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Posts posted by MarcO

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by Sarahbelle:

    Critical thinking can get you alot further than conformist thinking..

    You're awesome, Sarah!

    Things I have learned over the past year:

    The world is a much smaller place than I could have ever realized in my 28 years.

    Violence begets violence (I think I alredy knew that but it has been brought home)

    George W. Bush is a puppet not a leader. A bad and stupid man. Hopefully history will record him as being a one-term loser just like Pops.

    I have learned that religious extremism of any kind is perhaps the most dangerous thing the world as a whole faces and must be dealt with.

    I have learned that I know precious little.

    I have learned that border crossings are more awful than ever.

    I have learned that the US administartion has no shame.

    I will never see a firefighter in the same way.

    I have learned that I will probably never forget what it was like for those couple of hours wondering just when this insanity would end.

    I have learned that I actually found a bit of respect for the way our government and specifically Jean Chretien handled themselves on our behalf in the days that followed. (Time to review and roll back those anti-terror laws, though!)

    I have learned that some people seem to think they are being effective or sympathetic by turning their angst towards Muslims and Arabs, surely the most cowardly response.

    And, in the last year, I have discovered all of you beautiful people and I wish each and every one of you and your loved ones peace, happiness, grace and love for the rest of your lives.

  2. I've seen them twice. Not bad for a night out, you could definitely do a lot worse.

    For me, they are the musical equivalent of rice cakes: they won't hurt you, they can occasionally be delicious, but ultimately they are forgettable and you may have further cravings. [Eek!]

  3. from bushwatch

    The Kennebunkport Hillbillies

    (sung to the tune of The Beverly Hillbillies Theme Song)

    Come and listen to my story 'bout a boy name Bush.

    His IQ was zero and his head was up his tush.

    He drank like a fish while he drove all about.

    But that didn't matter 'cuz his daddy bailed him out.

    DUI, that is. Criminal record. Cover-up.

    Well, the first thing you know little Georgie goes to Yale.

    He can't spell his name but they never let him fail.

    He spends all his time hangin' out with student folk.

    And that's when he learns how to snort a line of coke.

    Blow, that is. White gold. Nose candy.

    The next thing you know there's a war in Vietnam.

    Kin folks say, "George, stay at home with Mom."

    Let the common people get maimed and scarred.

    We'll buy you a spot in the Texas Air Guard.

    Cushy, that is. Country clubs. Nose candy.

    Twenty years later George gets a little bored.

    He trades in the booze, says that Jesus is his Lord.

    He said, "Now the White House is the place I wanna be."

    So he called his daddy's friends and they called the GOP.

    Gun owners, that is. Falwell. Jesse Helms.

    Come November 7, the election ran late.

    Kin folks said "Jeb, give the boy your state!"

    "Don't let those colored folks get into the polls."

    So they put up barricades so they couldn't punch their holes.

    Chads, that is. Duval County. Miami-Dade.

    Before the votes were counted five Supremes stepped in.

    Told all the voters "Hey, we want George to win."

    "Stop counting votes!" was their solemn invocation.

    And that's how George finally got his coronation.

    Rigged, that is. Illegitimate. No moral authority.

    Y'all come vote now. Ya hear?

  4. quote:

    Originally posted by h:

    ok, i quite enjoy Peter Gabriels Passion cd which contains the soundtrack music he put together for the last temptation of christ...

    i think you would enjoy it if you havent heard it

    An excellent choice, h. Can't go wrong with this beautiful cycle of music.

  5. The New Deal - Sound+Light Vol 2: 4-5-00 Guelph

    Why? Because it is a mind-bending document of what it is these three dudes from T.O. do so well: lay down decisive grooves while simultaneously engaging in an extremely high level of musical conversation. Their studio album, while good, doesn't make as persuasive an argument as to just how good they are. I've played this for people and noticed that annoyed look on their face as the disc starts with Darren Shearer's beatboxing. Then, within about ten minutes they are just loving it! [big Grin]

    Their next sound+light release comes out in the next month or two. I don't know what show it is from but I do know: it is a Canadian show and it will run into 2 discs. Can't wait!

  6. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. My name is Bruce and I currently have a cucumber in my spandex pants, so no funny stuff ok? I'd like to introduce you to our co-pilot for this flight, Beezlebub, the Prince of Darkness, and if anyone has any cocaine, please feel free to join me in the front lounge, er, I mean the cockpit. That is all and praise be to you, o Great Satan!"

    [Roll Eyes]

  7. From the LA times:


    From the World of Rap, a Tip of the Cap to Jerry Garcia


    Eminem may not have much respect for Moby. But one of his close associates is paying sincere if unlikely homage to another bespectacled rock star.

    Proof, a rapper in Eminem's posse, D12, has made a solo album, "Searching for Jerry Garcia," that takes an earnest and sympathetic look at the life and death of the late Grateful Dead leader.

    Due Nov. 26 from Proof's own Iron Fist Records label, the album also features references to such other deceased icons as John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Billie Holiday and Marvin Gaye.

    "My quest in life is I'm searching for Jerry Garcia, and my feeling is everyone is, because he died from a combination of drugs, stress and diet, which are things everyone has to deal with," Proof says. "Drugs can be something like too much TV, it doesn't have to be real drugs.

    "Everybody is going to take [the references] at face value, but there's a bigger picture there."

    Of all the fallen rock heroes, the portly, bearded hippie guru Garcia, who died of a heart attack while in a drug rehabilitation facility in 1995 at age 53, seems an odd object of sympathy for a young urban rapper. But Proof (who is also sometimes known by his alternate identity, Dirty Harry) is a true fan.

    "I just became one in the last two years," he says. "I happened to be chillin' at my manager's house, and he's a Deadhead and I was sitting watching a documentary on Jerry Garcia and he reminded me of myself. He went and did jazz albums, he did a range of music. I thought, 'Great.'

    "Next thing I know I got sucked in all the way. He never did the same kind of show, always played something different. His attitude was, '[Never mind] selling records, let's go rock these people.' That's my attitude. It's not a matter of selling a million records. It's go where the people are at. They gonna follow you anyway."

    To carry the theme further, Proof commissioned album art by Philip Garris, who painted the cover for the Dead's 1975 album, "Blues for Allah," and other items for the band.

    Although Garcia is the central presence for the album (which features appearances by the rest of D12 as well as Nelly Furtado), each song is titled after a different figure, with subtitles keyed to the lyrics. "John Lennon: 'One on One' " explores the dark side of fan worship. "Kurt Cobain: 'Take It Back' " addresses the mountain of regrets that could lead to suicide.

    "It's talking about all the things in my life that I wish I could take back," Proof says. "Things I did with D12, friends I had and lost, and in the end [wanted] to kill myself. Kurt is somebody I could understand."

    The songs don't use samples of the title artists' music, nor are they meant to be musical tributes, he stresses.

    "It's just my appreciation for them and what they've done in my life," he says. "I don't want to get all crazy here, but I believe every person has their own world, and they don't collide, but bridge. I never got to meet Kurt Cobain, but this song is our bridge between our worlds."


  8. quote:

    Originally posted by Ms.Huxtable:

    What do you like about being a Scanc? What has this site brought to your life?

    What about you? Is this thing special or is it just me?

    What do I like about being a Scanc?

    I like laughing to myself as I walk down the street after reading something on the board.

    I like the fact that there are people out there that I really really like and have never met, and may never meet.

    I can keep in touch with good personal friends such as Trevor (cyberhippie), Scottie (scottieking, duh!) and Steve (secondtube) more often on here than I am able to do in "real life"!

    I like that some people regularly annoy me.

    It is the answer to the perennial question "how do you KNOW about all this stuff??" (shows, bands etc.)

    I enjoy the wide spectrum of conversation.

    I enjoy that people seem to be forgiving and understanding when another member crosses some line of some sort, or wigs out publicly.

    I've learned a *LOT* about internet etiquette and not to viciously go after people's opinions like I once did.

    I have met some fine, fine pholk through this group and very much look forward to meeting some more. I have an aunt who lives in Ottawa but she's moving soon, so I gotta make that trip out there. But basically, I want to do that so I can see Nero on their home turf and get to meet some of you fuckers.

    I have received some great shows through this group, a real gift for a burnerless oaf such as myself.

    It's a little world that I enjoy privately, away from the parents and my significant other, and even most of my closest friends. I enjoy that window to the world and the countless times I came home from work (which is where I get most of my online access) and tell her "you'll never believe what Puddles said today!" [Wink]

    I am looking forward to having Phish back on tour so we can start pulling THAT topic apart together.

    I feel like I'm witnessing a grassroots mini-revolution that is making waves across the music scenes across the country, and beginning to filter down to the US too. That's exciting!

    I feel connected and part of a group of people who are (for the most part) having fun while pursuing quality and grace. That makes me proud.

    So, Rock On you Crazy Mofo's!! [Cool]

  9. quote:

    Originally posted by bsherman:

    P.S. Pierre Claude Nolin is my new best friend.

    You and me both, dude. I get the funny feeling that this is not quite the legacy His Majesty Chretien was thinking of leaving behind, though. I'd be shocked if he had the balls to tackle this issue on once and for all.

    SecondTube for PM!!

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