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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. I could not freakin believe that Sari had never has thanksgiving dinner before so I packed her up and brought her to my mum's house with me Sunday night. My mum set down what I think was the highest pile of food on a plate she'd ever seen and I can't believe she managed to pack it all away. We watched some boring mum television. I love families that consider watching television quality time. Being near Grimsby we considered going to the show in St. Kitts, but were far too stuffed and had the dog with us. Oh a funny siblingish story, my old cat who is now my mum's cat and 3 lbs heavier than my dog actually attacked darius for the first time ever and for no reason at all. I wish i'd seen the moment of contact but seeing the ambush from around the corner was funny enough for me. Smallest thanksgiving dinner ever, my mum, me and sari.

    We had some friends over Monday and started cooking at 2. My suggestion for an easy turkey, buy breasts. (no jokes please) Way easier to cook and no yucky left over mess. Although, sadly, no wishbone. oh, and whole foods has yummy sausages. this year, i'm thankful for everything, every stupid little moment of my most significant little life, but i think most of all I'm thankful for optimism :)

  2. I believe PP said this somewhere else already but "wipe that face off your head bitch!" hahaha i love parker posey.....hmmm pp....pp....coincidence?

    in the original text the oh so controversial (gross!) after mentruation is missing, which leads me to the question, did you insert it Rob?

    "Lick me! All of you!!" - Parker Posey in Dazed and Confused

  3. ok seriously, i don't know if another election is the best thing in the world right now, but that throne speech was a joke.

    National daycare? please, there are so many more important things for our money to be going to. What the liberals are doing right now both federally and provincially here in Ontario is pathetic. Shame.

    Red tories, blue liberals....where the fu©k is my purple party?

  4. country you're with us, don't worry about the room.

    If there could be a list of names the rooms are booked under it would probably do best to call the specific location in montreal (long distance be damned) and let them know NOW to book us all on the same floor. it's hard to reshuffle people when they're not with our crew and already checked into the room . all it takes is 1 person to be on that floor to mess it up.

    if someone wants to furnish me with said list i'm happy to call and arrange it all.

  5. hey jay, thanks so much for bring a great bill here this weekend, i'm really looking forward to the show. i'll be sure to pick up an advanced ticket this week.

    can i say how bummed i am that this is at the horseshoe? this is the worst possible venue i could think of for this show. specially with the packed house there was last week with xavier. i did not feel safe in that venue with that many people there. flashbacks of those people burning alive in whatever club that was in the US last year were definitely happening. and forget about getting drinks, the apprehension of the fight through the crowd was stronger than the desire for beer or any liquid to soothe my strepp throat.

    anyways, i'm sure the show will be a good time, whether i have all the room in the world to dance, or i'm pressed up close to all my friends.

  6. Country, you've got your crash space. i think Sari's getting a free room in montreal with her air miles or some points or something. We are both looking for a heady ride, my car willl probably die somewhere near kingston if i try to make the trek. Can we hook something up? I'm more than happy to pay for your Toronto ticket when we order ours.

    So here's what's up for offer

    1 toronto crash space, 1 montreal crash space, 1 toronto ticket for a ride to hamilton and montreal. we can figure out how to get back to toronto from the furthest point west you can get us, or maybe from montreal, we'll see what happens.

  7. Hmmm well, there will be a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE afterparty here. (does anyone else listen to buffalo radio and hear that car commercial?) So yes, Sari and I were super impressed with how awesome everyone was while they were here. It's really nice to invite people 40-50 into your home and have everything work out great. We had 13 people sleep here i think and there was still more floor room.

    So Brad, you're more than welcome to come party and/or crash here with Sari and I. We're 2 blocks from the Elmo on the same street. If you want a room, there's a quality inn at huron and bloor. there are some bed and breakfast places on spadina near dupont too.

  8. I second that motion!

    Holy jesus farting christ! Mr. Something Something blew my mind last night. I've seen them before, but last night was by far much better. Thank you for playing such a long set guys. I had a good time up in K-town. Thanks so much for the hospitality QQC, schwa & thorg, the late night swim was especially fun. Tigger it was good to chat with you buddy. See all you kids soon!

  9. Sounds like he may have used up all his energy in Toronto. The Horseshoe was PACKED (think way worse than the BNB reunion show) and you could barely move. There was definitely a very high energy level there from the crowd and you could tell that he was picking up from it, even though we in the crowd could do nothing more than bob our heads it was so packed. Xavier commented on it a few times. He told us he'd just got back from a week long surfing holiday in Mexico and he wasn't used to using his "playing muscles" maybe he was just a bit sore and tired for your show Ottawa.

    I started maybe 6 rows back, but finished out the show 2nd row. There were a few "enthusiastic females" in the front row here too. I heard a few Aussies talking throughout the night and I heard 5+ different people talk about how akin the music was to Paul Simon's Graceland. I'm not good on the track titles, but he played his entire Buffalo set -1 or 2 songs, and a few new ones as well. His stories were interesting for the most part and he spoke of how he felt a special connection with Canada.

    I heard some guy talking to his chick friend about how the bass parts for most of the songs were pre-recorded midi tracks that the guitar tuner guy set up for him. I turned around to correct this HUGE error, and a member of Xavier's entourage quickly came to my rescue (the guy didn't believe me, he "worked in music") and said Xavier would be disgusted to hear this guy spewing this crap like he new what he was talking about. It's 100% real live sound.

    I agree with everyone that his mellower stuff definitely brings you down off the high energy you get from his faster songs. He spread them out though, so it wasn't so bad, and most of the mellower songs were pretty short. We only got one of the box songs (incidentally, he told us how he got that box in Toronto). We also got an encore, 4 or 5 quick songs. The total length of the set was around 2+ hours. I really wish he would play out some of his more upbeat songs, i mean at least past the 5 minute mark. But I really can't complain, it's great music. Put a big smile on my face after a hard day.

  10. you should all check out lewis black's hbo comedy special it's playing on TMN right now. i've been able to download other HBO specials in mp3 form from the net, so go look for it. i swear you won't regret it. i watched the first bit of it and thought, how can this guy be so angry? when i was finished i said "because we're surrounded by idiots!" the man understands my frustrations.

    canadians = apathetic

    good politics = passion

    completely opposite ends of the spectrum

    edited to add : personally i really value civic duty and fulfilling the civil responsibility each of us has. We should all be interested in how our communities are run, and how we as canadians interact with the world. unfortunately most people don't realize the effects that they're actions have (good or bad really)

  11. fu©k cleary, go on an "errand" grab the hummer and head over for a beer. you can do it.

    nero played an all request show last night, it was a good show. jay was hittin those drums nice and hard, the boys were sounding tight and i was dancin. wish there was a better turnout, but on the other hand, it was an intimate show with 60-70% friends in a smallish bar, which was good. I'll post my pics for the entire weekend Sunday!

  12. I'm not sure if i can describe why i like the slip's music so much withough sounding like either a) a new age freak or B) a bumbling idiot. but I'll try.

    I didn't get the slip at all. Del played them all the time and I was like "this again?" I thought they were good musicians, just didn't get it. what the hell were all these people going on and on about. Even Del went through this phase.

    Then I went to the montreal show in may. I don't know what it was but from the moment i opened the doors from the foyer and saw these 3 guys silhoutted in blue lights, heard this beginning of set bumbling that was like a pulse building, it was magical. i quickly got a beer and got as close as i could. it was like the band was this vortex pulling all the energy from the room into it and transforming it into this beautiful music and we the audience would feed off of it (this energy) that was coming back to us, and the circle would continue.

    Now when i listen to them at home from live shows, I can feel this energy again. Now, i studied piano for a long time. I've listened to 1000's of hours of music in my lifetime. And usually listening to music just isn't enough to satisfy my senses. i need more sensory input, i'll watch tv, read or do computer stuff, something, anything! I never, ever, just sit and listen to music. one day i was reading this book that i was really into. I couldn't wait to get home and read it. I got home, got a beer, turned on the slip and started to read my book. then i stopped. i continued to sit there and listen to the music playing for oh, 45 mins before i realized what i was doing. That was when i knew for sure that there was something very special with that music for me. Not since hearing recordings of music i've performed myself have i been so encapsulated by what i'm listening to.

    So, I'm glad everyone is willing to give them another chance. I suggest you go in, get as close as you can, and let down the barriers you keep up around your soul. Just feel the music and the energy around you, you'll feel the joy.

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