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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. Really, Really, Excited !

    Haven't seen too many shows this year but this one I couldn't miss.

    Looking forward to it ;)

    i think cully is going to...completely mess his pants when trey hits the stage...

    Thanks for the heads up Alexis, I'll make sure not to sit in front of Cully for this one.

  2. Good one Doc, reminds me of my trip to Cuba.

    Friendly and I were walking around Havana and this teenager ask us if we smoke weed and then ask us if we want some. Of course we did, so boom, he hails a cab and we pile in.

    We drive down to the heart of old Havana and the start walking around with this kid. He meets up with a couple of guys and then one of them leaves claiming he'll be right back. He comes back and we head down a little side street.

    He leads us into this dark narrow ally. The end of the ally opens up into a court yard, where a bunch of guys are hanging around. A couple of them come out to meet us. Our friend starts talking to him in spanish and then one of them leaves on a bike.

    So now they start talking about price. No one speaks much english and we don't speak very good spanish, but through a variety of hand signals, they tell me it's $60 a gram. So we start arguing about the price. They tell me it's really good and I say I'm from Canada, where the best weed only cost $5-10 a gram.

    So the guy on the bike comes back and then gets very upset when he hears we don't want to pay $60 a gram. Things start getting heated up.

    Now remember, all of this is happening down a small dark ally in the heart of old Havana. Some of the guys start yelling, getting very upset.

    I'm starting to calculate the oods of me and friendly be able to handle the group of guys that are now very upset. Our little friend starts talking to the guy on the bike and finally, with hand signals, says we can have the 2 grams for $20 bucks a piece. At this point I just want to get out of there without incident, so I agree.

    We do the deed and hightail it out of there. I didn't even check out the 2 little bundles they gave me. Just as we clear the ally we almost bump into 2 army policemen who were walking by the ally. luckily, they didn't pay us much attention.

    I was too sketched out to pull out my score anywhere in public, so we make our way back to the hotel. On the ride back, I'm complaining about having to pay $40 for 2 very small looking grams. Feeling like a custie who got set up.

    So in the elevator up to the room, I pull out the little baggies. They are taped up so you can't see what's inside, so I feel them and notice that they feel kind of weird. I'm starting to think that they must be filled with ground up shake, or even worse nothing.

    Into them room we go, really starting to bitch about getting burned. So I proceed to rip open my little score and much to my surprise they are filled with blow!!!!

  3. I have a booth at the Peterborough farmers market and at least every other week someone will come down with free kittens and I've never seen them go home with any.

    It seems kind of surprising, Come for some heady produce and leave with a brand new kitten.

    There were some REALLY cute black and white ones this weekend, cute enough that we actually considered getting another pair.

    I've always gotten my pets in pairs. I think it is important for animals to be able to interact with similar animals. Plus they can keep each other company when you're out.

    I think if the new animals to be introduced are younger, it is easier on your orginal pet

  4. I'm still waiting for the day that I bill a closed file and someone tips me! (Evil: Keep spreading the word...)

    Last time I got a bill from a lawyer I was pretty sure that the tip must be built into their hourly rate ;)

  5. Sorry about the loss good Rev. Losing gear is a heart breaker forsure. Unfortunatly, my instincts also point to someone who knows you. The fact that they tried to gain entry through your window first indicates that they likely knew you weren't home. Could be a lucky guess but something to think about. Also, people that scope out houses to rob (professional burglers) don't drink beers in the back while they load stuff into cars. But the fact that the had time to drink a beer also indicates that they knew that no one was likely going to be home anytime soon.

    It might not even be directly someone you know. Maybe friend of a friend that might have been over and then learned about you show. Not that you don't already have enought to think about but if you find out who did it you can increase your chances of getting you stuff back.

  6. just so you know, most of the time ticket prices are decided by the promoter (emerge.ca) and are set due to demand. TND have sold out this venue the past 2 times. (some of the best TND shows i've seen in canada and i seen a lot of tnd shows)

    the promoter actually wants the price to he higher but TND refuse it getting any higher then $20.00, not bad it you ask me.

    Actually, I heard it was those over priced employees they have to pay that cause high ticket prices ;)

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