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Posts posted by greasyfizeek

  1. Just thought I'd pass along the info - Saturday night, 8pm EST (5 PM EST), and that's every saturday - The Electrolux Hour, hosted by my friend and yours The Great Pharbero. link up with www.citr.ca, or if you're in vancouver, 101.9 CITR UBC on your radio dial. An eclectic jamband/groove show with lots of tunes for everyone's tastes. I used to co-host the show, but just moved to TO.

    saw the fat cats last night - not bad, hi-lites were tangled up in blue and shakedown. my opinion is that they are a decent band, but when all the covers are th best tunes, it leaves much room to be desired. good crowd though for post-christmas.

    happy new year everyone.


  2. cannedbeats/showwhore, it would seem you are unaware of "The Electrolux Hour," i vancouver. I, segaldini, am the former co-host of this show (i just moved to toronto). the original host still kicking out eclectic jamband beats is the great pharbero. we have been on the air for almost two years.

    101.9 CITR UBC, 5 PM PST (8PM EST), www.citr.ca.

    on jambands i'm known as greasyfizeek if you have any other questions. i'd ideally like to get a show going in toronto, but we'll see. peace and happy holidays.


  3. Yeah, ani was sweet last night. solo was such a treat for once. Always a fun time being male and in the minority at a show for once too. the new songs were sweet - and i loved how she changed guitars every single time. a bit short though, she seemed tired and a bit hobbled by the cast on her foot, but always a good time. peace...


  4. some of that erased, sounds like i'm 5 years old, and i haven't changed my profile to "formerly of vancouver." just moved to t-dot three weeks ago. and i may as well plug my former radio show in van city if any of you want to listen via the internet.

    i used to co-host "the electrolux hour," an eclectic jamband show, 8 pm EST, 5 pm PST, 101.9 CITR UBC, www.citr.ca, that'll get you there. check it out, we always play a variety of stuff from many genres.



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