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Posts posted by KarinGarage

  1. yeah you should go visit marie and simone. it's probably about a 2-3 hour drive north on I-5 from fremont. Watch the speed limit in cali, the cops will pull you over for a lot less than they do here, i got a ticket when i was out there. Chico's a cool little college town with some good local music.

    have fun, paan!

  2. great to party with all you canadians again!

    my highlights include:

    -painting faces; thanks for bringing all that fun makeup, girls

    -marie and simone's "james, a deer.." song- hilarious!

    -doing the "worship dance"

    -listening to velvet's campfire jams (you rock!)

    -seeing mud and blair and meeting tootsie, my new favorite puppy!

    -seeing all the familar and new faces and getting to know you all better!

    -the after Izzy's pool party at english's- thanks again for letting us crash schwa! and i'll get ya that pic as soon as i get the film developed

    BTW, i think we should have a halloween CTMF/ costume party!

  3. Please be up at daybreak on Monday morning still chuggin' booze, smokin' that Yankee tobacco, yelling obscenities and fuÇk yeah kicking good ol' Labour Day. We need more fem-skanks representin'. Make me proud!

    i wouldn't have it any other way. maybe i'll even start another game of "kick the crap outta the cooler!" too bad you can't make it, your presence will definately be missed

  4. No problem, D_rawk. I was exagerating the power that we hold and just venting, but I get a little upset when I look at all the changes our parents' generation was able to pull off, and, well, it just seems like our generation is afraid to get their hands dirty, so to speak. That's why I believe we need a leader, to show our generation that we can do more than merely whine about Bush administration and the atrocities it commits.

    Viva La Resistance!

  5. You know what? We need to start a revolution. The democrats would rather sit on the sidelines bitching and moaning like a bunch of sissies about unfair elections and ridiculous nominations than play rough and actually get something done. Don't get me wrong, I believe that the elections were definitely "influenced" by the Bush Regime, but that's exactly why we can't continue to play a rigged game by the rules.

    This generation of Americans needs a leader, an MLK Jr., or Gandhi or someone along those lines. Someone to motivate the people into standing up, nonviolently, against what we believe is wrong and unjust. We forget that we, the people, still hold the power, not only in our privilege to vote, but also in that we are the workforce that drives our economy, which in turn feeds the conglomerates which strongly influence, if not control, our government. Strikes and boycotts, walk-outs and sit-ins, are all still very effective ways to get a point across. Throw a wrench in the way of life for a few people and you'll get things done.

    "Stop bitching, start a revolution."

  6. Yesterday me and a few buddies decided to drop acid, and during our trip we decide to smoke bowls. We were having a great time up until my friend said "hey i heard on a phish board that if you put gasoline in the bong it will get you way faded."


  7. wow, i just read the original Bomb thread. i laughed my ass off! I hope Biggest Fan doesn't give the rest of us americans on this board a bad rep. but please keep the america-bashing focused on the US gov't, not the people. Unfornately, all of the rational americans live in the same states, so we couldn't pull off the elecotral votes needed to defeat Bush in the election. maybe i should consider moving to the south for the next election :)

    BTW, here's a site you all might find interesting


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