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Posts posted by MarcO

  1. This is a project involving Mike Daley, a top-notch singer/songwriter from the Hamilton area (now T.O.) who used to be the driving force behind The Eggmen, a Beatles-tribute band. Sadly, he left them and took a great deal of professionalism and attention to detail with him. :(

    I'd go to this but I'm way too poor.

  2. "Glazed Eyes For The Stoned Guy" - Watch as MarcO and his crew of designer partyboys (Esau, Paisley, Secondtube & Booche) administer life-threatening amounts of booze and recreational drugs to yuppies and wookies alike. Viewer discretion is highly advised.

    The reviews are in!

    "It's the worst show we've ever seen!" - The Globe and Mail!

    "Absolutely sickening - these horrible men should be sent into eternal space orbit" - TV Guide.

    "I would rather stare directly into the sun." - The New York Times

    upcoming episodes:

    Saturday May 29, 2004: "A Birthday Party at Hooters!"

    Saturday June 5, 2004: "Is that a man or a woman? Who cares?"

    Saturday June 12, 2004: "Brian just barfed on the acid! Tim's gonna be pissed!"

    Saturday June 19, 2004: "Who's tongue is this?" (live! on location in Saratoga Springs, NY)

    Saturday June 26, 2004: "Jackpot!"

  3. Some great shows to check out from some great artists! Great to see shows like these coming our way! Yay! ::

    Jonathan Richman


    Thu 06/17/04 Montreal, QC Cabaret Music Hall

    Fri 06/18/04 Ottawa, ON Zaphod Beeblebrox

    Sat 06/19/04 Hamilton, ON Corktown

    Sun 06/20/04 Guelph, ON E-Bar

    Mon 06/21/04 Toronto, ON Lula Lounge

    Tue 06/22/04 Toronto, ON Lula Lounge

    Wed 06/23/04 Toronto, ON Lula Lounge

    Southern Culture On The Skids


    Fri 07/02/04 Ottawa, ON Babylon

    Sat 07/03/04 Toronto, ON Horseshoe Tavern

    Sun 07/04/04 Hamilton, ON The Casbah

  4. A part of me grew up with Phish. I just feel grateful for all the good times.

    Exactly. Hell, I was 21 when Jerry died. Old enough to have seen a dozen or so shows in GD's final five years but with lots of formative years to come. With Phish, that's where I hit the road with people like Brian Hamilton, now one of my best freinds, really got to know people like Cyberhippie (Trevor) on those trips, those trips to Deer Creek and Columbus with all those beautiful people that are now among my dearest friends (secondtube, Momma Ginny, Sara Evans....), the Florida expeditions with TimmyB and hamilton and the rest of the crew, not to mention Laurie - I still remember hanging with her at Oswego, before we were a couple, lives were changing, experiences unfolding, and Phish was the soundtrack through all of it.

    So, I feel like I'm losing a friend. Hey, I know it's not a big deal - it;s only a rock band, right? My life doesn't have some empty void in it - maybe that's where being 30 helps a little. But I am disappointed. I honestly thought I'd be seeing Phish shows for years to come.

    As an editorial aside, I'm also disappointed because, unlike a lot of other people, I happen to really like their new sound and material and never really understood why they weren't featuring it front and center, instead becoming a lot like the "nostalgia" act Trey so desperately wants not to be. Seems to me the choice was theirs, they didn't take it, and here we are today.

    So I say thanks to Trey, Page, Jon and Mike for all the great music and for providing the vehicle for me to bond in friendship and love with some really great people who I will treasure forever. It was a long, strange trip.


    (I wish I could do Coventry but it is not to be for me, SPAC will be my goodbye weekend for Phish - I intend to celebrate! ::)

  5. I listened to some Big Cypress last night and some selections from my favorite shows. It makes me real sad to realize I'll never hear those 4 guys lean into the "Black-Eyed Katy/Moma Dance" groove again after this Summer. That's the kind of thing that made Phish special, that they'll never replicate with anyone else.

    It's going to be kind of hard to listen to Phish for a while. When I'm into a band, I'm forward looking - rarely do I even venture back to 1999/2000 these days when it comes to Phish - I want to hear Miami & Vegas, warts and all, because it gets me excited about what will happen next, where they will go next, how the sound will change, new material, etc.... and that's an experience that's going to end, and I'm really going to miss it.

    I imagine I probably won't be listening to a lot of Phish as the tour and the year winds down. Happened to me with the Dead too (I fully realize they are different circumstances), took me a couple of years really to be able to re-appreciate their legacy and music.

    Ah, who knows how I feel? I don't. :(

  6. i like uncle ted- for scaring me straight

    lol! ::

    you know who I really like? sarahbelle. She doesn;t post as often as she used to but Laurie and I have gotten to know her a bit better the past year or so and she's truly one of those people that make the world a truly beautiful place. Viva la 'belle!

    She's a wonderful person to know. ::

  7. I thought last night's episode was a clear improvement over several of the shows so far this season. A bit more "real", the humour was more subtle. Should be interesting to see how this ends up. Always great to see Randy ina cowboy hat (oh, god...).

    I gotta admit though, I can't quite figure out Barbara's motives. ::

  8. seriously though, I like just about everyone I've ever met from this board, and there's not even one person I can think of that I particularly have a hate-on for on-line. I've come to operate on the theory that was is said on the board is one thing, and meeting someone and looking them in the eye is another. Life's too short, and maybe this board has helped me realize this.

    I have lots of new-found friends that I can call on anytime I'm in London, Peterborough, K-W, Ottawa, Kingson or out East, or wherever, thanks to this board, and most of them I've never met (yet)! Now *that's* community! ::

    Seriously, lot's of great people around here. I don't think we quibble *too* much, do we???

  9. Yeah, I'm late on the boat on this one but I haven't been at a computer for days....

    Happy Birthday, Andre! You'll never know how many times a post of yours or a private PM has put a smile on my face and quite simply made my day! Looking forward to getting bleary-eyed with you at SPAC!

    Cheers to you, friend! ::

  10. I've seen them three (maybe 4? can't remember) times since 1998 and have concluded that I don't like 'em at all. I would never go see them again unless they were part of another bill.

    Sometimes I think I really don't like "jamband" music at all, I just happen to really be into a handful of bands that merge into that scene, or form the heart and soul of it (ie. G Dead & Phish). I can't be the only one that feels this way around here..... :(

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