Vancouver BC On Sunday I received a telephone call from my friend Dottie. She offered me her spare ticket and I took her up on the offer. 'i should see this legend once and for all' was the sentiment and I'm glad that I did. She brought a girlfriend and I eventually left mine at home. She would have had her socks rocked...too bad for me, all things considered. So anyway, we all go to Swagat on Davie for $2.50 beers and wound up eating the buffet. Pre show meals are definitely key to having a full night (I'm glad that I did because i wound up going to sleep LAST night after a full day of work) Get to Dick's and go to coat check only to hear the girls talk about how they increased the fee to $2.50 PER coat...so ihanded her a fiver for the 2 garments on the hanger plus my umbrella and she gave me half back. Kind AND beautiful. The scene is set, the girls and I wander around the bar while waiting for the show to start. An older guy sits down to some hand drums and I think 'that's Lee' but it was not. Onstage, setting their gear up was the supporting act 'Dub is a Weapon' the lineup was: Drumkit, Keys, Percussion, Guitar/Producer, Saxophone, and Bass. "Boasting a smooth combination of reggae beats, soaring melodies, and swirling atmospherics, Dub Is A Weapon has certainly distinguished themselves as a true musical pioneers. While many groups now clamour to adopt the increasingly fashionable sounds of dub, Dub Is A Weapon has steadfastly refined their sound and are recognized as the best in the business." (from website) Yes it was tight. Yes it was f/phat. Yes it was sothing. Yes it was emotive. Yes it was flowing. It was too short. Setbreak happens and 'third eye tribe' started spinning. Some good tracks were to be heard and a wet melodica is always a cool dubby touch but going from a New York City players' vibe to a Dreaddy VanCity DJ didn't QUITE do it for me. That's about the same time that a gaggle of clueless fratboys started crowding the stage. for a DJ set. It was kinda funny at first cause it looked like acouple of em wanted to 'mack' my friends - andthey're cute girls in art school far away from home...but they ignored the dudes. I circulated round the bar to get some perspective and fresh air (stale fratboy musk) and then went back to the stage. Made my way back up front through the morons and the set began. Swaggering in like a mighty lion, Scratch greeted the crowd with a toothy grin and confident poise. He showed us his hat lined with money as the band filled the room with glory and might. and then out came the digital cameras. washy flash and all. Again and again. Meanwhile, Scratch started getting frustrated with these stupid white boys that obviously didn't understand. So he began to make fun of them. When he began calling them zombies and telling them to jump and got them to do it I began to laugh. He gave em sucka props and they were eating that shit up with a spoon. jesus. Anyhow, in trying to rile up the crowd Scratch was beginning to get overbearing and I thinkhe noticed the crowd ignoring him and shut up a bit for the band to get big and deep again. So! then the show started to get REALLY good. There's definitely something extra big about a fat man on bass. The grooves were deep and we all felt it. I have a feeling that we'll have many chances to feel this band again and again. The room was packed and everybody was into it. What a great band to back up an overbearing legend. Scratch should have understood that space is what makes dub what it is. I'm happy for DiaW - they get the cred of working with a true musical pioneer and visionary.
  13. The Rapture with the Presets November 14 2006 Richard's on Richards Dilly Dally, keep a tally of all the shows i regret showing up late to...or not. Get into the bar and the Presets are kicking MACHESB. i mean really. 2 guys with keyboards and percussion (mostly blocks and bells) pumping seriously hard beats and slick lines over some prerecorded tracks. hard dance pop. think a cool new Order. Holy dance party. Holy 2 songs. holy umbrellas make the girls wet. Setbreak happens...and here comes the morrisey and madonna. time ticks away and, details aside, the Rapture hop onstage. You aint heard no whiny sneer backed up with a confident swagger like this before. drums.keys/sax/bells&blocks.bass/keys/vox.vox/guitar With such a fired up band, you'll expect some fired up fans. well...the ladies at least. what a fun crowd for a SUPER packed show. I'm a pretty big guy and i can't fit into tiny cracks and stand still. that's my only complaint - that they didn't book the commodore. the rhythm section was totally on fire. locked in, expressive, and fun. a great backup for a lanky afroed guitar. they have a tight beat, catchy hooks, gritty guitars, depth, a sense of humour, and are absolutely anthemic. "People don't dance no more, they just stand there like this They cross their arms and stare you down and drink and moan and piss" Finally a rock band that can kick some dance grooves without any wank, that don't puss out, and are all about good times while still having some great lyrics and a grin on their faces. Next time they come this town had better have an afterparty lined up. they were aching for a party - mentioned it about 5 times onstage. Wanna hear a band that you can breakdance to? check it out. the Rapture
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