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Posts posted by paisley

  1. french brandy at 8:21am?

    what're you celebrating paisley my man?

    (happy birthday?)

    a friend's birthday weds night, then round 3 am found the french brandy and wondered if it'd mix with coca-cola... next I knew things'd gotten fairly slurry... sometimes I'm my own excuse to party

  2. most panhandlers don't stab people without cause or fear... known lots for years, not far off from being one really (sadly yes, more devil music please)

    sounds like a grudge (fake panhandler)... or self defense... or mental illness

    all I know is panhandlers ain't the problem... those're just sadder and less pissed off than most of us... bad capitalists (almost bad as me)

    crazy can scare me, Booche can scare me, desperate can scare me but down on one's luck isn't scary, just sad, empty, and confusing.. kind that stab themselves before some random (usually, Saddam made it off the streets just fine... but then he read books)

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