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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. on the re-occuring dream thing and while i'm feeling chatty - ever since my dad died 6 years ago i've had this dream off and on, minimum once every coupla months sometimes everynight. anyways i'm laying in my childhood bedroom, but with someone elses furniture, and this crazy scare you shitless monster comes in through the firescape and starts chasing me through the apt, down the stairs through the hallway down the stairs (there were 16 floors in this building). I've recently realized that this monster is my childhood imaginery friend Abee-loo-bee-loo. He was this monster that I befriended and turned into a nice creature at age 5. I got rid of him by throwing him down the garbage chute. So right at the moment that the once tamed but now snarling crazy monster is about to get me, my father appears on the floor above us and calls to distract the monster. And of course i watch this thing kill my dad while i'm screaming for it to leave him alone and come get me.

    This dream has become more detailed over time. at first i didn't know what/who the monster was, i'd never get quite so far away as i do now, each time getting farther before my father saves me. I keep getting these clues that are slowly (6 freakin years!) unraveling themselves into something understandable. I feel like Nancy Drew solving the mystery of the repetative nightmare with this thing seriously.

  2. mark another one down for lake monsters. my heart stopped beating a few times at come together while swimming. i manage to avoid lakes, but i LOVE swimming.

    I've boiled most of my fears in life into a fear of making a mistake, the wrong decision or choice. Literally every fear i have can be boiled down to this point. Then i asked myself, why am i afraid to make a mistake, can't i pick up the pieces and move on? Do I trust myself to be able to fix anything I break? Well, while self-reliance is an issue with me, I'm working on it and as I work harder and get better at it, i trust myself more to be able to fix it, and fear all my fears a little bit less. Everyday I move ahead 1 critical inch towards my goals, I may not know exactly what they are (like some of you) but i still know i'm getting there and making (hopefully) the most out of the time i have to prepare for these events.

  3. why'd your tranny go after so few k's? that's really good mileage for a car that old. if it's got a good body fix er up. if not, well scrap 'er, she won't be worth much more than that.

    old cars suck. i'm got an 89 buick lesabre that's got 169 000 k's. good ol' car. i put about 600-800 into her every 4 or 5 months. basically it's like car payments, but it's unexpected and usually poorly timed, and all at once. but what can you do? gots ta get around.

    disclaimer: i'm a girl that can't change a flat tire so beware of my advice :)

  4. yeah i thought about mentioning the environmental stuff, but figured if i did i'd be almost quoting the piece verbatim. i thought i'd leave a few details out, to be able to tell who really watched it, you know, like how the po-lice do it with the serial killers...

    sari and i thought the same thing about that boy...boob, but you can't hold it against the guy, i mean he is on canadian television.

  5. not sure about diesel dog, but nero and contact are playin in toronto on Saturday night at the 360. so very very excited, 2 great bands in a decent venue woooooo!

    edit'd to add: didn't mean to steal your thunder on this one kc, i'll be rockin it in the hammer on friday night too!

  6. I was flippin throught the channels and saw this. It was an alright little clip. Surprised there were only 3 bands showcased in the bit though. JSB, The Trews, and Spearhead had little clips, Craig talked a bit. Jay cleary was on for quite awhile and I even saw Yo's van and purehemp license plate.

  7. wow marco that's a lot of protein and man love goin on there. loves it. I have a one disc changer and i've been listening to the slip, 08.27.04 disc 1 over and over. then i put on the slip 05.27.04 disc 1 and listen to it. oh, also trachenberg family slideshow players. and ooof course nero, it's been a lot of zedonk lately.

  8. Hux you're awesome.

    To be honest, Chretien embarassed me more than anything else. He certainly isn't the face, voice, attitude or personality I wanted representing Canada. I can't say any of the other options are my first choice either, but Chretien was pretty much near the bottom. Some of the things the guy did were good, some were bad, I'm not going to get into details, there were 12 years, but overall I think we declined as a country while under his leadership.

  9. i was once in a house that had a coffin for a coffee table, no lid, just a piece of glass. They had another one that was standing, again with no lid and had placed shelves in it. I was a kid at the time and remember practically latching onto my father from the moment i set foot in that house. The coffins were those european dracula-esque ones that you were talking about todd...if you really want one, i'm sure you can get one.

  10. i'll take the time to be all serious and say, all of you are over 18 (i think) and it's a good idea to have a will....and include your epitaph in it. That way you get what you want, not what your mom thought you'd like.

  11. As the daughter of an audiophile who owned his own classical audio store, i find this article really interesting. Thanks for posting it Paisley.

    I definitely think that tube amps/tuners produce a more pleasing sound. I'm sure that this arguement could go on forever, just like the vinyl vs compact disc arguement will. And i also agree with this guy in that the best, newest technology really does point out the imperfections in the recording. I say this as I look over at my bookcase packed full of live recordings. This store owner has hit it on the head, pairing new speakers with old amplifiers still produces the rich warm tones, with enough clarity to please the picky listener perfectly (IMO). This would be my choice of a setup for digital playback. Oh man, I miss my stereo....damn small apartments and big speakers...damn them all to hell!!!

  12. k i should read ALL the posts before i reply...

    babsy - whipe one of those bads off your list. That was my fruite and it's ok that you drank it. i never did get to the baby sized bottle of peach schnappes i planned to nurse all sunday night.

    hey gator....now do you see the benefits of me stealing your pipe all those times? you get it back! and i really don't have it this time.

  13. steve your bong got destroyed? that sucks! i thought after it survived the fall of rob it was indestructable

    sorry to hear that man. she was perty.

    i found that at this come together no matter what i left i found it again, money, alcohol, party favours, clothes, etc. hopefully that's a better explanation to the story than malicious intent.

  14. yeeeees!!

    I haven't seen you in such a long time! I cant wait to party with you again Karin! Have you been to the new grounds for the fest? bring your swimsuit. I think i'm going to piddle i'm so excited about this weekend.

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