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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. i tried pc's mango and lime salsa, the flavour is nice, the mild is hotter than most milds...but it's SOOOO watery and there's hardly any chunks of salsa goodness in it at all.

    reading this forum creates munchies...dammit

  2. dear penny lane,

    hey girl! it's all happening!! i thought you might have taken one too many qualudes in NYC, so i figured i'd remind you that the handbook says only sleeping with rockstars makes you one of THOSE girls. THOSE girls don't take birth control and eat all the steak. So don't worry, blowjobs are ok. now you go get that deaner guy, make him your bitch! see you next weekend!



    p.s. your aura is purple!

  3. since you mentioned it, and seem to know about this kinda stuff...what's the difference between salsa and salsa verde....i bought a bottle of herdez the last time i was at the grocery store and noticed it's a bit different from my normal salsa...maybe a bit more watery.

    i always want to eat either cereal or oatmeal, depending on the season late at night, but i have this phobia about drinking milk if i've been drinking within the last few hours...so i usually just skip it. if it takes more than 3 minutes to make, i don't have the patience or focus to deal with it. and everything i keep in the house is mealy, rather than snacky, so no quick answers, most times just a big glass of water to fix the dehydration....but if i have to, some veggies and dip, or some raisins, or some cappucino pudding, or just a plain cup of coffee.

  4. you've got a great point secondtube....

    last night i was listening to some music, and for the first time in a long while i was listening to some older cd's that i knew had been either flac's or shn's....i couldn't believe how much better the music sounded. i've been using my ipod as a primary music source for awhile...and i always had this complaint that things were too quiet. didn't sound as crystal as i seemed to remember things sounding. was listening to phish, 12 31 93, the last disc of the show, and it just blew me away. the clarity, the volume, not sure if it was a matrix or an audience source, but there was a loud crowd and it sounded GREAT.

    i've gotten off the lossless wagon lately, and i think i'm going to hop back on!

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