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Posts posted by SolarGarlic

  1. I don't want to creat work for anyone and Im not able to do it myself, BUT here goes.

    I like the threads where people post their recomendations on books, recipes, cds etc etc. I really wish we had a page on this site or somewhere similar where this community could post a title of a good book they just read (or in the past), the author and maybe even a brief discription/synopsis. Something like a wiki page where people could just add content as they saw fit....I know all of the content is in the searchable forum but I would love to see something a little more listable that could be updated frequently as someone had an idea. I find many folks on here to be intellectually "similar" or identifiable and thought others might like this idea as well...or be able to build on it. Have a nice day!


  2. actually that happened once a long time ago...


    Who can honestly say that they never changed their avatar since that time?

    Thats hilarious. How many people can you name just by looking at those old avatars?? Quite a few I'd say.

    I don't think the Gentle Monkey has changed his..or Beats..

  3. I'll send some west coast love in the best venue category to the Rose and Crown in Banff... its een years since ive been there but almost every night was FREE!!

    Free, yes. But it ain't no dirty 'HO..

  4. Breakfast!! (just finished a monster one..freshly sliced peameal bacon, my special spuds which are second to none, eggs and some Bavarian toast.)

    The best nights sleep. (this usually happens when it is reasonably temperate outside, accompanied by a huge dampening snow fall)

    Breaking the conversational ice with relative strangers, in a weird and funny way.

  5. People that want to smoke should be able to smoke...however, they shouldn't be allowed to smoke in public places where non smokers have to breathe that sh!t in. In Calgary, and this is soooo stupid and ass backwards, they have banned people from smoking on patios OUTSIDE but they can smoke all they want INSIDE. What a fu©ked up city this is..

  6. There certainly have been some great ones...Dylan obviously comese to mind and so do a few others. Just wondering what some of you favorites are (not who you think is necessarily the best), as a fad in your own listening habits or someone you just keep coming back to. They can be young, old, doesn't matter...Well?

    I'll toss one up to get started:

    Nick Drake. A fellow that had a short and seemingly depressed life, musically and in general. I find his tunes to be great for chillin' and readin' to.

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