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Posts posted by MarcO

  1. Yeah, it's bizarre to see the dark side of Bubbles emerge. That was a good episode, kept me on my toes from beginning to end. Anybody know what the "ravine" reference was (it was what made Rickey almost shoot the puppet, and Bubbles)?

    A few shows in, my Sunday night TPB crew and I have noticed that the characters this season seem to be embracing their extreme personalities a bit more, with a lot less subtelty than in the past. So Randy is a bit more "Randy"-like this year, and Bubbles like "Bubbles Plus" this time, I can't describe it so well but do you get my drift? Also, the subplots seem to be stretching themselves a bit thin. But these are mere quibbles, it's still must-see TV on a Sunday night.

    Not much of J-Roc lately. ::

  2. I like this nugget: the cd was mixed at Real World studios in England, which is owned by Peter Gabriel, who makes a point of listening to everything that goes through it. He apparently sent the band a note saying how much he loved the album.

    I'd say that's a pretty fine endorsement! ::

  3. And there's this:

    Billboard Article

    Phish Become Free Agents

    With a new album and summer tour on the horizon, veteran jam band Phish finds itself in the uncommon position of being a musical free agent. "Undermind," due June 15 via Elektra/Atlantic, fulfills Phish's contract with the label for which it has recorded its entire career.

    "We either re-sign with them and it's great, or you just let the contract go and say, 'See you later,' and see what else is out there," drummer Jon Fishman tells Billboard. "Or you just don't have a label. I think any scenario would work for us."

    Ironically, "Undermind" is the group's first release for the newly merged Elektra/Atlantic label group. Fishman says he's excited by the changes at the label, saying the old Elektra "never really worked out well for us. It always felt like they wanted us to be different, and this is who we are."

    However, he admits, "it's a two-way street. For our part, we were very unattentive and unresponsive to their promotion ideas. None of us were very comfortable sitting in Tower Records signing autographs or playing three minutes on the air."

    "Undermind" is the follow-up to 2002's "Round Room" and was produced by the band with Tchad Blake. Tracks include "Secret Smile" (with string arrangements by composer/arranger Maria Schneider) and first single "The Connection," which goes to U.S. radio outlets on May 24.

    "I will be surprised if it doesn't catch fire," Fishman enthuses about the lead track. "I don't think it will be a boom bang hit like something from [OutKast's] 'Speakerboxxx[/'The Love Below'], but I could really see it striking a chord."

    Phish's summer tour kicks off with a June 17-18 stand at KeySpan Park in Brooklyn, N.Y. Fishman says one of the shows will be simulcast at select movie theaters.

    -- Melinda Newman, L.A.

  4. Paisley makes sense. I can’t believe I typed that, but it’s true!

    Personally, I think I'm just pleased to see us discussing something around here. It's been so slow lately.

    Having never seen the photo, I can't comment on it's value, right or wrong, but a few things come to mind as I go through this thread:

    1 - Booche is one of our beloved and handsome moderators and near as I can tell he uses this privlege responsibly and appropriately, so he should get the benefit of all of our doubts.

    2 – Sean doesn’t need to catch shit for voicing his opinion. And anytime you make it out to the Hammer bro, let’s get together and have a beer. And look at some dirty photos. ::

    3 - for all the empathy arguments, maybe I'm a hard nose about this kind of thing, but for all the "stuff" I've plowed into my face over the years I still feel you're ultimately responsible for your own behaviour. So if I get loaded and then naked at a red-hot sexy Drums & Tuba show or something, I'm a bit of a twit and wouldn't have much room to complain about it when the photo pops up on a message board. I'd be mortified but I'd have no-one but myself to blame. This point has nothing to do with whether the photo should be posted here or not, just a "how-did-I-get-here?" kind of thing.

    4 - And paisley is right, I think guys get a bad rap sometimes; I bet 99.9% of the male members of this board would go ask that girl if she was ok, help her find her friends (and pants), assist her gently and respectfully, or at the very least keep an eye on her and intervene if they saw another dude taking advantage of said situation. I’m sure there are a million horror stories to counteract that impression but you never hear the other side of things in these debates.

  5. "it was a bare bum...she was standing there with a bare bum. Not much more to it than that. "

    Well that's what I figured. I just wanted to know (see) what's so offensive about that. Or what that has do with drug talk or terrorism or stupid sexy booche in a nurse's uniform. ::

    So can we assume that if you decide, for whatever reason - maybe because the genius noodlings of moe. are just so damn sexy, like most jambands - to get half naked at a public event, you're leaving yourself open to be photographed? And that that photo is prone in this day and age to be distributed beyond your control? And that you probably know that as you're unbuckling your pants but just don't care anymore? What about Wook #17?

    And can we further agree that there's nothing really offensive about a bare bum? I don't see any point in comparing it to the snuff photos and shit-bath filth that was appropriately removed from this board?

    I mean, we had some consensus that the Janet Jackson nipple-party really wasn't worth any fuss. And when I'm giving paisley a hot-oil rub, I'm really only thinking about the groceries.

    Holy. Moley.

  6. Tonight, this gift to the world from the American cultural machine winds up 10 years of proud service. Me, I could never get into it. I gave it a good honest try a few times over the years, as people I really respect - friends and writers - suggested it was better than it seemed but I never saw it's worth. In the end, I think I could never get past the actors themselves: I can't stand any of them (esp Jennifer Aniston, grrrrr.....). So smug and self-important.

    So, this wasn't meant to be a rant, just an observation on what seems to be an important event (in it's proper context) for millions of people but means less than nothing to me.

    Your thoughts?

  7. Hahahaha - hey, looks good. SUre, you know my list was obviously a goof but I *love* the Grateful Dead. If you wanted to, you could replace "I Fought The Law" w/ "Foolish Heart", one of my true favorites.

    Anybody who was into the Dead in the 1993-> period knows about "I Fought The Law". Jerry played it seemingly all the time and it was seen as a quick "let's get out of here asap" kind of encore, complete with pantomine tomfoolery from Bobby and Vince (Weir shot Welnick!).

    I was at the show where they premiered it, the fabled snowstorm show in Richfield March 1993. It was a terrible show but the encore (IFTL) put a smile on our faces. By the end of Spring Tour people had already had enough of it! :: The Albany shows on that tour were really rather good btw, seek out the show with the "Estimated" > "Comes A Time" dream-come-true.

    Good thread, Marc. Thanks!

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