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Posts posted by paisley

  1. sure but heroin didn't directly kill Jerry... diabetes, a love of cigarettes, weed, fried chicken, chocolate cake and a self proclaimed lazy nature, the coma, along with heroin use made his heart weak... losing Brent really took a visible toll on him as well... the crowd turned into a different beast in those last years, gate crashing, littering, still good amongst the bad but... being the legend he was pushed him back out on the road beyond the point where it couldn't possibly be healthy for him (is also where he'd go back to getting high), but I'm sure given the choice he'd do it the same again

    heroin didn't help matters any but it wasn't the only nail in his coffin

    anyways we agree in principle... I just see Trey's heroin use as a symptom, not the disease

  2. most of those rich folk were impulsive young-uns (oh yeah, then again guess we are talking about Trey ;) )

    from the sounds of it most of those health concerns wouldn't affect Jerry or Trey as it sounds like Trey was smoking it, not bangin it (Jerry's choice as well... no collapsed veins, no infections)

    never tried the stuff personally but find the topic interesting

    inanycase, in all honesty I think Trey's had his fun and'll lay off the hard stuff, least for the most part

  3. yeah, haven't looked that up myself but got it in my head from a radio report by the Canadian Institute of Health Research... were recommending giving the stuff away to chronic users saying that health problems arose from people's income and lifestyle (bunk drugs and improper equipment), that properly administered it was less harmful than other drugs (besides the wanting to lay on the couch all day every day)... William Burroughs lived to push 90, junk'n it up til the end, while his son Billy needed a liver transplant by 50 because of alcoholism

    not touting heroin use, just saying don't think it'd kill a smart rich guy like Trey

  4. was a quick emotional response

    you called Trey a hypocrite for talking about junk, then still doing it... you went on to say that heroin didn't kill Jerry, poor lifestyle did... then said you don't want Trey to meet the same fate as Jerry... Trey isn't obese, doesn't have diabetes to the best of my knowledge and seems to stay fairly active (never saw Jer on a trampoline, which is indeed kind of sad)

    think its hypocritical for anyone who parties to slag someone else for partying... yes, different drugs but still escapisms, taking liberties with ones consciousness... if you're not in Trey's shoes, or don't know the guy personally, its too easy to blame the heroin for all his problems whereas I believe there's likely something in his life that makes it easy for him to turn to such drugs

    when someone says they think he's taking the right steps to clean himself up and you say the jury's still out on that it strikes a nerve... he's been out of the public eye which is the most positive thing I've seen him do in the last two decades for himself, as it seems like he was running himself ragged... predicting his inability to succeed doesn't help anything (how it seemed when I first read that "jury is still out" comment)

    from all accounts he's spending some seriously overdue time with his family and laying low, submitting a clean blood sample every week... both Jerry and Trey have lived more interesting and inspiring lives than most, rubs me the wrong way when people oversimplify their problems... Trey was living in a bubble of fame long before the bubble of junk... its his path, I've loved his music and hope there's more, but I'm definitely not close enough to the situation to pass any sort of judgment... all I can do is wish him the best, I'm sure he knows the price of his drug use better than any outsider ever could and doesn't need any hints besides whether he's healthy or not... heroin doesn't damage the body or mind, physically speaking [comment under scrutiny]... but it does take up most of your time and a whack of money, not a good thing for a family man... the guy needs to stay home for a while with the people who love him, which is what he's doing

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