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Posts posted by KarinGarage

  1. WOOOO-HOOOOO!!!!!!!

    this is gonna be great. I think i have some halloween makeup laying around here somewhere so we can really look like zombies.

    I wish we could get those crazy cali-adians simone and marie to come back for this.

    i'm so excited!!

  2. for the most part, i have no problem making an ass of myself while dancing, the goofier the dance the better! but i still feel uncomfortable if i'm the only one dancing. usually i try to seek out the other dancers and dance near them. t

    BTW, if any of you guys need some lessons, just talk to palace princess- she's a great dance teacher :)

  3. No, i don't mean not to show compassion, and i do feel very sorry for all the innocent lives lost and touched by 9/11, but i don't think the weed joke is any worse than using those events to make money, or to manipulate people into being so afraid that they'll support an unnecessary war that only leads to the deaths of more innocent people. I think it's hypocritical to think one's okay and not the other.

    where would you draw the line? Can one profit off the event as long as they come off as being compassionate?

  4. The americans used the attrocities of 9/11 to invade two countries to steal their oil (look up afghanistan and oil in google and you might be surprised) and kill many of their citizens so I don't think a weed joke is that bad, at least no one was killed over it.

    i agree. Yes, it was tragic that many innocent people died on 9/11, but the U.S. has been killing innocent people around the world for decades.

    besides, they've already been capitalizing off 9/11 by making movies and songs about the event, so is a weed joke any worse than making money off of 9/11?

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