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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. Futurama rules. To really appreicate this show you should watch them in order from episode 1. There are alot of runnning jokes that you just don't get unless you watch them in order. Bender is my hero. another great episode is from season 4 called The Farnsworth Parabox. Very cool.

    I have all of the seasons on DVD. does anyone know if these can easily be burned or do they have copy protection?

  2. I hope that Dickey paces himself with regards to the stronger Canadian beer. Sloppy drunk and pentatonic scales don't go together very well.

    wait a minute. i thought the pentatonic scale was invented for the sloppy drunk :)

  3. i have been wanting to check out the escapades of said team. i have been hearing some very good things. currently i have been unable to locate any information at this time. feel free to PM me if you have any such information.

    this message will self erase from your memory in 10..9..8...

  4. sorry i didn't make it out last night. Both amber and i ended up getting some stuff scheduled for first thing this morning and had to take preventitive mesasures. I think i'm just getting too old to go to work with a raging hang over. we'll have to catch up to you next time you're in town dr. j.

    how was the show? did they encore with i like to burn things?

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