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Posts posted by paisley

  1. twas The Blackout of 2003

    rode it out in Hess Village... if you have to sit in the law-less dark, might as well have lots to drink... ended drinkin in the streets, ordering beers in one bar walk out take it into another... LAW-LESS!

    weird thing was you'd think having no stop lights traffic would be a mess but everyone just treated the dead lights like 4 way stops and it actually took me 5 minutes less than it usually does to drive home

    had such a good time wanted to petition the province to shut down the grid one random day every summer... surprise holiday day!

  2. could see them from my backyard in the city (not usually a great vantage for star gazing)... kept looking every direction for a while and almost gave up then saw 2 in a row to the south... set up to watch to the south and saw a few every 2 to 5 minutes or so

    might be some stragglers tonight, dunno... if you look for them, look south

  3. cheers to Merv for being one of the only people who tried to honestly report on the bullshit of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq... and standing by his beliefs when the television industry he helped build threw him off the air and out in the street

    yeah the guy was rich and didn't need the money but any time you heard him talk about it he looked shaken and hurt by it all

    thanks for that, the truly american style entertainments and apologies for how low some of of humanity are willing to go... a big problem with the US is there doesn't seem to be any laws against breaking a worthwhile old man's spirit

  4. perseids_bruenjes.jpg

    Tonight is a good night to see meteors. Comet dust will rain down on planet Earth, streaking through dark skies in the annual Perseid meteor shower. While enjoying the anticipated space weather, astronomer Fred Bruenjes recorded a series of many 30 second long exposures spanning about six hours on the night of 2004 August 11/12 using a wide angle lens. Combining those frames which captured meteor flashes, he produced this dramatic view of the Perseids of summer. Although the comet dust particles are traveling parallel to each other, the resulting shower meteors clearly seem to radiate from a single point on the sky in the eponymous constellation Perseus. The radiant effect is due to perspective, as the parallel tracks appear to converge at a distance. Bruenjes notes that there are 51 Perseid meteors in the composite image, including one seen nearly head-on. This year, the Perseids Meteor Shower is expected to peak after midnight tonight, in the moonless early morning hours of August 12.


  5. last I heard he was at Burt Neilson in Toronto... possibly still somewhere in that general area?

    not much assistance but maybe some of the Toronto-ers might have a lead

    (see there's a Oral Groove party booked, lookin forward to bumping into ya someday soon kiddo... cheers)

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