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Posts posted by SolarGarlic

  1. 11.17.04 MaCewan Hall - Calgary, Alberta

    SET 1:

    Bad Man Walking

    About To Rage

    Bad Little Doggie

    Mother Earth

    Larger Than Life

    Maybe I'm A Leo

    Wine & Blood

    Rocking Horse

    Thorazine Shuffle

    SET 2:

    Fallen Down >

    The Other One Jam >

    Fallen Down Reprise

    Slackjaw Jezebel

    Banks Of The Deep End

    Mule >

    What Is Hip >



    I'm A Ram

    30 Days In The Hole


    Lola, Leave Your Light On

    Are you freakin' kidding me?? Mule in Calgary?? Yep, it happened....LARGE! First set started off slowly and had a few sound issues that had to get ironed out. Rocking Horse and Thorazine ended the first set PERFECTLY. Up until those songs they seemed to really be feeling things out and once they realized that Calgary likes it RAWK they amped it up and kept that going through the second set. The entire second set was just rediculous!! The jamming was so hard and intense I could hardly believe it...total rock and roll package. Huge double bass drum action layered with Warren just SHREDDING. For a while I watched Hess and Louis double teaming Warren, pushing for this disco kinda funky thing but Pudgy is a stuborn man. He held them off and got his way once again. The drum solo in the second was awesome and I notice from past setlists they have been doing it with some regularity...I heard some dudes behind me saying "wow, ive never been to a concert like this before!! Maybe a sign of things to come? " His buddy just shook his head in amazment. I also heard some younger fellas saying how Warren was like a Jeff Beck or Steve Vai for their generation (18 year olds that is)...to the utter astonishment of a forty something musicaholic brought up on the sounds of said guitar legends :) Anyhow, the show made my face melt and I look forward to hearing it again!!

  2. I'm gonna be seeing them here in Calgary this Saturday eve...i can tell you more then. I have heard some of their stuff and feel it will be a great time..i also think the venue will be an important factor for this gig. For anyone here in the know they are playing the Bowness Comm Hall here in town and if you know that place an you have an idea about the Sadies then your know it will be a STINKY good time. Godspeed.

  3. So if you're that gross dude and HAS to show people your dook, here is a good method:

    when I was a younger lad than now, a friend was over hanging out..he disappeared for a while and came back with a puzzled look on his face and said: "dude, there is a mouse in your toilet!!" Im like "what? a mouse? fu©k you..." "NO, really! its in there trapped, come check it out.."

    moral of the story, if someone tells you there is a mouse your toilet, don't worry, don't look.

  4. obviously, living in Calgary will not allow me to attend any sort of show you may be arranging, but I would say it would be a good idea. I saw him solo in Calgary a year or two ago and was impressed for sure! That guy has a hilariously dry sense of humor and he can play O.K. too ;) The crowd here in the cow city was mainly stiff corporate types sitting in chairs with a couple of us hootin and hollerin' ...especially when he played a song he did with Gordo and mentioned cactus by name...nobody in the entire crowd new who the hell Gordo was..

    Anyhow, would be a great show and I think you should go for it. You'll probably get a lot more than just your run of the mill dirties at that show as he has been around long enough to draw the, uh, ahem, OLDER crowd :)


  5. Here is my post from that same thread (3 years ago!! sh!t! )


    1) Bruce Cockburn - 9/28/99, Chicago

    2) Aquarium Rescue Unit - 3/17/93, Fox Theatre

    3) Justice League of America - 1/22/00

    4) Disco Biscuits - Uncivilized Area

    5) Phil + Friends - 7/27/01

    Some notes:

    First off, I have to say the Phil shows from this year are just totally stupid. Has to be the HOTTEST act going in my opinion. How 'bout that Warren eh??

    Normally im not much of a Disco Biscuits fan, however, Ive had this CD for a couple of years and its still one of my favorites. When I first heard the live stuff I surprised at how different it was from this album.

    If anyone is interested in any of the live stuff from my top 5 drop me a line and Ill B+P ya!!

    Checking out some Metalwood action here in Cowtown tonight!!


    Today I have listened to:

    BNB "By the Door"

    Slip: Ice Cream Truck Disc 2

    Los Lonely Boys self titled studio album

    Karl Denson "The Bridge"

    Grateful Dead: 12/6/80 Acoustic.

    Based on my comments from 3 years ago its cool to note that I will be seeing Warren and the Mule next week. Still rocks it out hard...oh, those days of Phil and buddies, eh Booche?

  6. First off, I'm devastated by the news I woke up to this morning...I'm not really surprised but still very frustrated with the outcome of this election. Really though, I think we need to start thinking ahead RIGHT NOW. I sure as hell won't be sitting here thinking about all of the potentially BAD sh!t that may come on the heels of this debacle. The rest of the world that opposes this type of ruling behavior needs to sound off. WE need to make changes on behalf of ourselves and stop waiting and wondering what this political gang of money grubbers will do to us. Make some changes in your own lifestyles if need be. Make decisions at your local government levels. Do anything you can. In the end, if all goes wrong and humanity is trampeled under a giant, oil soaked cowboy boot, at least you will have a shred of decency knowing that you tried.

    And yes, it feels REALLY good to be a Canadian. Really great actually.

  7. heh. solargarlic thanks man. think i'll stay now. shouldn't you be yelling at kids right now?

    oh and i'm sorry for anything i've ever said to you on my delusional gas high's. i just hope you can forgive me but it was the drug talking. not me.

    actually I should be in lecture right now...

    I can forgive you though...just found an old can of lead paint under the stairs. You bring the bag.

  8. everybody everybody I'm leaving! please tell me not to go!

    H-bomb: I know we've had our troubles in the past and Im not going to mention them here because, well, talking publicly about someones gas huffing problem is just not cool. I know we can work this out....oh oh oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhh, you don't have to goo, oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhh.......please baby, don't go.

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