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Posts posted by MarcO

  1. Well, our ship has been sailing into rough waters lately, seems a lot of posts have been degenerating into name-calling and second-guessing of intentions. While this is bound to happen, I just wanted to let you all know that checking out this board is a pleasure for me to do (almost) every day. I really dig all of you and get a lot of pleasure out of checking out your thoughts, lives and opinions. I interact with all of you more often than I see some of my close friends here in the real, physical world. It's a great collection of people on this board and we all make our own unique contributions and that's what keeps me coming back for more. So, thanks everyone, just for being yourselves. Much love to all of you, and I hope each and every one of you have a great day today!


  2. Well, as has already been pointed out on other boards, don't expect to see a tour that is routed to go straight from Missouri to Oregon.

    What we do know at this point is that in mid-February a "national" tour will commence, with deatils to be announced in the coming weeks (I, for one, would be very surprised to see any Canadian dates in there). And that Phish plan to hit the road several times in 2003, performing a large number of shows when all is said and done.

  3. quote:

    Originally posted by secondtube:

    dunno. it was supposed to be a joke to lighten the mood up a bit.

    I got a chuckle out of it! [big Grin] (ps - you have inlaws?!?)

    Hey, here's a poem I wrote a couple of years ago:

    My Nuts

    Do you know about my nuts?

    How crunchy and fresh they are?

    Sometimes they are salty

    And other times they have a candy coating.

    These nuts just melt in your mouth

    While these need you to bite into.

    These nuts are imported

    No duties are charged on my nuts

    Just the duty to enjoy them.

    My nuts are big and bold

    You can eat them at the movies

    Or in the car

    Sometimes it's nice to just

    settle back


    and dig into my nuts.

    Or they can be a quick snack

    something to get you by.

    Everybody loves the smell of my nuts

    When the shell has been opened.

    They roll around and sometimes

    you have to catch them

    before they drop to the floor.

    Some people like to throw my nuts

    Into their friend's mouths.

    and that's ok too

    Because I have enough nuts for everybody.

    My nuts are delicious.

  4. (First off, Steve, just so ya know this is my response to the thread as a whole, not to you in particular although this post may follow yours)

    This is a debate over what we as individuals feel is the right or wrong approach for the remaining members to take. We do have a right to make a judgment on that. Of course the decision is ultimately up to the band, but the debate here is whether we'd be happy with it or not. There's no credentials required other than an interest in the music and a respect for the music's history. It's our debate too, not just the bands.

    And it's not up to anyone to have to change their opinion just because this open forum has a range of age categories, from those who saw the Dead dozens of times to those who didn't know what "Dark Star" was a year ago. Pointing out that you saw the Dead isn't a statement of superiority, it's a statement of perspective, a unique one that those too young to have spent an evening in the same venue as Jerry Garcia will never be able to have, I mean how could they? And that's it, as far as I can see.

    I'll say it again: for me - and I'm only speaking for myself obviously - The Grateful Dead ended on August 9, 1995. That doesn't mean that I think post_GD line-ups are bogus, useless or illegitamte. For me, and me only, everything after that seems like a shadow, an image, a representation of something that once was. I say enjoy it, appreciate it, take care of it and celebrate it but don't get too frustrated about it. It is what it is and for some it is exciting and motivating, for others it is the extension of a slow decline that began while Jerry was still alive, but was that much more involving, rewarding and emotionally accessible while he was here.

    And that's why I would be disappointed if they called themselves "The Grateful Dead". It's not necessary except from a business perspective. (Although apparently, they're not having trouble selling tickets)

    Although the argument is moot; I really don't think they will call them selves the "Grateful Dead" again. I just wanted to hear what people may think about the issue and boy did we ever find out!! [Eek!][Eek!]

    Final point: there are LOTS of great bands out there. Young talented players making their mark on a constantly evolving music world. Nostalgia can be a enterprise of diminishing returns.... be careful with it!!

  5. My belief is that if you are interested in popular music of any kind, it pays endless dividends to familiarize yourself with the music of and careers of The Beatles and Bob Dylan.

    There are hundreds of other things that should be investigated also but all roads lead back to those two.

    I'll ramble about the Beatles shortly.... suffice it to say I don't think it is possible to over-rate them. Their body of work is unparalleled in quality and scope and their effect on the second half of the 20th century immeasurable. Giants.

    I for one would love to hear some love for the "early" Beatles (pre-Rubber Soul). The sound of young, hungry, talented genuises playing so fucking well it hurts. Their first album "Please Please Me" is a desert island disc for me. It's rare that a week goes by where I don't dig into the Fab Four at least once.

    Soul food of the Gods.

  6. Well, I'm not sure that hanging up the name "Grateful Dead" belittles any of the remaining members but it does signify that this is a whole new ball game without Jerry, surely the first amongst equals. That's the more respectful approach to their late, truly great, brother, I think.

    And yes, I agree, Seals touring with the "JGB" was repulsive. A better name for that line-up would have been "Shameless Career Opportunists Earning Money Off a Dead Man". Or, SCOEMODM, if you like. [Roll Eyes]

  7. Apparently, some surviving members of the Dead want to re-establish the name, while others feel it more appropriate to leave it be and just call themselves The Other Ones (or perhaps some other Dead-related moniker).

    What do you think?

    For me, the Grateful Dead ENDED on August 9, 1995. Doesn't mean I don't love the rest of the remaining members and appreciate their history of playing together and their desire to keep that tradition alive, but without Jerry it just can't be the Dead, imo. He was THAT important. Crucial, really. All the stuff I've seen and heard since he passed keep proving that to me over and over again.

    If it wasn't appropriate to keep the name seven years ago, it's no more appropriate now. I think it is fine to continue to play and reinterpret the back catalogue but just leave that name be.

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