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Posts posted by greasyfizeek

  1. Though the article alludes to a "breakup," the tone and marketing ploy is meant to be ironic. i have it on good faith that this won't be the last show, but maybe the last one for a little while. needless to say, it will be one smokin' show. starts at 9PM SHARP.

    also check out "apostle of hustle," at soundscapes sunday at 8, another spin off of BSS featuring two of their guitar players. check out www.arts-crafts.ca for sample tracks.


  2. Just passing this on from 29 Productions in Vancouver (www.29productions.ca) - they are producing New Music West this year. So if you have a band, or know of people who might want to apply, check it out. - greasy

    NewMusicWest is BACK!  

    Scheduled for November 10th to 14th, 2004, in Vancouver, NewMusicWest 04 is alive and better than ever!

    Band and artist submissions are being accepted now! Deadline is Sept. 13th

    Details can be found at www.newmusicwest.com


    Now in its 13th year, NewMusicWest is the largest and most influential music showcase festival and conference in the West. Attracting the world’s attention to Vancouver’s vibrant music scene, NMW 04 offers an incredible opportunity for emerging artists and bands to showcase their talents to top industry professionals. Vancouver will be invaded by large numbers of Managers, Publicists, Label Reps, A&R, Media, and all sorts of Music Folk from across North America and around the world. In 2003, NMW was attended by over 40 A&R reps from labels such as Sony, Universal, EMI, and many more from Canada, the US, and worldwide. With 4 nights, 25 venues, 250 bands and up to 30,000 attendees, great new talent will be discovered. 


    Check out all the details at www.newmusicwest.com

  3. i found "the sober tour" thing interesting - may only refer to trey himself, and/or fishman. mike has been oft-quoted as saying he's never done much but have a few drinks and/or smoke some pot. page as well, though some think he became a bit of a boozehound.

    it was always trey and fish who brought it hard with the partying, and i wonder after seeing shows at the gorge and IT last summer if the lack of intensity (though fun times) was due to this "sober" change.

    who knows really. it's all hearsay, conjecture and rumours anyways.


  4. keith, you know i've never liked this band. the only point i'll give you is that i havent seen them live in a few years, due in part to my move to toronto. but they will still remain a self-indulgent wank band to me. instinct rides high with the greasyfizeek.

  5. I just wanted to add that some of these incidents often have happened in the NorthEast US. I come from Vancouver, and have seen a of shows on the West Coast, as well as a lot of shows in the fall/winter in the US from 97-00- places you've probably all been like Cleveland, Albany, Rochester, Long Island, Chicago etc..

    Crowds out there are definitely more sketchy in a general sense, with more drugs, rowdiness, and plain indifference to rules and responsible partying. It seems things are at a different level now with young kids, but I think it's important to remember geography, and that just because certain areas and festivals have some bad seeds, it doesn't mean everyone or everywhere is going to be like that.

    It seems readily apparent with the demise of Phish, a cornerpiece of this music scene, things are about to become fragmented for a few years, and the cross-over of communities and fans will continue to make the scene a bit testy.

    On that note, I wouldn't be surprised if these idiots are there to see the Disco Biscuits.


  6. I was reviewing NXNE and saw 9 bands, mostly female singer/songrwiters. The Organ was by far the worst of the lot. Bland, one-chord 80's pop. Though their anti-antics on stage could be classified as "cool" to some, it was boring as hell to me.

    If you're looking for some 80's music 20 yrs later, this is surely something for you. But for in terms of something new to hit the scene, i'm surprised at a lot of people for latching onto this band. ah, what nostalgia veils.....


  7. I've been reveiwing shows for NXNE. last night I saw Feist. One of the more amazing 30 minutes of music I've witnessed in a very long time. She defies description. Is absolutely bewitching. Last week I had "let it die" in my discman for 5 days. And gorgeous....

    I'll be reviewing other bands tonight so I can't see her again, but I sure the hell wish I could. 12 bucks at the mod club. on at 9:30.


  8. Hottest show tonight for NXNE is at the Reverb (queen and bathurst)- some band at 9pm, kate maki 10 PM, nathan lawr 11PM, and FEIST 12AM, depistado 1 am - i'm writing reviews for a company for NXNE and this lineup was first on my list.

    i highly recommend to all.


  9. Jurassic kicked some serious ass. I scored a free ticket about an hour before the show. Man, some serious ass. Tuna is my new hero. They only had one MC but it still was hot.

    My 1st time at kool haus (only took a year and a half of living in toronto) - i agree with all of you that say the place could use some work. What's up with serving cans of beer?


  10. If anyone went to the Dylan shows, you might have noticed some sweet looking trucker hats at the merchandise table, in black and green. I bought one, and when my friend saw it, he knew his brother would want one for his b-day. However, they are not available it seems on the bob dylan merchandise webpage. Anyone know how he could get a hold of one? or are they just sold on tour?


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