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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. I tried one of those and I really found it uncomfortable to play for any length time and the sound wasn't that great.

    I did end up getting a Little Martin LX 1 every time I play it I am amazed at how good this little guitar sounds.

    It plays like a full size and like I said the tone in actually pretty nice.

    My friend also has a baby Taylor, which also sounds great. Both come with a nice padded soft shell case.

    I would definitely suggest one of these small, big guitars. They are a little bit bigger then the travel versions but they sound and play way better.(IMO)

  2. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. You don't have to believe me, or think what I have to say is valid. I was just sharing my experiences.

    I know this isn't some kind of magic and just thinking positive isn't the only thing that affects the outcome of your day.

    I do believe that everything happens for a reason. Good or bad they're all just lesson to be learned.

    Really, why not spend your time thinking positively? It's made me a lot happier and I can't argue with that.

  3. Think about it' date=' people that become rock stars generally, think about being a rock star all the time. They thought about from a very young age, imagined what it would be like, practising all the time, basically obsessed by it. I would guess that Jimi Hendrix thought about guitar almost all the time, they say he even slept with his guitar.[/quote']

    I don't know, I would guess that maybe 1 out of every half million people that go for it become rock stars. People obsess about music all their lives and it never happens. They practice all day every day and they'll never get a deal. Bad example I think.

    Maybe a bad example, but do think that the people the didn't make it played, thought, and lived music as much as the ones who did?

  4. I'll I can say is what I've experienced.

    I started using little things that I figured would be random and that I would have very little control over.

    After a while I started to see a pattern. Here's an examples that I've experienced recently.

    I have a small glass blowing business, I make mostly jewelery and sell stuff at art shows.

    I've been working on my website for a long time. My biggest obstacle has been getting good pictures. Glass is very tricky to photograph.

    Anyways, I tried a few different things, looked into getting a special scanner that might work, had a friend who took photography in college try but nothing really worked out.

    I started to think about how I need to find a good local photographer, who won't cost me a lot. a couple of weeks ago a women comes to my booth and ask me to make her a custom piece. Next week when she come back she brings her husband. He used to be a staff photographer for the Ontario Art Gallery. I tell him my delima, he agrees to do some work for me and wanted to know if I would be willing to trade for the work. BINGO.

    Maybe it is all a coincidence, but the more I do it the more it happens.

    I have about a dozen stories like this one.

  5. I've tried it countless times with parking spots. Lately I've been batting 100% if I think about it at least 1-2 hour before. At first it was just good parking spots. Now I think about the exact spot I want. One time I didn't have change so I thought about getting it free. I was expecting to find some change but to my surprise the meter was out over order.

    As for winning the lotto, the bigger the thing, the more time it takes. Right now I'm focusing on winning some TV bingo. I'll let you know how it goes.

  6. I've been experimenting with this for a little while now and I have been proven over and over again that it works.

    I started with really random stuff. Parking spots, phone calls, traffic lights. What I found was that the earlier I could think about it, the more likely it would happen.

    Say I know in the morning I'm going shopping. If I thought about getting a parking spot then, a few hours before, then it was more likely to happen then if I just thought about it on my way out.

    What I also learned is the bigger the thing, the more time the universe needed to make it happen. Hard rock porn stars are not made over night.

    Think about it, people that become rock stars generally, think about being a rock star all the time. They thought about from a very young age, imagined what it would be like, practising all the time, basically obsessed by it. I would guess that Jimi Hendrix thought about guitar almost all the time, they say he even slept with his guitar.

    Now what do you think about most of the time? I would bet that if you looked at what you really think about most of the time, you'll find that this is what you spend most of your time doing.

    Now this isn't some kind of voodoo magic. What I think is that the more you think about something, really visualizing and feeling what it would be like achieving that goal, the more you do to make it actually happen.

    It reminds me a bit of the prankster analogy of people having their own movies. You start to become an active participant in your own movie, both the actor and the writer.

    Good Luck with bingo Julia. I will start thinking about you winning, to see if that helps.

    I picked the date that I'm going to win bingo. For me I think that it will take a few months before I can pull off a bingo win.

  7. THIS JUST IN!!!

    It looks team Peterborough will be sending a representative down to London this weekend.

    Looking forward to hanging out and seeing the Burties at Call the Office.

    Also looking forward to Barakat Restaurant. That place is the SHIT.

    If anyone west of Peterborough needs a ride....then take a bus you fucking hippies :P

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