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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. It too would suggest M audio or the M box 2. I think you don't want to get Pro Tool because your a stubborn passive non conformist :) Pro Tools is getting a lot more midi friendly and if you ever what to take your tracks to get mixed in a bigger studio, it will make life a lot easier if it's a Pro Tools session.

    Glad to hear your still making/playing music. The next time your back for a visit, we'll have to make some time for some jamming.

  2. Everyone is doing fine. I talked to Eric this afternoon and he said that Julia and Desmond get to come home tomorrow morning.

    I belive that Desmond weighed around 9.5 pounds.

    No pictures as of yet, but I will post some as soon as they come.

    Thanks everyone, oh back bacon is right. The overalls are for me, Uncle Jesse ;)

  3. That's right it's offical, I am now Uncle Jesse.

    A big congratulations to Eric and Julia for being the proud parents of Desmond Peter, born yesterday morning, Oct. 24th, 12:30 am.

    Very exciting. Lots of joy and happiness as we welcome a new member to the family.

    Anyone know a good place to get some overalls?

  4. I'm a glass blower and I make lots of beads and pendants. Recently a bead store asked me to make some pink ribbon beads and pendants.

    At first I wasn't sure if it was something I wanted to do because this person wanted them to make a profit. So I felt weird about it because then I too would be making money because of a disease. My Nana died because of breast cancer and it just didn't feel like the right thing to do.

    What I have been thinking about is making the beads, selling them myself, and donating all the money to a fund in my Nana name, for breast cancer research.

    I don;t think this is something I would have thought to do on my own, but since people are asking me to make them, I thought this would be the best way to handle it.

    What do you guys think?

  5. When you are checking hotels and availibity there should be a sidebar that says "Name your own price or save 50%" Click on that.

    The next screen will ask you to pick a location within the city. These are general areas like, downtown, airport, ect.

    Then you pick what 'star level' you want. I of course recommend the highest level ;)

    Then you name your price. I wouldn't start any higher then $50.

    If they find a room at your price then the room instantly gets booked.

    AFTER your card has been billed, they tell you where the hotel is. That's the catch.

    It's not really a big deal though, b/c they areas you pick are pretty tight and will be close to where you want to be.

    Good Luck

  6. name that tune..

    half a tea-cup of bass

    a pound of fat-back drums

    4 table-spoons of boiling springfield guitar

    a pinch of organ

    half a pint of horn

    I would say Memphis Soul Stew by King Curtis, but the orginal recipe calls for Memphis Guitar, so I'm wondering if maybe StnMtn has the right answer

  7. Just a little annoucement for the Canadian Oasis Bead Show. Toronto Bead Show

    Amber and I will be there all weekend in booth number 47. We are Perception Glass Works. www.perceptionglassworks.com (coming soon)

    We're exibiting all our handmade glass beads, jewelry and sculptures.

    The show is happing at Metro Toronto Convention Centre North Building (street level) Rooms 205 and 206.

    Also wondering if there is anything going on this weekend in the city? We have evenings free so we are looking for some big city excitment.

  8. Every Wednesday and saturday in Peterborough there is a free concert followed by some fire works. It is called the festival of lights

    On Wednesday, August 16, 2006 @ 8:00 pm the Spades & the Sadies will be preforming.

    If anyone feels like coming to Peterborough to check it out you're all welcome to stay at our house. We have lots of floor space and a hugh backyard for tenting. Drop me a PM if you're interested.


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