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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. Dude! That night Uncle Seth played Elements was great. You definitely have a great sound and fab tone. I wish i could be there to have a beer with you. rock it quirkily!
  2. '>Newbury Comics Definitely a great shop for all sorts of goodies. Right downtown. I got a bunch of great vinyl there and CDs I wished i was still into collectibles (toys) when I went. way cool place.
  3. MILF? Cougar country? Mature Porn? There's loads of hot grannies out there. Too bad it's treated more as a fetish than an attitude.
  4. The guy has a problem. Bitching about which problem confuses the issue. Poor guy. What a great energy to have lost out on for so long Too bad he couldn't stay chipper.
  5. There's an attractiveness to youth, but just as food, wine, art, and luxury the 'more is better' approach leads to confusion if taken for granted, unnecessary or exploited,direction is often forced upon everyone as an issue and limitation rather than an understanding. I'm 27 years old. When I was 23 I wouldn't have said Eleven isn't too young. When I was 14 the girls I liked were 15. I don't really think about it even though the thought of sex-dripped teens make me grin.
  6. Keither and I saw Balboa awhile back and I wouldn't say they were Jesus rants but they definitely had a feel about them that Stallone felt it was necessary to try to inspire people. An ideal way to finish the series.
  7. I just saw a show about pedestrian collisions and giant car wrecks. Good vibes to you all. If the passenger and driver of the subcompact car that got smoked by a tractor trailer got out of their wreck effortlessly, your love should be ready to have you pamper her at home in bed sooner than you'd think I hope the driver does some good to give a little back for your Diane not being a tractor trailer.
  8. just get on the hunt soon. It's gonna sell out fer sher. What else are you looking forward to this year??
  9. crap when the hell did i type that?? shee-yit. low latency=faster - which is what you would want for audio and video work.
  10. uh...people been traced, i smell a narc.
  11. Dude...garaj was off the hook last night. I'm sure NYE willl be fun everyuwher I'm still bug eyed and crazy. if you're ointo garaj tonight's the night to hit that shit. I look forwarde to jamming perhaps.
  12. just ensure you have low lateny the faster the derive the less informations gets corrupted. .r.
  13. can Jam man tap tempo? if it can't then it's all about the loopstation...sure the boss might sound less than ideal it's a great tool. Marc Rogers used it quite a bit with his 5 and 7 string basses while playing with Brownman's Electryc trio and gruvasylum.
  14. Well...5 months and 22 days... I'll likely have gotten those taken care of by then. and then I'll want some new threads or concert tickets. Wanna take me out and buy me some clothes? I look mighty in fine digs and then we'd shash it up in style.
  15. Stoney..."And I say that with an unblemished record as a staunch supporter of Upstream, but also a lover of and pushover for that funky Garaj sound." I never figured you'd play into the Drama my friend. Of all people, I always thought you'd be way more into the music than to pander to a social issue. I look forward to Derek putting on a show that I actually want to go to. Stanton Moore was close. Xavier Rudd was too...still upstream didn't win me over. I've been to many bonfire shows and for what it's worth friends are friends. I don't remember ever meeting Derek (sorry derek if we met but my memory isn't the strongest at shows or around alcohol) When it comes to going to shows - a promoter has to get me to want to come out with the concert, not just the crowd that goes to the shows. the Upstreamers that hit the shows are some of the most solid folks I've met since I've moved here but pledging myself to a promoter? come on. If Derek gets My Morning Jacket across the border and into richard's or the Commodore I'll be there and spend my money gleefully and would even pledge to see String Cheese if he did it. I look forward to what the city has to offer and for the most part it's not Jammy shows. I love what Bonfire's brought this city's concertgoers (pnuma, aphrodesia, slammin, noised from the toolshed etc.) but lately I demand to be impressed and I have the internet at home so I can wank on my own behind a closed door and not feel obliged to buy an overpriced beer from a grumbly bartender. getting back to the thread... I don't feel that I'm going to get that far down my list, Dima. I just realized that I got paid last night and I have bills to pay...I'd much rather spend $200 for my entire weekend, especially with rabidmonkey and Mark Tonin in town going to garaj on saturday, out for drinks and fun tonight and getting wasted on Sunday at a house party or perhaps even to another night of Garaj than throw down my entire wad in one night. I also need better headphones for my iPod shuffle and I need speakers for my stereo...a pickup for my guitar, a power cable for my synth pedal...presents for my Erin...tires for my car... I could definitely get lots of crack and opium and start a second job - I'm already downtown, a 5 minute walk from the Insite (safe injection site) and when I get off work it's about dinner time. hmmm...that's not at all sketchy...at least i have career options.
  16. My amp came with a lead clamp to loop my speaker cable through. I used to love hearing army broadcasts come through my amp but I can understand how annoying it would be if you're recording quiet layers. wall of sound? could be richer with an obnoxious commercial or two.
  17. If you want a basic looper the RC-20XL is ideal if you don't want to upgrade in 3 months get the RC-50 you can run mic, external sources, and instruments through and it's got more time than you'll use.
  18. It's either: My friend Charley's House Party, Garaj Mahal, the party at the Cambie, or a big fat rock and a fat dragon tail. Too Bad Zony Mash didn't beat the monkey on that one.
  19. House Party or Garaj is still winning for NYE. Christ, the party at the Cambie Hostel's gonna be a hoot too. You've gotta post a cooler party than that to get me interested.
  20. I suggest the CBC radio 3 podcast.
  21. Well It's about that time... MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Sending my best to you and yours! .r.
  22. so yes? You could probably make it yourself, BK.
  23. If government was genuinely paid more the great minds that typically get sucked in by the international brain drain might be more willing to stay at home. too bad it's such a club anyway.
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