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Posts posted by SolarGarlic

  1. mmmmm....cheese

    is it morbier?? something like that...kinda like oka, but with one vein of blue down the centre.

    pretty freakin' good!

    I think that vein is actually ash!

    Im a cheese freak for sure!! Hell, i even work for a cheese company :) Im fond of Cambazola, Reblachon, and 7 or 8 year cheddar...the older the better.

    We recently had some of that Caprice in stock, Kev, and I like that stuff a lot too.

  2. Hey phreaks! Im chillin' down on the left coast, in San Fran . Going to see the Slip/Motet show @ the Fillmore in about 45 min. Im staying down the street in Japantown having a good ole time!! The Dead/Allmans show at the Gorge last weekend was SUPERB and Ive been traveling around the coast since. So far, Oregon takes the cake....beautiful mountains, trees, people, and the ocean, man, the ocean!! Spent a good long while exploring the coast on foot, splashing around in tide pools and making friends with all sorts of sea creatures. After tonight I head east to the Sierra range where i will hopefully be adopted by a nice family of bears.

    Anyhow, just so all you slip fans know, Canadian fan will be present at tonights show! Cheers and beers!!

    Have fun at BNB Cowtown freaks!! see you guys at the show on the 19th!!!!

  3. Yes, some gloating here...Just got my Ticket for The Spip/Motet/Hairy Apes show at the Fillmore for next Thursday the 8th. Super pumped. Im more excited for this one than the Dead/Allmans extravaganza @ the Gorge on Saturday :: ...at least I think I am?? Seen the Dead, @ the Gorge, seen Warren rip it a few times....BUT, and a big BUT, first time seeing Derek in any capacity. Screw it, its all gonna be good and Im rubbin' it in. Cheers!!

    Oh, and when (not if) you see and hear c-towns at CTMF, tell that asshole that he's an asshole. Peace, Im out.

  4. "JH: Ah... ‘In the Belly'. That song is really about Canmore, Alberta and the time I spent living out there. It is about being there, leaving, coming back, and then finally moving back East. I mention a lot of places in that song - Canmore, Vancouver Isle, the rooms above the bar, and the mountains in the morning sun... So to sing that song for the first time and actually be in those places was amazing. I cannot even describe it. That was probably the best time of my life. And every time I sing that song it gives me shivers."

    Man, Ill tell you what. When BNB played that song at the 'Ho in Canmore, it was an absolute perfect moment. As Jeff mentioned, there were many generations of BNB fans there and the feeling in that bar, at that moment, was electric!! Without sounding like a sap, I would call it a serious "moment" in Canadian music!! Bliss. You had to be there, and those that were took something from it. It was the same feeling I had when I first listened to BNB years ago, pure excitment. I remember wanting to hear EVERY BNB show I could get my hands on and spread them to ANYONE that would lsten (some of youse guys may remember the old ctree BNB madness ;) ). Glad BNB is back and having fun! Hope the band figures something out for a Calgary show on the 19th (possible venue change?) Cheers.

  5. fu©k those jerks, everyone pretty much walked off the dance floor but hey, more room for me i thought! im pertty sure they all thought i was high on drugs... and really... who's to say?!?! i finished my drink and left after that

    the end

    Thats beautiful, man.

  6. Thought about doing High Sierra instead? July 1,2,3,4 in Quincy, CA... Here's the link: http://www.hsmusic.net/hsmf/ I'm doing this festival 100% for sure next year...

    Yeah, Ive been wanting to go to this one for a while...unfortunately It just didn't fit into my plans this summer. Close, but just couldn't do it. Out of all the festivals that go on south of the border, this is THE one that tops my list. Maybe next year we'll both get to howl at the Sierra moon! Here's to hoping anyhow...

  7. Hey all. Gonna be doing some West Coast action south of the boarder and am looking for any ideas of spots to hit. So far, this is what I'm up to:

    Dead/Allmans @the Gorge on the 3rd of July

    Tony Furtado in Hood River, OR on the 4th

    Benvenuto & Russo in Chico, CA on the 7th

    The Slip and Motet @ the Fillmore San Fran, CA on the 8th

    Buddy's wedding in Tahoe, CA from 14th to 17th

    So basically, im looking for great places to check out in northern Cali and southern Oregon. Having never been I thought Id check here. Also, I'm going solo after I part ways with the friends after the Dead show at the Gorge. Primarily looking for neat wilderness places but anything cool to know about would be a bonus. Im also curious about what I should and shouldn't do in San Fran.

    Ideas? Lets hear 'em if ya got 'em. Thanks!

  8. There are 12 shows chosen

    Saturday 11/9/96

    Friday 8/8/97

    Saturday 8/9/97

    Sunday 8/10/97

    Monday 8/11/97

    Wednesday 8/13/97

    Thursday 8/14/97

    Saturday 8/16/97

    Sunday 8/17/97

    Wednesday 11/19/97

    Saturday 7/12/03

    Sunday 7/13/03

    Here are the top ones off of my list. Can't believe ive been present for 5 "Water in the Sky"...UGH..

    Taste - 6 (50%)

    Harry Hood - 5 (41%)

    Limb By Limb - 5 (41%)

    Water in the Sky - 5 (41%)

    Chalk Dust Torture - 4 (33%)

    Character Zero - 4 (33%)

    Dirt - 4 (33%)

    Ghost - 4 (33%)

    Theme From The Bottom - 4 (33%)

    Wolfman's Brother - 4 (33%)

    You Enjoy Myself - 4 (33%)

    Also Sprach Zarathustra - 3 (25%)

    Bathtub Gin - 3 (25%)

    Cars Trucks Buses - 3 (25%)

    David Bowie - 3 (25%)

    Dogs Stole Things - 3 (25%)

    Funky Bitch - 3 (25%)

    Ginseng Sullivan - 3 (25%)

    Guyute - 3 (25%)

    Julius - 3 (25%)

    Llama - 3 (25%)

    Makisupa Policeman - 3 (25%)

    Maze - 3 (25%)

    Rocky Top - 3 (25%)

    Run Like an Antelope - 3 (25%)

  9. I used to be into punk music...wait I still am.

    I used to be into heavy metal/thrash/speed metal etc....wait I still am.

    I used to be into country/folk/blues...wait I still am.

    I used to listen to what my friends do....wait I still do.

    I used to listen to what I like....wait I still do.

    Yeah, what he said ::
  10. e.. i got to meet i think his names leonard quitzau,

    Lester would be the guy, and he IS pretty awesome!!

    For anyone else heading to the area for this festival, drop me a line!! I live across the river (directly) from the venue and the party WILL be raging all weekend. Some camping space left in the yard too...oh, and don't worry, ill have c-towns locked in his cage by 1am so don't be scared..

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