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Everything posted by ollie

  1. I'm curious -- are you cheering for the Habs or the Pens?
  2. What are your go-to recipes for cooking chicken on the grill? I am completely uninspired with this bird and am looking for ideas.
  3. I don't even want Terry on the England squad.
  4. Strong recommendation for Google Chrome. You do not need to uninstall IE.
  5. Congrats and all that, but it's tough to be happy for a team featuring the odious John Terry and the shameful Didier Drogba who still managed to display the height of selfishness in the midst of the ultimate team victory. I didn't see the Spurs game but that result looks like an embarrassing way to end the season. Glad at least that Fulham shit the bed as well.
  6. I remember a while back noticing that the Ignore function didn't work on users with "admin" or "moderator" status. Could that be the issue here? I've always thought that an "Ignore Topic" function would be pretty useful.
  7. I tried pulling floor tickets a few times and didn't like what I was getting until it showed me a pair of seats dead centre in the 30th row. I figured that should be pretty close to the sweet spot in terms of the sound and visual display so I went for it. I have 4 months to pay for them at least.
  8. There's nothing like a Jean Beliveau interview. A living legend of the highest order in my estimation.
  9. CapitalTickets.ca is holding a pre-sale this Friday at 10 AM. Promo code is: FALLEN. I'm gonna see what seats I can get and then decide whether the total cost makes me want to pull the trigger or not.
  10. I dunno about that. I've been on the bandwagon for 4 seasons now and I believe Spurs have enjoyed their best Premier League success in that spell if you consider the Carling Cup of 2 years ago and a 4th place (for now) finish this season. Fulham are in a final as well. Maybe the Atlantic Ocean provides some degree of immunity from my fandom curse. But if not, it's more likely to be: Arsenal 0-2 Fulham Tottenham 4-5 Burnley
  11. fixed it for you mon ami. I'll really love them if they can beat Arsenal this weekend. But for now. We. Are. Fourth.
  12. You mean to say you haven't already posted in this thread? http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showpost.php?post/644760/
  13. I wonder if Roger gets a chub when he plays this one nowadays.
  14. Am I the only one that finds this insane? The Roger fee is worse than Ticketmaster. I'm sure it will be an awesome show but fuck me if I'm not going to feel like a rube sitting there, drinking $10 beers taboot! Considering skipping this one now.
  15. It's a pain in the ass is what it is. I suppose he's trying to throw scalpers off the scent of the trail but I don't think it's worth the hassle. I'd rather compete with the scalpers that jump through Roger's hoops.
  16. Got shutout of Ottawa. Way to put up a "wall" Roger!
  17. We get our coffee from International Kafia on Boyd Ave, just off Carling near Churchill. They roast everything in house and are insanely cheap, but not at the expense of quality. You can get a pound of beans for $8 or $9 depending on the flavour. Lots of variety including organic. There are several roasters in the Hull/Gatineau area you can try, e.g. http://www.labrulerie.ca/ http://www.coffee.ca/index.html (Aladdin) I've also heard good things about this one in Almonte: http://www.equator.ca/ In terms of the more commercial retailers, I still think Starbucks reigns supreme. If you're going to compare anything to Walmart it's got to be Tim Hortons. Oh, and... Foodeeze Forum please.
  18. God help me I think I'm actually cheering for the Habs. Hopefully it's just residual Pittsburgh hate.
  19. Great match. I tuned in when they were down 1-0. Fulham are totally my secret second favourite team in the EPL. Hodgson is the best.
  20. I remember it for Kovalev's fake wrist injury. Can't believe the hockey gods let him get away with that. That was a great series though. Was that also the one where McLaren took out Zednik?
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