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Tungsten Gruvsten

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Posts posted by Tungsten Gruvsten

  1. get a frozen icepack - cover it in saran wrap and set it on the molasses spill. In 5 mins it will harden a bit and you can use a scraper of sorts to get the worst of it off. Then you can spray what's left with a cleaner/degreaser and let it sit for 5 min, wipe it off and there ya go!

    ...wait a minute...yer leaving your place right? fuckit! put a doily on it.

  2. A good related read is The Invisible Landscape by brothers(and ethnopharmacologists) Dennis and Terrence McKenna...back in the 'pschedelic daze' I used to be a huge Terrence McKenna fan and saw his lectures a couple of times and followed all of his work(unfortunately this meant listening to the techno act 'the Shaman' as well) This book touches on Novelty theory and and a certain sequence of the I-Ching....a very cool mathematical graph (Timewave Zero) plotting positive and negative novelty as it corresponds to historical events throughout time has it's points cross the Zero line at only one point - which is the end of the Mayan calendar...

    There is a blurb on the 2012 wikipedia page about it:


    This is the book -


  3. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes..uh, and creepy picture. Jeebus.

    Wish my weekend of screwing and banging had way less metaphor and innuendo(in your end-o!) but now that i'm all growed up I can take it (ladies: I can also give it)

    Cheers and hope to see a bunch of you next weekend! I promise the only power tools I'll use are my jaw muscles...

  4. oh god I wish I had video of my wisdom teeth coming out - I was a fuggin' mess of awesomeness - I remember the doctor counting down and saying 'in a minute you will start to feel...' and while he was going for 'sleepy' I said 'goooooood....' and I was out

    When I came to I was smiling and hitting on the nurse, they asked me if I was ok and I started singing and tried to stand up - fell over and started laughing - both my parents where there(I was 24ish and they were driving me home) and they were laughing there asses off as they took my arms and carried me down the hall still singing....something tells me if they saw me doing the same thing at 3am at an afterparty they wouldn't have done the same...hehehe

    fuck ya wish I could grow more so I could have them yanked again! Sure as hell wasn't Novocaine - the bill for the 'drugs' part of the operation was $450!! Thank god my student-part time job at the grocery store was a union one...

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