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Posts posted by MarcO

  1. Jay - you're fucked. ::

    I'm hoping to make it out tonight to meet Ramona. She sounds nice.

    Anyway, I'm honestly starting to feel a bit under the weather (if you don't believe me, just feel me) so I'm 50/50 for tonight but I'm gonna try to pop down to the bathhouse after class to hang with the boyz.

  2. Aw shucks! :o

    Yup, it's been thirty years and approximately nine months since a maniacal Scottish dude came home from the pub and mounted his good lady, planting the seed that would become the quivering, sweaty lump of gristle, bone, flesh and hair you see wobbling before you. I *still* don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I'm watching paisley and esau closely, and taking notes! ::

    Thanks for all the kind words, friends! With the Fatties and Wasabi scheduled for the July long weekend at CTMF, I'm sure you'll see Laurie and I there for that weekend, looking forward to it! As for this weekend, we chose to opt for a stay at a beautiful cottage up near Tobermory, relaxing and recharging our batteries, so please do puff one down for us at CTMF!

    If any of the local bullies are interested, some of us are heading down to Ray's Boathouse on Dundurn, right around the corner from our place, tonight around 9-ish. We all have to work in the morning so we'll just be there for a couple of hours having a few pints, but please feel free to join us! I'll fight you out back for Paxil.


  3. Day 2: Voting for Brian Johnson/Angus Young. Back In Black is a classic for sure but the real deal for AC/DC is the Bon Scott stuff.

    AC/DC is my kind of hard rock: meaty, simple, bluesy and sung by a guy who sounds like a tractor trailer just landed on his foot. Wicked!

  4. I like "The Connection: because it sounds unlike anything they've really done before - a good thing, indeed.

    I'm not waiting on another "You Enjoy Myself" or "Divided Sky" because they've been there, done that, and besides, both of those tunes are tired old warhorses that should be put away for a little while, imo. I haven't been keeping on top of Phish for the last 10 years just to hear yet another version of YEM or The Sloth or whatever.

    My only disappointment with Phish post-hiatus is that they haven't rammed their great new material down everyone's throat.

  5. May favorite member of Phish and one of my favorite keyboardists. He plays with such restraint and class but doesn't let that red-headed guy push him around too much, and he's probably the best singer in Phish - I wish he was featured more often. The strong, silent type. :o

    Happy Birthday Page! ::

  6. I agree. It was one of the weaker episodes I've seen. Not that it wasn't downright hilarious at times, but man are they ever stretching things this season. This isn't an observation out of the blue, it's been a feeling I've had since the first episode of this season.

    A couple of times we were just staring at the screen where I'm sure we were meant to be roaring with laughter.

  7. Remember, the US is not at "war" with Iraq, so there can be no POW's. The end of combat operations was declared by Dubya over a year ago. [color:"purple"] US Troops are there now to bring dignity and hope back to the Iraqi people, and a true democracy denied to them by their tyrannical leader. ::

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